[ ] Use at least 1 API
[ ] Make your API calls from the back-end using the Request module (or one you build yourself)
[ ] Your server should contain a minimum of 2 routes
[ ] We expect back-end testing using Tape (test as many components as you can) and basic front-end testing.
[ ] Test your server by injecting fake HTTP requests using Supertest (consider testing for 404's and 500's).
[ ] Host your project on Heroku, see resources
[ ] Use module.exports and require to break a single large server file into smaller modules.
[ ] Consider a good server file structure based on what we have discussed over the week.
[ ] Employ continuous intergration on your project with Travis or a similar tool. (If you decide to use Travis, we strongly recommend that you host this project in your own repo rather than in your cohort's FAC repository to avoid all builds getting queued together)
[ ] Use CodeCov or a similar tool for test coverage.
[ ] Include Error Handling. For example:
Create a route and functionality for a POST request.
[ ] Display continuous intergration and code coverage badges on your project README.
"crimes": {
"anti-social-behaviour": 663,
"bicycle-theft": 82,
"burglary": 176,
"criminal-damage-arson": 103,
"drugs": 77,
"other-theft": 831,
"possession-of-weapons": 24,
"public-order": 213,
"robbery": 124,
"shoplifting": 239,
"theft-from-the-person": 660,
"vehicle-crime": 86,
"violent-crime": 600,
"other-crime": 23
"streets": {
"Bourchier Street": 27,
"Theatre/concert Hall": 176,
"Embankment Place": 3,
"Arne Street": 10,
"Westminster Bridge Road": 30,
"Bow Street": 7,
"Russell Street": 5,
"Tavistock Street": 6,
"Drury Lane": 15,
"Wild Street": 5,
"Catherine Street": 6,
"Conference/exhibition Centre": 24,
"Kean Street": 10,
"Grosvenor Place": 2,
"Trebeck Street": 2,
"Grosvenor Gardens Mews East": 1,
"Berkeley Square": 2,
"Bourdon Place": 2,
"Grosvenor Gardens": 3,
"Fitzmaurice Place": 4,
"Lower Grosvenor Place": 1,
"Lansdowne Row": 5,
"Terminus Place": 13,
"Constitution Hill": 1,
"Bloomfield Place": 7,
"Hay Hill": 7,
"Shopping Area": 186,
"Mayfair Place": 3,
"Albemarle Street": 3,
"Pollen Street": 8,
"Mason's Arms Mews": 7,
"Little Argyll Street": 26,
"Race Track": 14,
"Guildhouse Street": 1,
"Gillingham Street": 1,
"Parking Area": 88,
"Ashley Place": 10,
"Old Bond Street": 5,
"Arlington Street": 4,
"Nightclub": 421,
"New Burlington Street": 2,
"Argyll Street": 6,
"Wilton Road": 7,
"Carlisle Place": 1,
"Regent Street": 34,
"St James's Place": 1,
"Burlington Gardens": 4,
"Longmoore Street": 2,
"Tachbrook Mews": 1,
"Further/higher Educational Building": 69,
"Ambrosden Avenue": 2,
"Newburgh Street": 6,
"Great Marlborough Street": 8,
"Ganton Street": 23,
"Albany Courtyard": 2,
"Churton Street": 3,
"Willow Place": 5,
"Marshall Street": 6,
"Lower John Street": 7,
"Francis Street": 17,
"Masons Yard": 1,
"Poland Street": 6,
"Pall Mall Place": 3,
