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# NEP: high level data types and universal functions
Author: Stephan Hoyer
Status: Informational
## Introduction
This document outlines what NumPy needs to make it possible to write fully-featured data types from Python. We focus on universal functions, since these are NumPy's main abstration for data type dependent functionality.
This arose out of discussion at the NumPy developer meeting in Berkeley, California on November 30, 2018. Thanks to Eric Wieser, Matti Picus, Charles Harris, and Travis Oliphant for sharing their thoughts on parts of this proposal (did I miss anyone?).
### The dtype abstraction
Data types ("dtype") in NumPy idenfies the type of the data stored in arrays (e.g., float vs integer). The power of dtypes is that they allows for a clean separation (at least in principle) between shape and data dependent functionality:
1. "Shape functions" depend on the shapes of arrays, but are mostly agnostic to the underlying data. Examples: `concatenate`, `reshape`, indexing.
2. "Dtype functions" depend on the data type but are mostly agnostic to shapes. Many but not all such functions in NumPy are [universal functions](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html) ("ufuncs"). Examples: `add`, `sin`, `sum`.
NumPy up to 1.16 has poor support for custom dtypes. Defining dtype-dependent functionality requires writing inner loops in C, and even the C API is insufficiently flexible for many use cases (e.g., there is no support for functions that depend on metadata stored on dtypes).
### Types of dtypes
NumPy comes with many builtin dtypes, and there are also many [many usecases](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/Dtype-Brainstorming) for user-defined dtypes. These fall into several categories:
1. Low level "physical" dtypes written in C make use of NumPy's low-level machinery. Today this is the only sort of dtype that is possible to write. Examples: current NumPy dtypes, [quaternion](https://github.com/moble/quaternion), novel floating point types.
2. Low-level dtypes that need some mechanism for allocation/deallocation of memory associated with NumPy arrays, because they don't have fixed size elements. These dtypes need arrays of pointers, along with separate memory storage, i.e., similar to the existing object dtype, but manage memory themselves instead of deferring entirely to Python. Example use cases: variable width strings, polygons/shapes, ragged arrays, big integers.
3. High-level "logical" dtypes that could be defined by dtype written in Python that reuse fast operations written for low-level dtypes. Example use cases: physical units, datetimes, missing values (either using a sentinel value or a separate mask), categoricals/enumerations, encoded fixed-width text.
These are all valuable, but here we want to focus on category (3). We think this sort of dtype has the largest need, and would have the largest beneficial impact on the broader NumPy ecosystem.
This NEP intentionally does not address questions of how NumPy's low-level dtype machinery will need to be updated to make it possible to write high-level logical dtypes. These will be the subject another NEP.
### Why aren't duck arrays or subclasses enough?
"Duck arrays" are great and we should support them better in NumPy. See [NEP-18](http://www.numpy.org/neps/nep-0022-ndarray-duck-typing-overview.html) for an overview and discussion. Most functionality envisioned for dtypes could also be implemented by duck arrays, but duck arrays require a lot more work: you need to redefine all of the shape functions as well as the dtype functions.
Subclasses of NumPy arrays are widely used and, at least in principle, could satisfy the use-case of extending dtype-specific functions without rewriting shape-dependent functions. Unfortunately, subclasses are a little *too* flexible: it's easy to write a subclass that violates the [Liskov substitution principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle). NumPy itself includes several examples of `ndarray` subclasses that violate substitutabiltiy, either by changing shape semenatics (for `np.matrix`) or the behavior of methods (for `np.ma.MaskedArray`).
Dtypes provide just the right amount of flexibility to define a new data type, while allowing them to be reliably used from third-party libraries. You need to define new functionality related to the dtype, but shape functions are guaranteed to work exactly like standard NumPy arrays.
## Defining a dtype from Python
### Dtype customized functions should be ufuncs
The core idea of universal functions is that they are data-dependent but shape agnostic. They use shared function signatures allows them to be processed in standard ways, e.g., with [``__array_ufunc__``](http://www.numpy.org/neps/nep-0013-ufunc-overrides.html).
