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# Conda-forge wish list and long-term planning
## attendees
- Cheng
- Uwe
- Eric
- Filipe
- Isuru
- Keith
- Crystal
- John K.
- Chris B.
- Wolf
- Marcelo
- CJ
- Connor
## agenda
1. distill our ideas into
- a few near-term (2 years)
- a few long-term goals (5 years)
2. slot ideas and tasks below into those goals
## Resources
### data on conda-forge
* see https://github.com/conda-forge/by-the-numbers/blob/master/conda-forge-timelines.ipynb
* conda-forge has added about 3k feedstocks per year in 2019 and will in 2020
* the growth in the amount of data we store appears to be accelerating
### infrastructure survey
* fill out the risk measurement spread sheet:
* notebook: https://gist.github.com/beckermr/9c0f5aa71720cf1b18646ccd0c3ab40f
* results: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/beckermr/9c0f5aa71720cf1b18646ccd0c3ab40f
* Style the notebook with >=4 being red and everything else being green:
data = pd.DataFrame(tot.values)
def _color_red_or_green(val):
color = 'red' if val >=4 else 'green'
return 'color: %s' % color
df = data.iloc[[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16], 0:22]
df.index = df[[0,1]]
del df[0]
del df[1]
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df.drop([df.index[0]])
d = df.style.applymap(_color_red_or_green);
### pypa roadmap example
* https://github.com/psf/fundable-packaging-improvements/blob/master/FUNDABLES.md
## Notes
* (MRB) Biggest problem is growth. Haven't really thought through infrastructure at that scale.
* Small ticket items should be things that dont have long-term cost commitments
* If we're going to ask for big things that are going to
* What is the marginal cost of adding one new recipe to conda-forge?
* Varies from trivial (noarch python) to impossible (all of RAPIDS). Most complex is adding a new compiler.
* What is the path forward for conda-forge if we don't employ
* What are we going to break next?
* anaconda.org?
* Cloudflare is handling most of the traffic there
* What's the actual growth of conda-forge?
* What load does that put on all of the services we use / depend on?
* We have or will have added about 3k packages/feedstocks a year.
* Develop plan B for a lot of the big scary items.
* Plan B for the admin server? Ask Bloomberg to fund web server that's more robust than our small Heroku instance that we've pushed to its limit
* Growth is documented here:
* We are taking a risk census here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ADNNauwVZWUsEdlh5aEg0OLjyDWvCX7PLoo-K34EqcM/edit#gid=0
## Notes 2020-12-09
### `.conda` format
- faster to extract metadata
- filesize is smaller
- would lower CDN sync time
- anaconda.org does not have support
- would have to host them somewhere else and make the CDN look for .conda files there
- could find a way to contract with anaconda to get it done
- need a price tag
### infrastructure as configuration (terraform)
- solve multiple issues around
- key person risk
- rotating credentials
- recovering due to adverse events
### servers for XYZ
- metachannel
- linux-64 server
- debugging and builds for qt
- use OVH or amazon
- GPU servers
- anaconda?
- quantsight?
- nvidia can donate maybe: looking for a place to house them
### a CI service for feedstocks
- problems solved
- long builds
- requirements:
- homes for GPUs
### host source tarballs
- solves reproducibility issues
- hosted tarballs would solve some migration issues
- terms of service required
### big/long builds
- we need a way to pay people for this time to update recipes.
- we need long builds on CI.
- we need buy-in from package authors (or community).
### maintain/update MinGW toolchain
- MinGW recipes work on epochs.
- Update to a new epoch.
- Patch our repodata for the epoch.
- Then rebuild downstream recipes.
- explain what it is
## Focused effort on specific recipes/new packages
- (MRB) pytorch
- (MRB) tensorflow
- (FF) julia
- (??) bazel
- Does this mean recipes that use bazel? or a package on conda-forge so we can install?
- Need to build bazel to build tensorflow. Need JVM to build bazel. Then you need to build or package a JVM
- (IF) building bazel isn't that hard. Using bazel is challenging
- (UK) updated MinGW toolchain
For all of these, we seem to have the following problems:
* access to expertise
* access to CI services
## Infrastructure
- (FF) A server to call my own
- (ED 2021-01-13) open vote for conda-forge/core to request purchasing a personal machine (laptop / desktop)
- (FF) AWS / OVH / GKE / Heroku credits
- (FF) Long-term Windows cloud VM
- (MVN) ideally usable for intel fortran
- (ED 2021-01-13) solved by OVH?
