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1. Ordered List |
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> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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Team Cheesecake
Journalist - Taiwan war like situation where wireless internet goes out and phone goes out - wants to find out the truth.
CCP attacking Taiwan.
How to send message
Plans =
1 - telephone running on solid wires from a telecom company - we had an issue please send this message out. Telephones are reliable - broadcast information
2 - In Taiwan a lot of mayors broadcast really loud in the speakers in the villages - 'Donate your blood now!' would work well when there is war because everyone will hear it - comes with authority.
3 - Line (today, yesterday or day before yesterday) but works offline - central auth publishes news sneds to phones that are trusted - can connect somehow and works and the message updates when connects and can be broadcast to other phones.
4 - earthquake messages
5 - use QR code - journalist publish QR code that people can take a photo and propogate expotentially and get a text back out
6 - News on systems controlled by one or multiple authorities. News is legit - duplicate info by QR or message - can spread messages. Points scattered around Taiwan. Go there and update message - no cat and mouse for updating message.
7 - u bike spread info
Team Mojito
Academic user persona with family exiting the country
I'm safe but friend is in country that I've just escape
1- Vitural message box system - agree on a long pass phrase to reach a particular passphrase put into message box to recieve message - put that message in each other to read.
2 - Legal visas and passport documents in a country escape situation - open a hiking app goes offline but has a function for radar can ask other users to update info on safe location where they can locate safe areas verified by NGO
3 - No connection in Taiwan - create a network using the devices using the wifi router that connects to internet updating - auto move into mesh mode when they recognise the internet has been cut down so everyone can talk and be connected.
Team Pizza
Journalist Ya Fen - wants to spread some critical news but evil force trying to block her.
She used bingwork to protect identity but also publish her report at the same time.
Bingwork able to hide secret info in .png files that hide critical information. Need usb to do that
Put into USB the sensitive data used this to leak footage in Tianamen square to leak footage from govt. Just passing out USB to random strangers - pass on to people you don't know so you cannot be tracked - levels of unknow anonymous passing on of information. People will add more info so he author is unknown - viral sensation. Viral content - writing on top of each other.
Team Hotpot
Person in the mountains after a crisis - have the latest map - how to report you state in the most specific way and group info in fast and accurate way.
Rescue tool - best way is to prevent - additional feature can establish a track route via facebook - this user doesn't care about privacy. Volunteers information - add to previous experience. Identify the area she goes to before she knows and also sync with her group.
Generate a form using her previous information. Governer use her feedback to find where she is. Facebook id to check in the spot. and Take photo with lots of info re. weather conditions and help peopel to find out where she is and point of interest. Ever electric pole has precise information about location. generate a phone to tell the people the situation of the person and what they need.
Team Cake
Justify how we could delivery quick and authentic messages inthe chaotic scenario. mastodon and firechat blend. if you trust that guy then bump your phone together. it will immediately transfer all the contacts in your phone this way you get the new feed to work on. way to trasnfer info from one person to another. it is a cross border management. you don't know who to trust in a chaostic situation. you can mark people who you trust in the app. mark on the app what your trust relationship will be.
Eriol: makes one think of disappearing messages and timer.
Team Japanese Curry
Escape plan. It's hard when the war situation comes—need to be prepared before the time comes. Meanwhile, there's a lot of actual scenarios that can be prepared for. We will deal with 2 scenarios 1. preplan and 2. adjustments during war time.
Pre-war: need to build trust within the community so people will trust each other. We will use digital platform to build trust. In Taiwan, there are many taxi drivers. Taxi drivers in the car will pass around the information by driving around using the radio tool that doesn't need wifi. Like the locations to escape can be passed around by taxi drivers. The way taxi driver is used as a radio and blutooth to pass on the info. If everything got cut off, we can use messages to pass on the address. Can write down where to go. You can also add diff color stickers, ex. a if from tpe and b is from another location. The stickers can help find family members.