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$localize - message-id support


The original design doc for $localize avoids message-ids for Angular v9 since the template compiler does not need to generate messages based on ids.

Therefore the original implementation for $localize relies upon the source-message as the "key" for looking up translations. For example give then following template:

<head> <div i18n> Hello, {{title}}! </div> </head>

The Angular compiler generates the following source-message, which is then used as a translation-key.

" Hello, {$interpolation}! "

Problems with source-message as translation-key

Multiple meanings

It is possible for there to be more than one translation for a source message depending upon the context, requiring a custom/manual id:

"right" (correct)          => vrai
"right" (opposite of left) => droit
"right" (fair)             => juste

In the curent version of Angular the message "meaning" is combined with the source-message to compute the id.

Whitespace removal

In order to support consistent rendering of expandable ICU messages (containing markup), the source-message has its whitespace removed, if preserveWhitespace: false. This means that the source-message in the template is different to that extracted into translation files. In the example given in Background the source-message in the template is:

" Hello, {$interpolation}! "

while in the translation file it is:

"\n    Hello, {$interpolation}!\n  "

This prevents accurate translation lookup based on the source-message string.


Localized string syntax

Extend the format of localized strings to allow "meaning", "description" and "message-id" to be provided. This metadata is provided at the start of the string marked by colons. Each of these is optional. For example:

$localize`:meaning|description@@message-id:source message text`;

$localize`:meaning|:source message text`;
$localize`:description:source message text`;
$localize`:@@message-id:source message text`;

The delimiters within the colons are chosen to match those already used in Angular templates. For example:

  i18n="site header|An introduction header@@introductionHeader">
  Hello i18n!

If a source-message actually starts with a colon then it must be escaped with a backslash. For example:

$localize`\:this message actually starts with a colon (:)`;

This approach is similar to that already implemented for named placeholders: the substitution is post-fixed by a colon delimited placeholder name. For example:

$localize`Hello ${}:title:`;  // placeholder name is 'title'
$localize`${hours}\:${mins}\:${secs}`; // colons are part of the message

Template generation

The template source-message strings are not guaranteed to be identical to those in translation files. See Whitespace removal) above. Therefore we must provide the computed id when generating $localize tagged strings in template generation. For example:

$localize `:@@123456789: Hello, {$interpolation}! `;

This ensures that translation of this message is based on the message-id and not the source-message.

Translation matching

Use the message-id as the key when looking up translations rather than the source-message.

If a source-message does not provide a custom message-id then compute one.

Computed message-ids are generated using the same algorithm as XLIFF2 and XMB/XTB formats. This is implemented in the decimalDigest() function.

$localize.translate() implementation

The $localize() function passes the messageParts and expressions to the $localize.translate() run-time translation function. The current implementation computes the source-message and uses that as the translation-key.

function translate(messageParts: TemplateStringsArray,
   expressions: readonly any[]): [TemplateStringsArray, readonly any[]];

Modify this function to compute the message-id instead and use that as the translation-key.

Translation storage

Internally each translation is stored as a ParsedTranslation object, which is kept in a lookup table.

export interface ParsedTranslation {
  messageParts: TemplateStringsArray;
  placeholderNames: string[];
type SourceMessage = string;
type InternalTranslations = Record<SourceMessage, ParsedTranslation>;

Modify this lookup table so that the key is the message-id.

type MessageId = string;
type InternalTranslations = Record<MessageId, ParsedTranslation>;

Loading translations

The loadTranslations() function accepts a translations argument:

export type Translations = Record<SourceMessage, TargetMessage>;
export function loadTranslations(translations: Translations): void;

Change this function to accept a translations argument that is a map of message-ids instead of source-messages:

export type Translations = Record<MessageId, TargetMessage>;
export function loadTranslations(translations: Translations): void;

When calling loadTranslations(), the caller is now responsible for providing the message-id of each translation: either custom message-ids or computed via decimalDigest().

If the translations are loaded from a formatted translation file that uses the same algorithm as decimalDigest(), e.g. XLIFF2 or XTB, then the loader can just use the message-ids directly.

If the translations are loaded from a formatted translation file uses a different digest algorithm, e.g. XLIFF 1.2, then the loader must convert the given message-id before calling loadTranslations(). This is done as follows:

  • Compute the message-id, using the appropriate digest algorithm, from the source-message in the file
  • Check this computed message-id against the one stored in the translation file.
  • If the computed message-id is different to the one in the file, then this must be a custom message-id
    • use the custom message-id unchanged
  • else the message-ids are identical then this must be a computed message-id so compute a new message-id the decimalDigest() algorithm.
    • use the new computed message-id
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