# Game Overview :::info A tabletop edition of Touhou Hisoutensoku ::: # Game target - Reduce the opponent's health to 0 # Game Setup - set health to 20 - choose skill - all skill have 2 version, choose one to use - 236,623,214,421 - take all chosen cards in hand - set aside rest card, it won't be use in this game - gain 5 spirits - Place both players at the ground of the near ends of the board (Slot 2). - Randomly determine who goes first(take the initiative token), the other player gains 3HP additionally. # Card detail ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1jeR_exC.png =50%x)![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJzgWteeA.png =50%x) 1. attack range - green is where you stand - red is where you can attack ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJFPZFlgA.png =50%x) - when bullet move, push token to next slot - when leave the last slot, discard the card ![time_line](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk3nZtxlR.png =30%x) - yellow line is the special line # Game phase ## round ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hk6BNLeeC.png =80%x) ## attack resolution ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJm4gUxxR.png =20%x) ## turn order (Calculate Priority) - Whoever is earlier on the timeline take turns - If both are on the same slot - Proceed to simultaneous action phase. ## time flow - when both player pass the special line at time line - gain 1 sprit - all bullet card move 1 time - all player not in ground move down 1 ## turn phase ### Card-playing Phase - Play a card face-up #### Simultaneous Action - Both players play a card face down ### Time adjustment (Cast time) - pay the cost of card - Move timeline to corresponding time - Current time + cast time #### Simultaneous Action - flip the card up and adjust time individually ### Effect Resolution - Trigger chosen effects. - Discard the played card into the discard pile #### Simultaneous Action - Resolve effects from highest to lowest cancellation level. - If cancellation levels are the same, - The player with the initiative token can pass it to the opponent, and act first - Otherwise, the other player acts first. ### Cancellation Phase - Play a card with a higher cancellation level - Proceed to the next card-playing phase - will not replenishment(draw cards) #### Simultaneous Action - The player with the initiative token decides whether to cancel, then the other player desides - Cancel: play a card face down. - Doesn't cancel: Proceed directly to one's own timing adjustment phase. ### Time adjustment (recovering time) - Move timeline to corresponding time - Current time + recovering time #### Simultaneous Action - adjust time individually ### Replenishment Phase - Return all cards from the discard pile to hand ## attack resolution - if a physics attack is in resolution - enter hit phase - if a bullet and opponets in same block - enter block phase ### hit Phase - desides wheather the physics attack card hit opponents or not - Yes : enter Defense Phase - No : gain extra recovering time +1 ### defense Phase - if Defense player doesn't have card in played - Defense player can play one defense card ### Damaged Phase - if opponent play a defense card - block phase - else - if opponent doesn't have card in played - normal attack phase - else if opponent have card in played - Conter attack phase #### block phase - opponet - Move timeline to attacker's current time + (hitlag - 1). - if is a bullet attack - reduse 1 sprit #### normal attack phase - opponet - Reduce health. - Move timeline to current time + hitlag. #### conter attack phase - opponent - Reduce health and gain extra health punishiment (-1HP) - Move timeline to current time + (hitlag + 1) - discard the played card - attacker - gain 1 sprit # Effect ## move/dash - can move blocks equals to the value(Cannot move diagonally) - Under dash state, can discards bullet and corresponding cards passed through during movement - Cannot pass through opponents. ## Defense - can play only in defense phase - have defense effect ## Physical Attack - cast a physical attack - enter hit phase ## Bullet Attack - cast a bullet - take a set of token on one the player block on board, one on the card - chose a direction ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk-kA8elC.png =20%x) - move when both player pass the special line on time line - when bullet and oppnent in same block - hit, enter block phase # Tag - ground only - can only cast when player is on ground - damage : - the following effect will only act when enter normal/conter attack phase - Parry: - only activate when recive physical attack at the following time - when activated - opponent can not defense this attack - knoback X - move opponent X block away (in same row) - when hit sides and still have more blocks need to move - stop moving and deal 1 more damage - straight move X - when bullet move - move X along the arrow - trace X - when bullet move - move X block close to the opponent - Immune - damage reduce to 0 - move forward X - move X block close to the opponent at the ground