We should double-down on `ufuncs`, by making all data-dependent behavior in NumPy use `ufuncs`. See issue [12514](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/12514) for a list of things that need to change. This isn't to say that every data-dependent function in NumPy needs to be ufunc: in many cases, functions have esoteric enough signatures (e.g., for shape handling) that they can't fit into the ufunc model. But we should write ufuncs for all the data-dependent functionality within NumPy, and implementing ufuncs for a new dtype should be NumPy's extension mechanism for dtype-specific functionality.
### A proposed interface
Note: This NEP presumes that dtypes will be rewritten as a metaclasses, so NumPy scalars will become instances of dtypes. This will be the subject of another NEP; protyping has started in pull requests [#12467](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/12467) and [#12462](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/12462).
Writing a high-level Python dtype should simply entail writing a new Python type that implements a standard interface. This interface should specify:
- **Metadata:** The minimum that NumPy needs to know about a custom dtype so memory allocation and shape operations work.
- `itemsize`: how many bytes does each dtype element consume?
- `alignment` (should be `itemsize` or smaller).
- **Casting rules:** How do we convert to and from this dtype?
- What is the common dtype that a set of dtypes including this dtype can be cast to?
- Cast another dtype to this dtype (with either safe or unsafe casting).
- Should array indexing give a dtype scalar or another type? (as supported by `dtype=object`, which uses `NPY_USE_GETITEM`)
- What is the "builtin" type returned by `ndarray.item()`?
- **Dtype-specific functions**: By design, these should be restricted to ufuncs.
- Dtypes need a mechanism like `__array_ufunc__` to override existing ufuncs (see `__dtype_ufunc__` below)
- It should also be easy to write new user-defined ufuncs, e.g., specifically for this dtype. User defined ufuncs should be preferred to writing other types of functions.
- **Printing**: The dtype should specify how scalar elements are displayed, e.g., via the `__repr__` method.
By design, it is impossible to override arbitrary NumPy functions that act on shapes, e.g., `np.concatenate`. These should not vary in a dtype dependent fashion.
## Dtype specific ufunc overrides
We propose a more restricted variant of `__array_ufunc__` (only for high level Python dtypes) that restricts itself to **not** handle duckarrays, which we'll tentatively call `__dtype__ufunc__`.
Unlike `__array_ufunc__`, calling ufunc overrides `__dtype_ufunc__` should happen at a lower level in the ufunc machinery:
- Inputs are guaranteed to be NumPy arrays.
- Outputs are required to be NumPy arrays with the expected shapes for the operation.
However, `__dtype_func__` overrides happens at a higher level than NumPy's existing ufunc implementations:
- You can wrap an existing inner loop.
- You don't need to write the C type resolver.
- You don't need to pre-specify how the implementation is selected -- this can be deferred to the types.
- Multi-level dispatch complexity (`__array_ufunc__`, `__dtype_ufunc__` and NumPy's internal thing).
- Not as well factorized as casting + low-level loops.
### Example usage
Consider datetime and timedelta dtype like NumPy's datetime64/timedelta64.
