FOSDEM 2021 Planning


  • Add in a sign up to staff welcome session to wiki (marie)
  • Drop staff sign up around on telegram (mariana)
  • Collect video (marie)
  • Make banner for blog post (marie)
  • Badge pushed (marie)
  • Finish blog post and publish (mariana)
  • Internal work for raffle (marie)
  • Add in info for welcome sessions (Vipul)
  • Uploading videos (Vipul)
  • Create entry forms (Vipul)

Matrix Chat

You don't need to create a new account. You just have to add the server to your existing client


  • Need to gather video files
    • Matthew's State of Fedora from Nest
    • Unboxing Lenovo laptop
    • F33 Release Party videos
    • Budapest Flock video


Social Hours on Saturday & Sunday

One hour each day, 3PM UTC, held in FOSDEM/fedora chat room. We would like to add video: Jitsi.


To Do List:

Marie working on coordinating with RH

  • Terms & conditions requested
    • Almost completed
  • Loop has been opened with Fulfillment
    • Need to get them the info for items in the package

Surveys used for raffle

  • Open tickets on mindshare repo requesting these.
    • one to gather all emails
    • one to gather shipping info from winners

Raffle Entry Form

Appropriate heading. T&C is waiting on a link, we are waiting on T&C so let's make the entry form first, we will have to make a small update.

Email Address:

Entry Form:

Winner Info Form

Vipul, please mark all as mandatory and add appropriate heading.

​​​​Please note, *all* of this information needs to be provided or we will be unable to send your raffle prize. If your address is truly an exception, please mark "N/A" and provide any clarification.

​​​​To Contact Name	
​​​​To Phone	
​​​​To Email
​​​​To Address 1
​​​​To Address 2	
​​​​To City	
​​​​To State Code	
​​​​To Postal Code	
​​​​To Country Code

Raffle Winner Email

Hello Friend of Fedora!

Congratulations on winning the Fedora Project raffle contest at FOSDEM 2021!! You were one of 100 winners randomly selected as the winner of this giveaway.

Please fill out the following shipment information form within 72 hours(Thursday February 11th at 5PM UTC):

Contest winners must provide all information for shipment or will be disqualified from receiving the prize. Please see attached Terms & Conditions.
Responses to the Shipment Information Form will only be used to send shipments for this raffle contest and will be purged onced the shipping process is complete.


Items for Package

Blue Fedora Hex Stickers
Fedora Pen (white)
Diversity Stickers
1" Round Fedora Pin (blue)
Fedora Lanyards (Black)
2" Round Fedora Women Stickers
NeuroFedora Sticker
Fedora Badges Sticker Sheet
Fedora Enamel Pin


February 6th & 7th - FOSDEM
February 8th-22nd - Gather info from raffle winners
Feb 22nd - March 1st - ship packages & do follow ups if necessary
March 1st-5th - ship follow up packages
March 5th - cut off for this program


  • Thoughts on chat staffing: doesn't seem like the best use of time to staff the booth the entire time. Instead we envision doing a social hour, AMA, live Q&A, or demo at a specific time.


  • Vipul will assist with Hugo

  • Need to finalize content

  • Asking Vipul for a screenshot of layout


    • Logos
    • Mindshare infographics


    • Changes implemented in F33, upcoming changes for F34
    • Info about becoming a Fedora contributor and all contact info for Join SIG
    • Mindshare team infographics
    • Info on publications, events

Copy for website

Welcome Session

Welcome to the Fedora Project welcome session at FOSDEM 2021! The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. We are the Fedora community people: the ones who use, build, test and maintain the Fedora Linux distribution. If you're just hearing about us, learn more here.

Fedora will be participating in several ways during FOSDEM 2021, join us!

  • Chatroom
  • Raffle
  • Badge
  • Social Hours


Welcome to the Fedora Project stand!

Welcome to the Fedora Project virtual stand at FOSDEM 2021! The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. We are the Fedora community people: the ones who use, build, test and maintain the Fedora Linux distribution. If you're just hearing about us, learn more here.

