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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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OSM Membership Drive Campaign Comms Plan
OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers, GIS professionals, community builders, tech developers and engineers, trainers, etc that contribute their local knowledge and maintain open and free geospatial data all over the world.
As headlined in the OSMF website page, OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data and to providing geospatial data for anyone to use and share.
The OSMF values OSM contributors and the OSMF membership exists to provide an opportunity for dedicated contributors to have a voice on how the Foundation is run. Members of the Foundation are entitled to vote in the affairs of the Foundation. OSM contributors who want to influence the activities of the Foundation are welcome to join. In addition, OSMF Members can self-nominate or run for board (see requirements) as well as vote during the elections provided
As of 16 January 2024, there are a total of 1,929 members of OSMF. The regional distribution is as follows: see table in the OSM Wiki
In our aim to grow and diversify OSMF membership, there is an opportunity to grow membership in regions and countries where there are no or very few OSMF members.
Important Links
Draft posts / texts
Week 4: 1-7 April
2 April, Tuesday - why join OSMF?
Attachment posters: why join OSMF
Did you know? When you join the OSMF, you can:
–support the map
–vote for board members
–expand the diversity and impact of the #OSM mapping community.
Join ✍buff.ly/3VJfziW
Support our membership campaign 🚀 buff.ly/4azCT7k
#foss4g #gischat #opensource
3 April, Wednesday - why the campaign / Daniel Akors's testimonial
Attachment video: Daniel Akor's video about OSMF
📢Why #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀?🤔
Daniel Akor from OSM Nigeria provides a background what is #OSMF & its membership types, & encourages us to tackle geographical diversity in the #OSMF membership 🌍🌏🌎
Join now! ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
09 April, Tuesday - OSM Membership Campaign Webinar
Attachment poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1axKxYZKQe2UlfrwPu6-jyy6E_NElVyhr/view?usp=sharing
Why should YOU become an #OSMF member? 🤔 Join our webinar this Saturday, 12:00 UTC for a panel discussion on experiences 💬, opportunities 🚀, and bridging gaps in global representation 🌐.
Register now:use https://osmcal.org/event/2797/
#OpenStreetMap #foss4g #gischat #opensource
16 April, Tuesday - OSM blog
📍 New OSM blog post: THREE reasons to join the OpenStreetMap foundation in April: https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/04/11/three-great-reasons-to-join-the-osm-foundation-as-a-member/
#openstreetmap #foss4g #OSMFMembershipCampaign
17 April, Wednesday - Modo's testimonial
Attachment video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19T1Il1ka83VILLNd2EvJFbNQ6klgIBJj/view?usp=sharing
⁉️Why devriez vous devenir un membre de la Fondation #Openstreetmap?🤔
Engelbert Modo, jeune leader de #openstreetmap, partage son point de vue !
Rejoignez ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯 Soutenez notre campagne d'adhésion #OSMFM 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
⁉️Why should you become an #Openstreetmap Foundation member?🤔
#openstreetmap youth leader Engelbert Modo shares his perspective!
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯 Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
19 April, Friday - Why are we doing the #OSMFMembeshipCampaign 🚀? + Call to Action map inforgraphic
Attachment poster: Call to Action Map
1 month ago, we launched #OSMFMembershipCampaign that aims to grow and diversify #OSMF members in regions 🌍🌏🌎 where there are no or very few OSMF members! 📢
So what is the state of #openstreetmap membership? 🤔👇
[attached map]
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
#OpenStreetMap #foss4g #gischat #opensource
22 April, Monday - Emmanuel Alio's testimonial
Attachment poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18UD1P100UYJQuUQIAN0e9Fwe8gcs9_F-/view?usp=sharing
⁉️Why should you become an #Openstreetmap Foundation member?🤔
Emmanuel Alio Denis, OSM South Sudan contributor and refugee,
shares that OSM empowers him to make a difference to the world.