Most operations could be implemented simply by casting to int64 and calling another ufunc on the int64 data, e.g., for `np.sub`:
class MyDatetime(metaclass=np.dtype):
def __dtype_ufunc__(cls, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
if method != '__call__':
return NotImplemented
if ufunc is np.sub:
a, b = inputs
if isinstance(a, cls) and isinstance(b, cls):
return (a.view(np.int64) - b.view(np.int64)).view(MyTimedelta)
elif isinstance(b, MyTimdelta):
return (a.view(np.int64) - b.view(np.int64)).view(MyDatetime)
return NotImplemented
# implement other ufuncs
return NotImplemented
class MyTimedelta(metaclass=np.dtype):
### How NumPy calls `__dtype_ufunc__`
NumPy should check for `__dtype_ufunc__` attributes after looking for `__array_ufunc__` overrides, but before builtin ufunc implementations, e.g.,
def implement_dtype_ufunc(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
outputs = kwargs.get('out', ())
arrays = inputs + outputs
# dtype dispatching
dtypes = [item.dtype
for item in arrays
if hasattr(item.dtype, '__dtype_ufunc__')]
if dtypes:
for dtype in dtypes:
# note: each element in inputs is a numpy array
# or subclass
result = dtype.__dtype_ufunc__(
ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
if result is not NotImplemented:
check_result(result, ufunc, inputs, kwargs)
return result
raise TypeError('dtypes did not implement ufunc')
# base ndarray implementation
return getattr(ufunc, method)(*items, **kwargs)
As part of calling `__dtype_ufunc__` overrides, NumPy should verify that the custom ufunc implementation honors appropriate invariants:
def check_result(result, ufunc, inputs):
# various consistency checks for the result
if type(result) is not tuple:
result = (result,)
if len(result) != ufunc.nout:
raise ValueError('wrong number of outputs')
for x in result:
if not isinstance(x, ndarray):
raise TypeError('wrong result type')
# TODO: handle gufunc shapes
expected_shape = broadcast_arrays(*inputs).shape
for expected_shape, res in zip(shapes, result):
if expected_shape != res.shape:
raise ValueError('wrong shape')
## Defining new universal functions from Python
Most dtypes need new functions, beyond those that already exist as ufuncs in NumPy. For example, our new datetime type should have functions for doing custom datetime conversions.
Logically, almost all of these operations are element-wise, so they are a good fit for NumPy's ufunc model. But right now it's hard to write ufuncs: you need to define the inner loops at a C level, and sometimes even write or modify NumPy's internal "type resolver" function that determines the proper output type and inner loop function to use given certain input types (e.g., NumPy has hard-coded support for `datetime64` in the type resolver for `np.add`). For user-defined dtypes written in Python to be usable, it should be possible write user-defined ufuncs in Python, too.
### Use cases
There are least three use-cases for writing ufuncs in Python:
1. Creating real ufuncs from element-wise functions, e.g., like `np.vectorize` but actually creating a ufunc. This will not be terribly useful because it is painfully slow to do inner loops in Python.
2. Creating real ufuncs from vectorized functions written in Python that don't do broadcasting but are defined on vectors, i.e., writing the "inner loop" for a ufunc from Python instead of C.
3. Marking already vectorized functions as ufuncs, so they can be overriden and manipulated in a generic way from `__dtype_ufunc__` or `__array_ufunc__`. This provides useful introspection options for third-party libraries to build upon, e.g., `dask.array` can automatically determine how to parallelize such a ufunc.
For usable user-defined ufuncs, case (2) is probably most important. There are lots of examples of performant vectorized functions in user code, but with the exception of trivial cases where non-generalized NumPy ufuncs are wrapped, most of these don't handle the full generality of NumPy's ufuncs.
For NumPy itself, case (3) could be valuable: we have lots of non-ufuncs that could logically fit into the ufunc model, e.g., `argmin`, `median`, `sort`, `where`, etc.
Note: `numba.vectorize` is does not produce a ufunc currently, but it should.
### Proposed interfaces
A ufunc decorator should check args, and do broadcasting/reshaping such that the ufunc implementation only needs to handle arrays with one more dimensions than the number of "core dimensions" in the [gufunc signature](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.0/reference/c-api.generalized-ufuncs.html). For example:
def dayofyear(dates):
# dates is a 1D numpy array
return dates.view(np.int64) % 365
or perhaps supporting multiple loops
# the gufunc signature shows nin/nout and dimensionality
def dayofyear(dates):
"""Used just for documentation."""
@dayofyear.define_loop([MyDatetime, MyTimedelta], MyDatetime)
def datetime_add(date, delta, out):
# How do we determine the precise output dtype?
out[:] = ...
def _resolver(date_dtype, time_dtype):
return date_dtype
def datetime_add(date, delta):
return out
@dayofyear.define_loop([MyDatetime], int)
def dayofyear(dates, out):
# dates is a 1D numpy array
out[:] = dates.view(np.int64) % 365
@dayofyear.define_loop([np.generic], int)
def dayofyear(dates):
# or extracting the dtypes from annotations:
def dayofyear(dates: Array[np.generic]) -> Array[int]:
This is doing three things:
- Syntactic sugar for creating a ufunc
- Syntactic sugar for registering ufunc inner loops
- Conversion of Python inner loops into C inner loops
Why is `@ufunc` different from `vectorize`?
