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tags:'Short Course'
# JavaScript Challenges :turtle:
<!-- (repl.it will output double quotation marks as single, i.e "Hello I'm me" will output as 'Hello I\'m me' w backslash before the apostrophe)
(also repl only runs the final function (Why)) << it runs all the functions, but also prints the final function to the terminal. You can use console.log to print the others (or is that a question that we're supposed to ask participants?) I think this a questions Charlie had when he wrote this as FAC16 CF :joy_cat:
rename func examples to `challenge1()` instead of `yourFunction()`
and remember to intro commenting out code (get participants in to practice of commenting out a function before moving on) (and uncommenting a function they want to work on again) -->
## No.1: Write a function that can...
Return the string "I am a function" :scream:
Hint: this function doesn't need to be passed any arguments!
Should return something like:
`"I am a function"`
## No.2: Write a function that can...
Take a number as an argument, and return a new value that is 1 less than the argument. :cactus:
For example, if I called your function like so
it should return
## No.3: Write a function that can...
Speak back to you! :wave: Whatever argument you pass to your function, it should simply return that argument back.
should return
## No.4: Write a function that can...
Take **two** numbers as arguments, and return the sum of them :sun_with_face:
For example, if you call your function like this:
`addTwoNumbers(12, 56);`
should return
## No.5: Write a function that can...
Say who it was written by! :sunglasses:
Your function should take a name as an argument, and return the string "This function was written by ____"
should return
`"This function was written by Charlie"`
Hint: the "+" key may come in handy...
## No.6: Write a function that can...
Take 4 numbers as arguments. It should take the sum of the first two arguments, multiply it by the sum of the last two arguments, and return the result :+1:
`yourFunction(2, 3, 6, 4);`
should return
Hint: using multiple variables inside the statement of your function might make things easier...
## No.7: Write a function that can...
Take a string as an argument, and return the length (how many characters) of that string. :straight_ruler:
`yourFunction("How long is this string?");`
should return
Hint: [This freeCodeCamp challenge](https://learn.freecodecamp.org/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-javascript/find-the-length-of-a-string) may help you if you're stuck, or try reading up in the [MDN docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/length)
## No.8: Write a function that can ...
Take a number as an argument and returns half that number
should return
should return
## No.9: Write a function that can ...
Take two numbers as arguments.
If both arguments are equal, return the string `"The first and second arguments are equal"`
If the arguments are not equal, return the string `"The first argument ___ does not equal the second argument ___ "`.
`yourFunction(1, 1)`
should return
`"The first and second arguments are equal"`
`yourFunction(1, 2)`
should return
`"The first argument 1 does not equal the second argument 2"`
Hint: You'll need to use an `if` statement...
## No.10: Write a function that can ...
Take two numbers as an argument and returns the smallest one.
`yourFunction(11, 2)`
should return
`yourFunction(1, -111)`
should return
## No.11: Write a function that can ...
Take three numbers and returns `true` if the numbers are ascending in size, and false otherwise.
`yourFunction(1, 4, 9)`
should return
`yourFunction(4, 1, 10)`
should return
## No.12: Write a function that can ...
Concatenate two strings.
`yourFunction('hi ', 'there')`
should return
`'hi there'`
## No.13 Write a function that can ...
Take an array and a number and return the element of the array at that index. If the number is not a valid index, return `null`.
`yourFunction([7, 3, 5], 2)`
should return
`yourFunction([0, 5, 3], 9)`
should return
Hint: you will need to find the length of the array first, remember zero indexing...
## No.14 Write a function that can ...
Take an object, a string, and another value.
If the object contains a key that matches the string, return the value corresponding to that key.
If the object does not contain a key that matches the string, return the third argument.
`yourFunction({ name: 'felicia', age: 23 }, 'age', 0)`
should return
`yourFunction({ name: 'felicia', age: 23 }, 'nickname', 'none')`
should return
## No.15 Write a function that can ...
Take an object whose values are all numbers, and return the sum of those numbers
`yourFunction({ a: 12, b: -4, c: 0.4 })`
should return