* Using Laravel Framework to implement **MVC Structure**(Model, View, Controller)
and develop a wep application.
* We use **Laravel Breeze** to implement functions and views of User Authentication
Backend: php 8.2.0(Laravel 10 Framework)
Frontend: Tailwind CSS + HTML + JavaScript, using Vite as building tool
Database: MySql
Package Manager: npm
Dependency Manager: Composer
node.js(LTS)(v18.14.1)& npm(v9.3.1):
(for Windows) (for MacOS)
you can check if it's installed successfully by enter>
node -v
in the command line
XAMPP(8.2.0) portable: Ref Article in Chinese
(for Windows) (for MacOS)
If you encoutered error msg when quitting the control panel, delete the "xampp-control.ini" file in your xampp folder, and restart "xampp-control.exe", it should work!
Composer: (requires PHP 5.3.2+ version)
(for MacOS) if you use ios please refer to this article
(for Windows)
You don't have to check any of the check boxes during installation ! When you see the following screen, choose the "php.exe" file in your xampp path that you just downloaded (this is just an example image, the path may differ in your device)
composer(or composer -v)
in your command line to see if it's installed successfully! (you can see the following screen if it's okay to use)
There are some folder that are used more commonly, which are
More Info in Official Documentation (Press Me)
Reminder : Open your php/php.ini file and remove the semicolon(;) before this three lines
and then you can run these commmand in your command line ↓
- composer install #install all the dependencies into the vendor folder automactically, you couldn't open the serve without this step
- npm install #install node modules
- npm run build
- copy .env.example .env #copy the .env file
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate #migrate all tables with no data
- php artisan db:seed
Last but not the least, if you need to use email verify function, you have to setup your own stmp settings
We use Tailwind CSS (currently v3.3.2) as our CSS framework
Tailwind CSS official website