owned this note changed 3 years ago
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Suggestions for Zarr Community

  • Tutorials page on the homepage (zarr.dev/tutorials)
  • Overview of the implementations and their supported features on the homepage (v2/3, storage backends, …) (Jonathan Striebel)
  • Overview of software with zarr support such as viewers on the homepage (Jonathan Striebel)
  • Miniconf for Zarr: Talks about how projects use Zarr, new features in Zarr implementations (Norman Rzepka)
  • Tutorial-Sessions: How to use Zarr in X (X a language that has a Zarr library) in your next project (Norman Rzepka)
  • (Virtual) Hackathon: Work on cool demos for Zarr, implement new features for an implementation (good opportunity for new contributors) (Norman Rzepka)
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