COSCUP 社群合作準則

Latest updated: Mar 11 2025

(English Below)

COSCUP 是以社群為主體的活動。為使所有參與社群夥伴獲得良好體驗並順利推動籌辦工作,我們匯集過往經驗,訂定本篇合作準則,敬請參與社群參考。申辦加入本年度大會,即視同貴社群已瞭解並願意基於本年度的合作準則共同協作。


  • 會中所有活動、文宣及贈品應與推廣開放文化、開源技術以及申辦主題相關。若有意進行商業或其他活動,請選擇贊助參與方案。
  • 個資保護:敬請社群夥伴在收集講者、會眾、志工等 COSCUP 與會者個人資料時,妥善保護與處理個人資料,並將其使用限定於辦理大會相關業務,不得挪作其他用途。若社群與 COSCUP 與會者之間發生個資相關爭議,社群須負擔相應責任。
  • 行為守則:為營造尊重與友善的活動環境,COSCUP 要求所有參與夥伴遵守行為守則 Code of Conduct。在籌備過程及邀請社群協作夥伴時,務必讓其知悉。優質、舒適且包容的環境,需要大家共同維護。過往或活動期間若有違反 CoC 的社群或個人,COSCUP 有權終止合作關係。
  • 如有爭議,將由大會裁決。倘若違反合作準則,將影響貴社群未來申請 COSCUP 活動的資格。


  • 為確保良好的參與體驗與籌辦品質,請務必遵循共同 milestone 與 due day。2025 相關時程請見 公告
  • 在 COSCUP 舉辦之活動應開放所有會眾參與,不應額外限定參與身份。如有特殊需求,請先與議程組聯繫討論。
  • 共同徵稿
    • 在議程管理系統(Pretalx)中,請僅調整所屬議程軌資料,避免影響其他人。
    • 在未與其他議程軌負責人協調前,請勿擅自轉移提案。如有需求,請先與議程組討論。
    • 敬請尊重所有投稿者。無論錄取、備取或拒絕,請於第一時間通知貴社群的決定,並確保在 due day 前通知所有提案者最終結果。
  • 海外講者入境
    • 大會鼓勵邀請海外講者來台參與,若講者需辦理簽證,大會可提供邀請函協助申請。
    • 部分國家/地區申請簽證需時較長,建議提前溝通與協助(如提早通知錄取、提醒確認簽證需求等)。


  • 攤位佈置應遵守攤位規格書(會前另行提供),避免影響公共安全、通行自由及其他攤位。


COSCUP 作為免費開放參與的活動,無法如其他商業會議投入行銷預算宣傳,因此需要所有社群夥伴共同推廣,讓更多人透過這個平台認識開源文化及社群。

  • 大會負責事項

    • 大會將在官方網站刊登各社群軌、社群攤位及主辦社群資訊。
    • 大會將透過多種管道曝光議程、攤位、講者等資訊,但因參與者眾多,將盡力而為,無法保證所有項目皆能獲得曝光。
    • 大會可協助合作社群發佈宣傳貼文。貼文內容應與 COSCUP 內舉辦的活動亮點相關,例如特別值得宣傳的講者或攤位活動。議程組將盡力協調於大會頻道發佈,但由於參與社群眾多,頻道資源有限,無法保證能即時排程發出。
  • 社群負責事項

    • 社群軌/攤位宣傳:社群應自行宣傳所申辦的議程軌或攤位。大會鼓勵多元曝光方式,例如自架活動網站、於活動平台登記(如 KKTIX、ACCUPASS PASS)或透過其他媒體宣傳。請於相關頁面聯名標註 COSCUP,例如「RubyConf@COSCUP2025」、「COODFA(農業開放資料社群)亂入亞洲最大的開源人盛事 COSCUP(開源人年會)」等形式。
    • 共通資訊曝光:除了各社群的議程與攤位資訊,大會將請各社群於主要頻道協助發布重要及共通資訊,例如徵稿公告、議程表公布、攤位資訊等。大會理解各社群的媒體資源有限,因此此項目僅限於必要公告。

除上述約定項目歡迎各社群於社群媒體轉貼分享 COSCUP 相關資訊,共同提升活動曝光度。


  • 您可自行安排現場紀錄,例如講者拍照、攤位紀錄等。
  • 大會將安排簡易議程錄影(包含講者麥克風錄音及投影片錄影),錄影作業需仰賴社群投入人力共同完成:
    • 會中
      • 請社群協助確保講廳內的錄影器材持續運作,並正確錄製影片。
    • 會後
      • 請您依大會規範進行影片剪輯(大會將提供剪輯指南)。
      • 若大會提供的錄影無法滿足需求,您可自行錄影,並交由大會協助上架。


  • 舉辦大會所需費用仰賴贊助。為回饋贊助者,大會將在官網、現場等處隨機曝光贊助者資訊。
  • 為確保大會的非營利性、公平性及所有贊助者的權益,禁止社群私自接受額外贊助或提供商業曝光。如有額外贊助意願,請第一時間與大會聯絡討論。


  • 無法保證會場網路穩定可用,若有需求請自行安排。
  • 若因議程需求調整場地配置,請於議程結束後協助場地復原。
  • 儘管疫情趨緩,仍請社群夥伴注意議程教室的額滿狀況。若場地已滿座,建議減少站立人數,以降低擁擠並保障與會者安全。
  • 大會議程表、官網及宣傳內容將同步提供英文版本供海外參與者參考。如未提供英文簡介或資訊,大會保留翻譯權利。
  • 大會將透過您提供的社群聯絡方式,通知或邀請未來合作機會。


COSCUP 期許成為開放參與的活動。如對本準則有任何疑問或建議,歡迎公開發起討論或來信至

COSCUP Community Partnering Guidelines

COSCUP is an event centered around the community. To ensure all participating communities have a great experience and successfully contribute to the event's organization, we have compiled past experiences to establish these collaboration guidelines. Communities participating in this year’s event are expected to review and adhere to these guidelines. By applying to join this year’s conference, your community acknowledges and agrees to collaborate based on these guidelines.

