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# Development and management of collective network and cloud computing infrastructures
## Read
- [x] benhylau
- [x] ushnish
- [x] pedro
## Notes
- 50,000 working nodes
- 30 SMEs operate their services professionally on top of the commons
- development ofgovernance rules that define the terms and conditions in which businesses can obtain economicprofit out of the exploitation of the Guifi.net network
- The Foundation is registered at the Catalan Government foundations registry,thus, it is ruled by the Catalan law and, accordingly, it is officially recognised as anNGO. It isa registered telecommunications operator under the Spanish regulation and a member of theR ́eseaux IP Europ ́eens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE-NCC)1andAPC2, among otherinternational organisations. In 2015, it received the European Broadband Award from theECasbest project in the category on innovative model of financing, business and investment
- The professionals (i.e., individuals or enterprises that deliver services in return for aneconomic remuneration) who work to operate, maintain or extend the network deserve a fair reward for their work, but speculation with network assets or any other harmfulpractice is totally forbidden.
- infra as CPR common-pool resource
- extends the domain of participation to everyone
- improves the conditions under which the infrastructure is made available.
- Implements an inclusive and sustainable local economy
- in 2014 found 13,407 registered users in the Guifi.net portal and55 mailing lists
- The FoundationEstablished to provide legal entity to the project and act as the systemoperator. As such, it has led the process of defining and implementing the governancesystem
- project allocations are made according to pre-established rules, and theFoundation always keeps the role of project superviso
- 3.6. Success indicators41these professionals by sharing its resources, especially when they start, and accompaniesthem during their growth process.Its dissemination activities include promotion in public administrations, with politicians,private companies, and citizens, dialogue with the regulator and in response to any publiccall that may affect the commons network, etc.Its research activities are mostly tied to collaborations with universities. The Foundationhas participated several research projects funded by the European Commission
- The Foundation has signed collaboration agreements with almost all Catalanuniversities. Collaboration activities include infrastructure deployment, research projects,students mentoring, dissemination, etc.
- The following are examples of the many cases of successful collaborationswith third parties to contribute to the network commons. These cases show that almost anyentity or organisation can contribute. Since 2008 the Catalan top level domain (.cat) hasmost of its hardware in the Guifi.net facilities; their contribution was crucial to launch thefirst territorial exchange point. The Hospital de Vic8and the Hospital d’Olot9self-suppliestheir connectivity needs through OF held in common
- The Internet access is the most popular service. Nonetheless, others suchas VoIP and remote backups have also been offered for quite some time, and new servicessuch as video streaming and video on-demand are becoming popular, especially in the areaswith optical fibre
- Delinternet (up to 800 Mbps 27.71 EUR fiber / WiFi + 1 mobile (3 GB, unlimited) + 1 fix-line (metering) 34,39 EUR, Goufone, Iguana, XTA vs. EXO (Prosumer)
- Osona had about 9,000 nodes. Combining this number with others comingfrom IDESCAT21. We conclude that about 22.4 % of the Osona inhabitants had Guifi.net access:around 30,500 people
- Reasons to start aCNproject vary. The most frequent ones are experi-mentation and research by a group of highly skilled technical enthusiasts. However, theCNs of this type that we are familiar with have not been able to engage the society becausethese motivations are not appealing to the public in general, and thus, these networkshave remained as marginal projects. On the contrary, Guifi.net has been envisaged as aproduction network since the beginning, and thus, it has attracted the attention of manypeople who have found in it an opportunity to solve their connectivity problems. Oncethey have understood the social value of the proposition, some of them have become veryactive contributors
- It also is worth noting that several self-sustainable mechanisms toinclude socio-economic groups that cannot afford the standard prices exist.
- service providers within Guifi.net offer the 1 Gbps (OF) to the domestic market atdomestic prices ( ̃40e)
## Discussion summary
- allow commercial entities and community orgs to participate
- create prosumer segment, as a pathway to elevate network literacy in civil society
- infra to a common pool, additional entities can piggy back off of that infra, how to manage that, rates and governance since we are investing the infra now
- how to protect collusions and hijacks in the future
- we need a business plan, what are we going to do in 3 months, how to pay costs, primary volunteer organizations, need initial overall plan