"Richmond Buildings": 4,
"Police Station": 57,
"Winnett Street": 11,
"Chapone Place": 5,
"Motorway Service Area": 14,
"Garden Terrace": 2,
"Soho Street": 14,
"Lambeth High Street": 4,
"Vauxhall Walk": 2,
"Victoria Embankment": 6,
"Lambeth Palace Road": 1,
"Juxon Street": 3,
"Waterloo Road": 27,
"Lambeth Walk": 7,
"Addington Street": 4,
"York Road": 17,
"Pedestrian Subway": 54,
"Winsley Street": 15,
"Rathbone Place": 11,
"Hanway Place": 14,
"Lilac Place": 3,
"Kennington Road": 9,
"Morton Place": 4,
"Murphy Street": 4,
"Launcelot Street": 2,
"Spur Road": 2,
"Pear Place": 9,
"Stamford Street": 7,
"Sandell Street": 9,
"Sports/recreation Area": 12,
"Greenham Close": 1,
"Duchy Street": 2,
"Gerridge Street": 1,
"Webber Row": 7,
"Greet Street": 3,
"Sidford Place": 1,
"Salamanca Place": 5,
"Barge House Street": 7,
"Fleet Street": 10,
"Middle Temple Lane": 2,
"Theme/adventure Park": 28,
"Aldwych": 6,
"Villiers Street": 8,
"Kingsway": 8,
"Shelton Street": 13,
"Cleveland Place": 6,
"Jermyn Street": 2,
"Livonia Street": 4,
"Hatherley Street": 2,
"Hospital": 24,
"Lower James Street": 7,
"Greencoat Place": 1,
"Dyott Street": 7,
"West Street": 7,
"Noel Street": 4,
"New Oxford Street": 18,
"Ingestre Place": 7,
"Brewer Street": 2,
"Berwick Street": 3,
"Hopkins Street": 6,
"Derby Gate": 9,
"Babmaes Street": 4,
"Wardour Street": 11,
"Rochester Row": 3,
"Tachbrook Street": 6,
"Broadwick Street": 10,
"Glasshouse Street": 7,
"Remnant Street": 3,
"Blackfriars Road": 7,
"Denman Street": 14,
"Piccadilly Circus": 5,
"Sheraton Street": 2,
"Boundary Row": 3,
"Peter Street": 6,
"Great Queen Street": 14,
"Parker Mews": 4,
"Artillery Row": 8,
"Supermarket": 121,
"Carlisle Street": 8,
"Endell Street": 16,
"Nottingham Court": 13,
"Marlborough Road": 1,
"St James's Market": 3,
"Shaftesbury Avenue": 44,
"Rampayne Street": 5,
"Hide Place": 2,
"Manette Street": 5,
"Dartmouth Street": 1,
"Vincent Street": 1,
"Romilly Street": 17,
"Museum Street": 5,
"Monck Street": 7,
"Page Street": 4,
"Moor Street": 24,
"Buckingham Gate": 4,
"Orange Street": 14,
"Shorts Gardens": 1,
"Willoughby Street": 3,
"Cockspur Street": 8,
"Pall Mall East": 1,
"Charing Cross Road": 40,
"Great Peter Street": 6,
"St Giles High Street": 5,
"Litchfield Street": 2,
"Great George Street": 6,
"St Giles Passage": 3,
"Earnshaw Street": 4,
"Ponsonby Terrace": 4,
"Marsham Street": 8,
"Duncannon Street": 15,
"Upper St Martin's Lane": 7,
"Cranbourn Street": 13,
"Phoenix Street": 2,
"Falconberg Mews": 33,
"Craig's Court": 24,
"St Martin's Lane": 6,
"Downing Street": 14,
"Lord North Street": 1,
"Canon Row": 19,
"Denmark Street": 6,
"Bridge Street": 35,
"Northumberland Street": 11,
"Rupert Street": 11,
"Douglas Street": 1,
"Regency Street": 2,
"Carey Place": 6,
"Frith Street": 17,
"Tothill Street": 2,
"Abbey Orchard Street": 1,
"Medway Street": 3,
"Arneway Street": 4,
"New Row": 2,
"Adelaide Street": 16,
