

  • There is nothing harder than joining a DAO.
  • There is nothing more rewarding than joining a DAO
  • Don't want to only look within themselves to find these resources.
  • Cultures that create free and indpeendt individuals

User questions

  • Do I belong here? (even those who are qualified)
  • How do I join DAOs. Where do we go what is the process? WHo wants me to do what?

During Raid Guild's adventures in onboarding we've noticed that it can be difficult for new members for a number of reasons.

When someone arrives fresh on a Discord server, sometimes there aren't many clear pathways to progress through, leading to difficulty, loneliness and uncertainty.

DAOs need a way to asynchronously onboard new users. Tavern Keeper is here to help.

General story

We love DAOs, but when you're new they're hard.

Our goal is to make Raid Guild the most fun place to onboard in web3.

Tavern Keeper immerses new Discord users in a fantasy role playing adventure, leading them through onboarding quests, tracks their onbaording progress and gives them a sense of identity based on their skills.

He does this by:

  • Allowing new members to select quests using emoji reactions, and progress through a conversation
  • Enabling users to choose roles which mint custom NFT avatars
  • Minting POAPs as new users progress along the conversation.

ZUroa tips

If it’s not clear by now, successful sales decks follow the same narrative structure as epic films and fairy tales. Your prospect is Luke, and you’re Obi Wan, furnishing a lightsaber to help him defeat the Empire. Your prospect is Frodo, and you’re Gandalf, wielding wizardry to help him destroy the ring. Your prospect is Cinderella, and you’re the fairy godmother, casting spells to get her to the ball.When you introduce your product or service, do so by positioning its capabilities like the lightsaber, wizardry and spells—as “magic gifts” for helping your main character (prospect) reach that much-desired Promised Land

  • Hospitaltity: friendly wink.
  • Knowledge: "He's one of them rangers" That strider has been sitting there all night. He's knows the right people in the places. He knows the way.


  1. Capture attention from the first sentence. People judge a book by its cover. (Storytelling)
  2. Build authority as a brand (Raid Guild)
  3. Introduce functionality and value first then product. Add some secrets - people loves secrets
  4. Show the limitations of competition and share why we are unique (Design, functionality)
  5. Make the problem very specific (the first 10 seconds someone joins a new discord server)
  6. Focus on truly happy users, their intimate needs (Creating pathways and identities for new members)
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