General Principles

  • All activities, promotional materials, and giveaways should be related to the promotion of open culture, open-source technologies, and the event’s theme. If you intend to engage in commercial or other activities, please opt for a sponsorship participation package.
  • Personal Data Protection: Communities collecting personal data from COSCUP participants, including speakers, attendees, and volunteers, must properly protect and handle this information. The data should only be used for conference-related purposes and not for any other activities. If any disputes arise regarding personal data between the community and COSCUP participants, the community will bear the relevant responsibility.
  • Code of Conduct: To foster a respectful and friendly event environment, COSCUP requires all participating partners to comply with the Code of Conduct. Please ensure that all collaborators are aware of these rules. A high-quality, comfortable, and inclusive environment requires collective effort. Communities or individuals that have previously violated or violate the CoC during the event may have their collaboration with COSCUP terminated.
  • In case of disputes, COSCUP will make the final decision. Violating these guidelines may impact your community’s eligibility to apply for future COSCUP events.

Guidelines for Community Tracks

  • To ensure a quality participation experience and smooth organization, communities must adhere to common milestones and deadlines. The schedule for 2025 is available in the announcement.
  • Activities held at COSCUP must be open to all attendees and should not impose additional participation restrictions. If there are special requirements, please discuss them with the program committee in advance.
  • Joint Call for Proposals (CFP)
    • In the session management system (Pretalx), please only modify details related to your track and avoid affecting others.
    • Do not transfer proposals between tracks without prior coordination with the respective track organizers. If needed, consult the program committee.
    • Please respect all proposal submitters. Regardless of acceptance, waitlist, or rejection, notify applicants of your decision as soon as possible and ensure that all submitters are informed of the final results before the deadline.
  • Speaker Visa
    • As one of the largest open-source gatherings in Asia, COSCUP welcomes speakers from around the world. If a speaker requires a visa, COSCUP can provide an invitation letter to support the visa application.
    • Visa applications for some countries/regions may take longer. It is recommended to communicate early and assist with the process (e.g., notifying speakers of acceptance in advance and reminding them to confirm visa requirements).

Guidelines for Community Booths

  • Booth setups must comply with the booth specifications (to be provided before the event) to ensure public safety, free passage, and fair access for all booths.

Joint Event Promotion

As a free and open event, COSCUP does not have a marketing budget like commercial conferences. Therefore, we rely on all community partners to help promote the event and raise awareness about open-source culture and communities through this platform.

  • Responsibilities of COSCUP

    • COSCUP will publish community tracks, booths, and organizing communities on the official website.
    • COSCUP will promote sessions, booths, and speakers through various channels. However, due to the large number of participants, we will do our best but cannot guarantee exposure for all activities.
    • COSCUP can assist community partners in publishing promotional posts. These posts should highlight key aspects of their participation in COSCUP, such as notable speakers or booth activities. The program committee will coordinate scheduling on COSCUP’s channels, but due to high demand and limited resources, immediate scheduling cannot be guaranteed.
  • Responsibilities of Communities

    • Community Track/Booth Promotion: Communities should promote their own tracks or booths. COSCUP encourages diverse exposure methods, such as setting up independent event websites, registering on event platforms (e.g.,, Eventbrite), or using other media channels. Please co-brand your event with COSCUP on the landing page, for example:
      • “RubyConf@COSCUP2025”
      • “KCD Taiwan with COSCUP2025”
    • Key Event Information Promotion: COSCUP will ask communities to help share key announcements of the event on their main channels, such as CFP or session schedules announcement. We understand that your social media bandwidith is limited, so these requests will be limited to essential onces.

Beyond the listed items, communities are welcome to share any event related information on their social media to collectively enhance event exposure.

On-Site Documentation

  • You may arrange your own documentation, such as speaker photos and recordings.
  • COSCUP will setup basic session recordings, including speaker microphone audio and slide recordings. Community should also involve in this process:
    • During the Event
      • Communities should help ensure that recording equipment in communtiy rooms is functioning properly.
    • After the Event
      • Communities should edit session videos for their own track (Guildeline will be provided).


  • The event relies on sponsorship to cover its costs. COSCUP will provide sponsors with random exposure on the website and at the venue.
  • To ensure the non-profit nature, fairness, and equal treatment of all sponsors, communities are not allowed to accept additional sponsorships or offer commercial exposure privately. If you receive sponsorship opportunities, please contact COSCUP as soon as possible to discuss.


  • Network availability at the venue is not guaranteed. If necessary, please arrange for your own connectivity.
  • Please restore the community room setup after your session ends.
  • You should monitor the room capacity. If a room is full, reduce the number of standing attendees to avoid overcrowding and ensure attendee safety.
  • COSCUP may contact you using the provided contact information for future collaboration opportunities.

Questions and Suggestions

COSCUP strives to be an open and inclusive event. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these guidelines, feel free to initiate a public discussion or contact us at

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