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
#foss4g #gischat #opensource
25 April, Thursday - Eka sharing her volunteer experience
Attachment Link:
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Eka Diweti/diary/403701
We're half way through our #OSMFMembershipCampaign!
Today, we recognize and celebrate Eka Diweti, OSM contributor from Fiji and Mapmakers Team Co-lead <3
Read Eka's diary on her experience with the volunteer team: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Eka Diweti/diary/403701
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
#foss4g #gischat #opensource
29 April, Monday - Charles' testimonial
Attachment poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X8sLTaWkpw1k-Ea_m26CQPD4R-_r6n4m/view?usp=sharing
⁉️Why should you become an #Openstreetmap Foundation member?🤔
Charler Chilufya, OSM community leader from Zambia, encourages the youth to bring their voices in OSMF!
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
#foss4g #gischat #opensource
May - to be added
June - to be added
July and closing - to be added
Hashtags (top 3 are most important)
Target postings
Posts so far
FAQs (if any)
What is this campaign all about and what is the OSMF?
Are we also trying to grow membership in all parts of the globe even though there are lots of members already in those countries/regions e.g. Europe and North America?
How do we monitor success and aims of this campaign? are there any metrics?
Previous Posts
Campaign Launch - 12 March
Attachment poster: 1_12March Campaign Launch
📢Calling all #OpenStreetMap contributors! 📢
We are excited to launch 🚀 the #OSMFMembershipCampaign 2024 that aims to grow and diversify #OSMF members in regions 🌍🌏🌎 where there are no or very few OSMF members!
🎯More details: https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
Campaign Launch week - 12-17 March
15 March, Friday
Attachment poster: 1_12March Campaign Launch
👂👀 Have you heard? 📢
We have launched 🚀 the #OSMFMembershipCampaign 2024!
Help us grow and diversify #OSMF members in regions 🌍🌏🌎 where there are no or very few OSMF members! You can support! 🎯 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
16 March, Saturday - About OSMF
Attachment poster: 2_16March About OSMF
🤔What is the #OpenStreetMap Foundation? 📢
OSMF supports @OpenStreetMap &is dedicated to grow and develop #foss4g data&community! 🗺️
🎯Would you like to help us grow 🌍🌏🌎 #OSMF members? 👉https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
#OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀
Week 2: 18-24 March
19 March, Tuesday - why join OSMF / Geoffrey's testimonial?
Attachment video: Geoffrey's testimonial and why join OSMF?
🤔Why should you join #Openstreetmap Foundation as a member?🤔
Geoffrey @kateregga1, @osmafrica coordinator and community builder, tell us why it is important to join as an #OSMF member!
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
21 March, Thursday - OSMF membership types
Attachment poster: 3_21March OSMF Membership types.png
🤩Interested to join as #openstreetmap foundation member but unclear which membership types to sign up?🤔
Check https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories 👀 to know more!
You can also join via the link above 😉⬆️
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉blog link TO BE ADDED
Week 3: 25-31 March
27 March - why join OSMF / Hopeful Bafamodei's written testimonial
Attachment poster: Hopeful Baramodei written testimonial
⁉️Why should you become an #Openstreetmap Foundation member?🤔
OSM Nigeria community leader Hopeful Bafamodei @HBafamodei48553 tell us why it is important for our quest in mapping the gender gap.
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Support our #OSMFMembershipCampaign 🚀👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/
28 March, Thursday - About OSMF / Nadaraj's video
Attachment video: Nadaraj's video about OSMF
📢What is the #OpenStreetMap Foundation again? 🤔
Nadaraj Saranya, OSM Sri Lanka community member and #OSMF members can answer your question!💡 🗺️
Join ✍️https://supporting.openstreetmap.org/#Membership-Categories
🎯Would you like to help us grow and diversify🌍🌏🌎 #OSMF members? 👉 https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/03/12/call-to-action-help-us-grow-and-diversify-osmf-membership/