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JavaScript Challenges
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No.1: Write a function that can

Return the string "I am a function"

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Hint: this function doesn't need to be passed any arguments!

Should return something like:

"I am a function"

No.2: Write a function that can

Take a number as an argument, and return a new value that is 1 less than the argument.

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For example, if I called your function like so


it should return


No.3: Write a function that can

Speak back to you!

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Whatever argument you pass to your function, it should simply return that argument back.



should return


No.4: Write a function that can

Take two numbers as arguments, and return the sum of them

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For example, if you call your function like this:

addTwoNumbers(12, 56);

should return


No.5: Write a function that can

Say who it was written by!

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Your function should take a name as an argument, and return the string "This function was written by ____"



should return

"This function was written by Charlie"

Hint: the "+" key may come in handy

No.6: Write a function that can

Take 4 numbers as arguments. It should take the sum of the first two arguments, multiply it by the sum of the last two arguments, and return the result

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yourFunction(2, 3, 6, 4);

should return


Hint: using multiple variables inside the statement of your function might make things easier

No.7: Write a function that can

Take a string as an argument, and return the length (how many characters) of that string.

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  • The image file may be corrupted
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yourFunction("How long is this string?");

should return


Hint: This freeCodeCamp challenge may help you if you're stuck, or try reading up in the MDN docs

No.8: Write a function that can

Take a number as an argument and returns half that number



should return




should return


No.9: Write a function that can

Take two numbers as arguments.

If both arguments are equal, return the string "The first and second arguments are equal"
If the arguments are not equal, return the string "The first argument ___ does not equal the second argument ___ ".


yourFunction(1, 1)

should return

"The first and second arguments are equal"


yourFunction(1, 2)

should return

"The first argument 1 does not equal the second argument 2"

Hint: You'll need to use an if statement

No.10: Write a function that can

Take two numbers as an argument and returns the smallest one.


yourFunction(11, 2)

should return



yourFunction(1, -111)

should return


No.11: Write a function that can

Take three numbers and returns true if the numbers are ascending in size, and false otherwise.


yourFunction(1, 4, 9)

should return



yourFunction(4, 1, 10)

should return


No.12: Write a function that can

Concatenate two strings.


yourFunction('hi ', 'there')

should return

'hi there'

No.13 Write a function that can

Take an array and a number and return the element of the array at that index. If the number is not a valid index, return null.


yourFunction([7, 3, 5], 2)

should return



yourFunction([0, 5, 3], 9)

should return


Hint: you will need to find the length of the array first, remember zero indexing

No.14 Write a function that can

Take an object, a string, and another value.

If the object contains a key that matches the string, return the value corresponding to that key.

If the object does not contain a key that matches the string, return the third argument.


yourFunction({ name: 'felicia', age: 23 }, 'age', 0)

should return



yourFunction({ name: 'felicia', age: 23 }, 'nickname', 'none')

should return


No.15 Write a function that can

Take an object whose values are all numbers, and return the sum of those numbers


yourFunction({ a: 12, b: -4, c: 0.4 })

should return


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