- True ufuncs can be overriden with `__array_ufunc__` or `__dtype_ufunc__`.
- NumPy can implement some arguments automatically (e.g., `where`, and `axis` for gufuncs).
## Changes within NumPy
TODO: finish cleaning this up
### NumPy's low-level ufunc machinery
For each ufunc, we currently have:
- Type resolver function
- Casting to the resolved types
- Loops for specific dtypes
This results in hard-wired cases for new dtypes (e.g., `np.datetime64`) inside type resolver functions, which is not very extensible.
Instead, we might want:
- Type resolver protocol (like `__dtype_ufunc__` but without the overhead of Python calls) finds a dtype that implements the ufunc for all the given argument dtypes
- Do the dtype specific casting and inner loops
We will want to default to using NumPy's current type resolving protocol for current builtin dtypes/ufuncs, i.e., by writing a generic version of `__low_level_dtype_ufunc__` to set on builtin dtypes.
### Rewriting existing NumPy functions
- There are a handful of dtype specific functions that aren't ufuncs and couldn't currently fit into ufuncs:
- Some of these functions use custom keyword arguments, which currently can't be used on ufuncs (e.g., `ddof` on `np.std`):
- You want be able provide positional arguments as keyword arguments.
- You might want to vectorize across keyword arguments (or not)
- Others have a shape signature that doesn't fit into gufuncs:
- Gufuncs could potentially be extended to handle aggregations like `np.mean`, or perhaps we could define these as ufuncs that have a `reduce` method but no `__call__` method.
- Various linear algebra functions (e.g., `np.linalg.solve`) have their own strange casting rules. If we want to support these, we will need some dtype equivalent version of `__array_function__`.
- There are some existing functions inside NumPy that could make use of these mechanisms:
- NumPy's datetime functions (e.g., `np.busday_count`)
- Needs to be a gufuncs: `sort`, `mean`, `median` etc.
- `mean` will need new axis rules.
- Functions like `np.where` are vectorized like ufuncs, but it can use a generic (non dtype-dependent) inner loop.
- Challenge: this is only true in one branch. Solution: make a new ufunc that gets exposed publically (even if just `np.where.ufunc`).
- Likewise, linear algebra functions use multiple gufuncs internally. Could potentially expose these publically. Or: could rewrite them as a single gufunc with custom loop selection.
## Appendix
### References
- pandas [ExtensionArray interface](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/5b0610b875476a6f3727d7e9bedb90d370c669b5/pandas/core/arrays/base.py)
- Dtype [brainstorming session](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/Dtype-Brainstorming) from SciPy
### The current interface of dtypes in NumPy
class DescrFlags(IntFlags):
# The item must be reference counted when it is inserted or extracted.
# Same as needing REFCOUNT
# Convert to list for pickling
# The item is a POINTER
# memory needs to be initialized for this data-type
# operations need Python C-API so don't give-up thread.
# Use f.getitem when extracting elements of this data-type
# Use f.setitem when setting creating 0-d array from this data-type
# A sticky flag specifically for structured arrays
class current_dtype(object):
itemsize: int
alignment: int
byteorder: str
flags: DescrFlags
metadata: ... # unknown
# getters
hasobject: bool
isalignedstruct: bool
isbuiltin: bool
isnative: bool
def newbyteorder(self) -> current_dtype: ...
# to move to a structured dtype subclass
names: Tuple[str]
fields: Dict[str, Union[
Tuple[current_dtype, int],
Tuple[current_dtype, int, Any]
# to move to a subarray dtype subclass
subdtype: Optional[Tuple[dtype, Tuple[int,...]]]
shape: Tuple[int]
base: current_dtype
# to deprecate
type: Type # merge with cls
kind: str
num: int
str: str
name: str
char: str
descr: List[...]
