# SrLabs Calls ## Week: 18 June 2019 w: Fred, Kirill, Nicole ## Parity Update - Networking work is at a solid place. No major flaws. Currently in the refactoring phase. - LibP2p has you open substreams, has two protocols: i) discovery protocol ii) pinging protocol - Going forward, we want to break it up more, i.e. syncing is one sub protocol - Consensus work: Babe and Grandpa are both implemented. Have been run on Testnets **Ask to SrLabs: spend most of your time on the Runtime work** - Find bugs that break the system. - The different modules have varying levels of stability - All the Docs should be up to date Fred: to provide a list of modules with stage of development, i.e. whether it’s stable (e.g. Balances) or not. ## Which Branch & Version - Focus on Master branch - Fred to follow up later with the particular commit that SrLbs should focus on. - SrLabs will do some fuzzing of our networking layer - Check out lighthouse project, they fuzz libp2p ## Questions from SrLabs - What are the ext_ functions? Are they for off-chain http calls? - Parachain security concern: Bad parachains can DOS the network. - Cap the execution time - Execute in a smaller consensus circle - Spree - Would be cool to see if we can find any sandbox escape tricks? ## Organization of the project - Touch points: have a weekly sync up. Kirill can join every one.