"William Iv Street": 3,
"Scotland Place": 3,
"Craven Street": 5,
"Whitehall Place": 2,
"Long Acre": 8,
"Bedford Street": 7,
"Buckingham Street": 1,
"John Adam Street": 2,
"Victoria Square": 6,
"John Islip Street": 5,
"Waterloo (london) (station)": 51,
"Chicheley Street": 6,
"Pearman Street": 1,
"Melbourne Place": 4,
"St James's Street": 1,
"Ryder Yard": 4,
"Tottenham Court Road": 7,
"Rose And Crown Yard": 2,
"Upper Ground": 6,
"Queen Street": 4,
"Warwick Street": 12,
"Gillingham Row": 5,
"Warwick Way": 5,
"Heddon Street": 1,
"A301": 11,
"Smart's Place": 3,
"Broadwall": 11,
"Howick Place": 4,
"Baron's Place": 8,
"Vigo Street": 12,
"Wild Court": 9,
"Suffolk Place": 3,
"Carey Street": 1,
"Haymarket": 2,
"Great Pulteney Street": 2,
"Meard Street": 5,
"Grape Street": 1,
"Savoy Court": 7,
"Hay's Mews": 3,
"Old Compton Street": 14,
"Secker Street": 4,
"Langley Street": 2,
"Waterloo Place": 2,
"Denbigh Mews": 3,
"Brick Street": 8,
"Strand": 12,
"Dryden Street": 3,
"Portland Mews": 6,
"Cooper Close": 1,
"Lexington Street": 2,
"Upper James Street": 3,
"Lollard Street": 2,
"Coptic Street": 4,
"Chadwick Street": 2,
"St Ann's Street": 2,
"Vandon Street": 3,
"West Central Street": 1,
"Bolton Street": 2,
"New Compton Street": 2,
"Great Newport Street": 9,
"Exton Street": 1,
"Bridle Lane": 2,
"Greek Street": 2,
"Maunsel Street": 1,
"Walnut Tree Walk": 3,
"Smith's Court": 10,
"St George Street": 3,
"Morley Street": 3,
"Victoria Lu Station (lu Station)": 128,
"Short Street": 3,
"Savoy Row": 3,
"Vane Street": 1,
"Great Chapel Street": 3,
"Berners Place": 10,
"Tanswell Street": 7,
"Stafford Street": 3,
"Piccadilly": 6,
"Coral Street": 5,
"Hollen Street": 19,
"Upper Tachbrook Street": 3,
"Panton Street": 1,
"Richmond Mews": 1,
"D'arblay Street": 2,
"Thirleby Road": 1,
"Blue Ball Yard": 1,
"Oxendon Street": 4,
"Bucknall Street": 3,
"Carrington Street": 13,
"Little Marlborough Street": 10,
"Essex Street": 1,
"Charlwood Street": 2,
"Walcott Street": 1,
"Bruton Lane": 4,
"Charing Cross (station)": 14,
"The Cut": 4,
"Cleveland Row": 2,
"Adam Street": 2,
"Caxton Street": 2,
"Whitehall Court": 6,
"King Edward Walk": 5,
"Drummond Gate": 7,
"Cureton Street": 1,
"Dansey Place": 11,
"Valentine Place": 4,
"Gibson Road": 1,
"Upper Marsh": 3,
"Old Pye Street": 2,
"Chesterfield Gardens": 1,
"Old Queen Street": 5,
"Carlton Gardens": 2,
"Hamilton Mews": 1,
"Perkin's Rents": 5,
"Archer Street": 4,
"Stafford Place": 9,
"Ferry Terminal": 2,
"Dufour's Place": 3,
"Stacey Street": 1,
"Macklin Street": 3,
"Pratt Walk": 1,
"Sutton Row": 4,
"Green Park (lu Station)": 24,
"Hatfields": 3,
"Ramillies Place": 14,
"Carlton Street": 7,
"Ramillies Street": 19,
"Grindal Street": 2,
"James Street": 7,
"Hop Gardens": 2,
"Agar Street": 2,
"Little College Street": 3,
"Shepherd Market": 6,
"Victoria Street": 13,
"Little Newport Street": 18,
"Waterloo (east) (station)": 2,