# Proposed ufunc dispatching design
class UfuncLoopImpl:
A implementation of an ufunc with all the argument types resolved
dtypes: ...
inner_loop: ...
data: context
def __call__(self, *args_and_outs, where):
for args_1d in the_flat_loop(args_and_out, where):
self.inner_loop(*args_1d, self.context)
class ufunc:
_resolvers = ... # List[Tuple[Type[dtype], Function]]
def _resolve(self, *dtypes):
assert all(dtypes[:self.nin]), "all inputs types must be specified"
dype_categories = [type(d) for d in dtypes]
matching_resolvers = [
(types, func)
for types, func in self._resolvers
if all(
# unspecified output matches anything
issubclass(d, t) or d is type(None)
for d, t in zip(dype_categories, types)
# todo: find the "most specific" matching resolver
resolver = matching_resolvers[0]
impl = resolver(*dtypes)
assert impl.dtypes[self.nin:].matches_the_requested_dtypes()
return impl
def register_resolver(self, outputs):
if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
outputs = (outputs,)
Example: Implementing multiplication for a unit dtype
# new terminology - a category is a
class UnitCategory(np.dtype):
base: dtype
units: str
def __new__(cls, base, units):
self = super().__new__(cls, ...)
self.base = base
self.units = units
# context is the void pointer passed to C
# this may or may not be the inner loop.
def the_resolved_mul_loop(a, b, out, context):
base_impl = context
# this could also have been handled by creating 8 different inner loops and choosing them in the dispatchers
# optimization lets us move this as needed
if isinstance(a.dtype, UnitCategory):
a = a.view(a.dtype.base)
if isinstance(b.dtype, UnitCategory):
b = b.view(b.dtype.base)
if isinstance(out.dtype, UnitCategory):
out = out.view(out.dtype.base)
base_impl.inner_loop(a, b, out)
# could use casting here for
def mul(a_type: UnitCategory, b_type: np.dtype, out_dtype: UnitCategory = None) -> UfuncLoopImpl:
base_type, base_loop = mul.resolver(
a_type.base, b_type, out_dtype.base if out_dtype else None
output_type = UnitCategory(base_type, a_type.unit)
return UfuncLoopImpl(
(a_type, b_type, output_type), the_resolved_mul_loop, base_loop)
def mul(a_type: np.dtype, b_type: UnitCategory, out_dtype: UnitCategory = None) -> UfuncLoopImpl:
base_type, base_loop = mul.resolver(
a_type, b_type.base, out_dtype.base if out_dtype else None
output_type = UnitCategory(base_type, b_type.unit)
return UfuncLoopImpl(
(a_type, b_type, output_type), the_resolved_mul_loop, base_loop)
def mul(a_type: UnitCategory, b_type: UnitCategory, out_dtype: UnitCategory = None) -> UfuncLoopImpl:
base_impl = mul.resolver(
a_type.base, b_type.base, out_dtype.base if out_dtype else None
new_units = a_type.units + b_type.units
if out_dtype and new_units:
assert out_dtype == new_units
output_type = UnitCategory(base_impl.dtypes[-1], a_type.units + b_type.units)
return UfuncLoopImpl(
(a_type, b_type, output_type), the_resolved_mul_loop, base_loop)
Example: flexible dtype bytes addition
# encoding is harder
class BytesCategory(np.dtype):
nchars: int
def __new__(cls, nchars):
self = super().__new__(cls, ...)
self.nchars = nchars
# context is tnot needed here
def the_resolved_add_loop(a, b, out, context):
assert context is None
out[:len(a)] = a
out[len(a):len(a)+len(b)] = b
out[len(a)+len(b):] = '\0'
def add(a_type: BytesCategory, b_type: BytesCategory) -> UFuncLoopImpl:
output_type = StringCategory(a_type.nchars + b_type.nchars)
return UfuncLoopImpl(
(a_type, b_type, output_type), the_resolved_add_loop, None)