The Fedora Project @ FOSDEM


What would FOSDEM be without swag? That's what we thought so we decided to share Fedora goodies in a raffle contest for this year's FOSDEM!

How to enter the raffle? Join our chat room to find the raffle entry link. You will need to enter your name and email address to enter. We will randomly draw 100 winners on February 8th, at 5PM UTC. The winners will receive a follow up form to provide shipment information. Please see full Terms & Conditions here.

Also, don't worry if you are a veteran Fedoran and are involved with the community, there will be plenty more chances to receive swag during 2021.

Fedora Socials

We are excited to meet you at FOSDEM 2021! Please join us for a dedicated Social Hour at 3PM UTC on both Saturday February 6th & 7th.


Event badges are some of the most special badges for your FAS collection. Grab your FOSDEM 2021 badge!

The Fedora Project in 2020

The past year was challenging for the Fedora Project due to the changes introduced by the COVID-19 outbreak, but we still expertly delivered two releases on time: Fedora 32 and Fedora 33

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. The most substantial change in the F33 was the changing of filesystems for desktop variants with BTRFS being the new default filesystem. Fedora IoT has been promoted to an Official Edition alongside to Workstation and Server. Fedora’s popularity in the tech community did not go unnoticed by Lenovo and Lenovo is now shipping Fedora Workstation on selected laptop models.

On the Fedora community side, we have managed to gather more attendees than ever at our conferences due to going virtual, with Nest with Fedora, F33 Release Party, and Fedora Women's Day 2020. We also socialize weekly at our Fedora Social Hour, we welcome you to join us! More info here. The community focused side of Fedora is also working hard on an Revamp for their various outreach teams, and it is soon to be elevated to a Fedora Objective. Learn more about the Revamp here.

New in 2021:

With the release of F33 in October 2020, Fedora 34 is now in the making! Do you have any ideas or suggestions for future releases? Join the devel mailing list where development and testing discussion happens. Check out the Fedora 34 wiki page with all the importatnt details for the upcoming release.

The Fedora Project will continue to hold virtual events in 2021, such as release parties, virtual team meetups, Fedora Women's Day and Nest to Fedora. We are excited about how successful our 2020 events went, and we are going to continue to improve them this year. The silver lining of being all virtual is we are able to reach a broader audience of Fedorans than ever before. We welcome you to join our Fedora community events: share your own story, listen to what the rest of the community has to say, and meet the faces behind this global project.

Want to become a part of Fedora?:

Are you new to The Fedora Project and you don't know where to start? You can start by joining #fedora-join on (Telegram, Matrix & IRC on Freenode), where a welcoming group of Fedorans will help guide you. The Fedora Join SIG is made up of new and old contributors who have a passion for Fedora and helping others get involved. They help you with:

  • Setting up a Fedora Account
  • Learning about the Fedora community
  • Connect you to the right Fedora teams for you
  • Provide resources

Have any other questions? Ask them here!



Every year in Brussels, Belgium, the first weekend of February is dedicated to the "Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting" aka FOSDEM, the largest open source, developer-oriented conference of the year. As expected, the conference is going online for the 2021 edition, which gives the opportunity to Open Source enthusiasts from every timezone to attend sessions live and and participate.

The Fedora Project has a long history of attendance at FOSDEM (since 2006) and 2021 will not be an exception. Every year a team of dedicated volunteers, advocates, and ambassadors staff a booth, hand out swag, and answer questions related to the Fedora Project. Although we will miss seeing everyone's faces in person this year, we are still excited to catch up with friends, old and new.

FOSDEM 2021 will be held on February 6th & 7th and we expressly invite you to "stop by" our virtual booth, check out what's new in Fedora and what is planned for the upcoming year. The Fedora Project has its own webpage where you can join us and find out what we have planned for the FOSDEM weekend! Visiting a FOSDEM stand this year is little different. Here's how you can participate with the Fedora community:


The FOSDEM organizers have created a Fedora room on a dedicated server. You can either join the room directly and create a new Element account or join with a pre-existing account.