"Swallow Street": 4,
"Rose Street": 4,
"Baylis Road": 1,
"Coventry Street": 26,
"Newnham Terrace": 8,
"Hanway Street": 20,
"Earlham Street": 1,
"Meymott Street": 3,
"Kingly Street": 11,
"Southampton Street": 5,
"Cockspur Court": 2,
"Kemble Street": 3,
"Crown Passage": 3,
"Duck Lane": 8,
"Covent Garden (lu Station)": 7,
"Dover Yard": 1,
"Embankment (lu Station)": 7,
"Monmouth Street": 4,
"Leicester Square (lu Station)": 11,
"Johanna Street": 1,
"Ormond Yard": 2,
"Bloomsbury Street": 2,
"Piccadilly Circus (lu Station)": 9,
"St James's Park (gt London) (lu Station)": 7,
"Tottenham Court Road (lu Station)": 11,
"Shepherd Street": 5,
"Mill Street": 7,
"Albert Embankment": 3,
"Foubert's Place": 4,
"Waterloo (lu Station)": 17,
"Westminster (lu Station)": 14,
"Maiden Lane": 3,
"Mead Row": 2,
"Farm Street": 2,
"Paris Garden": 1,
"Eaton Row": 1,
"Strutton Ground": 5,
"Buckingham Palace Road": 6,
"Houghton Street": 1,
"Floral Street": 7,
"Milford Lane": 2,
"Dean Farrar Street": 4,
"Clarges Mews": 1,
"Lower Belgrave Street": 5,
"Betterton Street": 1,
"Air Street": 8,
"King's Scholars' Passage": 1,
"Chester Close": 1,
"Bus/coach Station": 11,
"Osbert Street": 5,
"Norris Street": 1,
"Beak Street": 6,
"Cork Street": 1,
"Slingsby Place": 3,
"Wellington Street": 1,
"Whitcomb Street": 7,
"Spenser Street": 4,
"Wardour Mews": 3,
"Wilfred Street": 1,
"Wilton Street": 1,
"Abingdon Street": 1,
"Warwick Row": 3,
"Greencoat Row": 3,
"Coach And Horses Yard": 4,
"Derby Street": 1,
"Vauxhall Bridge Road": 3,
"Dean Stanley Street": 1,
"Dacre Street": 1,
"Southwark (lu Station)": 4,
"Pall Mall": 2,
"Belgrave Road": 1,
"Lisle Street": 7,
"Durham House Street": 4,
"Gerrard Place": 4,
"Dean Bradley Street": 2,
"Tower Street": 2,
"Black Prince Road": 3,
"Bressenden Place": 2,
"Garrick Street": 1,
"Clarges Street": 1,
"Little Essex Street": 1,
"Mercer Street": 5,
"Cork St Mews": 1,
"Rochester Street": 3,
"Lower Marsh": 2,
"Corner House Street": 3,
"Brook Drive": 1,
"Newport Place": 5,
"St Ermin's Hill": 1,
"Henrietta Street": 1,
"Greycoat Place": 2,
"Mcauley Close": 1,
"Goslett Yard": 1,
"The Sanctuary": 2,
"Dodson Street": 2,
"Savoy Street": 1,
"Warwick Square": 1,
"Clifford Street": 1,
"Bateman Street": 1,
"Streatham Street": 4,
"Charing Cross (lu Station)": 1,
"Temple (lu Station)": 2,
"Horseferry Road": 2,
"Stedham Place": 1,
"Barlow Place": 1,
"Bourdon Street": 1,
"Hertford Street": 1,
"Charles Ii Street": 4,
"Herrick Street": 1,
"Palace Place": 1,
"Randall Road": 1,
"Golden Square": 1,
"Exeter Street": 1,
"Sheffield Street": 2,
"Burrows Mews": 1,
"Brad Street": 2,
"Causton Street": 2,
"Bedlam Mews": 3,
"Rutherford Street": 1,
"Cornwall Road": 1,
"Stoughton Close": 2,
"Coburg Close": 1,
"Stanford Street": 2,
"Aquinas Street": 1,
"Petty France": 1,
"Colombo Street": 2,
"Churton Place": 1,
"Cons Street": 1,
"Roupell Street": 1,
"St Matthew Street": 1,
"Norfolk Row": 1