- (IF) A Linux x86_64 server and a MacOS server for long time builds and setup drone there.
- (MRB) Setup drone on aarch64 and ppc64le servers
- (JK) GPU machines for testing
- (JK) Migrating to the new `.conda` format
- (IF) Host source tarballs
- (CHL) Support for anaconda.org CDN (low priority)
- (MRB) What does "support for anaconda.org CDN" mean here?
- (CHL) Largely community support and maintenance
- $$$?
- big key person/organization risk
- can we do more community maintenance bits?
## Focused effort on internal tooling
* four buckets
* conda tooling: conda / conda-build / mamba
* move indexing code out of conda build
* Anaconda is working on opening conda/conda-build up for community maintenance
* identify high-value issues on GitHub
* e.g., reconcile solver uses between conda and mamba
* make them swappable is the (very) long-term goal
* Standards
* support recipe spec in conda-build
* mamba maintenance
* missing features for micromamba (upgrade, clean, ...) to make it a full fledged conda-alternative
* micromamba proper pinning support (also for minor python version)
* micromamba read ".condarc" or ".mambarc" file
* proper ssl stuff for micromamba on win / osx
* add `repoquery why` and other repoquery command work
* https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/issues/620
* https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/issues/618
* https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba/issues/413
* serving repodata (quetz, anaconda.org,
github thing)
- Snapshotting of the conda-forge channel for
a given state in time
- There's another use case for repodata patching
for different labels (i.e., development of new
platforms like macos-arm)
- (WV 2021-01-13) we have some additional ideas in [this issue](https://github.com/mamba-org/quetz/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc)
for something like the pypi-timemachine.
jupyterlab used the rc label quite succesfully
for the 3.0 release
- anaconda.org support for .conda format
* generating recipes (grayskull)
- (FF) R recipe regeneration for grayskull
- (SC) Should Julia be well packaged, Julia
package recipe generation.
- (UK) Python extra requirements as additional
outputs via greyskull
- (UK) Split C++ libraries into multiple outputs
(shared libs, headers, static libs, ..)
- Build some tooling that simplifies that
(RPM is that you? I knew you would catch on
what we are doing!)
* maintaining recipes (bot, etc.)
- (JK) Updating dependencies as part of version
bumps (this is in grayskull already for
- (MVN) More event driven builds allowing for
graphs of outputs building in order without
needing to be in one CI stage.
- (CJ) Automatic repodata patching
- Don't issue migration if only a patch is
- Provide repodata patches to API pins
(or the lack thereof)
- (SC) Nicer web UI around migrations
- (CJ) Better finding abi breaks
- (CJ) Fix remaining packages with build ->
host issues
- (FF) "better" graph
- move more bot stuff to quetz
* other, misc?
- (FF) improved docs user/maintainers guide
- (WV) repology integration / mapping conda-forge <-> repology
- (WV) (with above) CVE notices?
## Long-term Challenges/Risks
### maintenance
* (MRB) documentation
* (MRB) staged-recipes
### loss of institutional knowledge
* (MRB) compilers
* (MRB) github automation infrastructure
* (MRB) credentials
* (MRB) policies and practices
### core/maintainer time/resources/burnout
* (MRB) communicating effectively with our maintainers
### provider relationships
* (MRB) we are slowly bleeding our deep connections w/ anaconda
* (MRB) we don't have formal relationships around key resources like azure
* (MRB) we struggle to provide more advanced tooling
* cuda
* compilers beyond gcc/clang
* (MRB) github itself
### growth
* (MRB) web hosting
* (MRB) github automation
* (MRB) recipe metadata maintenance and reconciliation
* (MRB) build capacity
* more complicated packages that don't fit in our limits
* loss of azure build ticket
* build capacity on specialized architectures
* (MRB) tooling failure due to growth (solves to slow etc.)
### security
* (MRB) as we have more maintainers, how do we further secure key parts of the infrastructure and packages?
### fiscal sustainability
* (MRB) operating cost constraints
* (MRB) operating cost growth?
# Key
FF: Filipe
MVN: Marius
CJ: CJ-Wright
MRB: Matt Becker
CHL: Cheng Lee
UK: Uwe Korn
WV: Wolf Vollprecht
SC: Sylvain Corlay
JK: John Kirkham
IF: Isuru Fernando