To join with a pre-existing account:

  • Go to the Element home page
  • Click "Explore more rooms"
  • Click on the dropdown list in order to add the FOSDEM server
  • On the bottom of the dropdown list click "Add a new server"
  • Enter "" and click "Add"
  • Join the Fedora chat

Welcome Sessions

Directly before the start of sessions on each day, there will be a "Welcome Session" for each stand from 8:30-9AM UTC (9:30-10AM CET). There will be a group of Fedora folks hanging out in our chatroom during those times. Join us at:

Join our Social Hours

Due to pandemic life Fedorans have been meeting for a weekly social hour since April 2020. We have found them to be a fun way to stay connected, and we want to connet with you at FOSDEM! This is a great opportunity for conference attendees to meet the faces of Fedora. There will be two Social Hours: one on Saturday Feb 6th at 3PM UTC and one on Sunday Feb 7th 3PM UTC. Join us!


What would FOSDEM be without swag? In order to get that sweet swag into people's hands this year, we are holding a raffle contest!

How to enter the raffle? Join our chat room to find the raffle entry link. You will need to enter your name and email address to enter. We will randomly draw 100 winners on February 8th, at 5PM UTC. The winners will receive a follow up form to provide shipment information. Terms & Conditions available on entry form.


The FOSDEM organizers have created a dedicated space for us to upload some videos to show-case our project. If you haven't already watched we will have:

  • "State of Fedora" from Matthew Miller from Nest 2020
  • Unboxing of Lenovo laptop running Fedora
  • Fedora 33 Release Party videos
  • Budapest community video from Flock 2019

Community Blog Post

This year, we are doing FOSDEM virtual style! Every year in Brussels, Belgium, the first weekend of February is dedicated to the "Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting" aka FOSDEM, the largest open source, developer-oriented conference of the year. As expected, the conference is going online for the 2021 edition, which gives us Fedorans the chance to learn, share, and spend time with each other and the greater FOSS community.

Fedora has a long history of attendance at FOSDEM (since 2006) and 2021 will not be an exception. We will miss seeing everyone's faces in person this year, sharing a meal, giving IRL hugs but, we are still excited to catch up with all of our Fedora friends, old and new!

FOSDEM 2021 will be held on February 6th & 7th and we would love for Fedorans to join us for the different activities we have planned. Fedora has its own webpage where you can join us and find out what we have planned for the FOSDEM weekend! Visiting a FOSDEM stand this year is little different. Here's how you can participate with the Fedora community:


The FOSDEM organizers have created a Fedora room on a dedicated server. You can either join the room directly and create a new Element account or join with a pre-existing account.

To join with a pre-existing account:

  • Go to the Element home page
  • Click "Explore more rooms"
  • Click on the dropdown list in order to add the FOSDEM server
  • On the bottom of the dropdown list click "Add a new server"
  • Enter "" and click "Add"
  • Join the Fedora chat

Join our Social Hours

We are bringing our weekly Social Hour to FOSDEM! This is a great opportunity for Fedorans to connect with conference attendees. There will be two Social Hours: one on Saturday Feb 6th at 3PM UTC and one on Sunday Feb 7th 3PM UTC. Join us!


What would FOSDEM be without swag? In order to get that sweet swag into people's hands this year, we are holding a raffle contest!

How to enter the raffle? Join our chat room to find the raffle entry link. You will need to enter your name and email address to enter. We will randomly draw 100 winners on February 8th, at 5PM UTC. The winners will receive a follow up form to provide shipment information. Terms & Conditions available on entry form.


The FOSDEM organizers have created a dedicated space for us to upload some videos to show-case our project. If you haven't already watched we will have:

  • "State of Fedora" from Matthew Miller from Nest 2020
  • Unboxing of Lenovo laptop running Fedora
  • Fedora 33 Release Party videos
  • Budapest community video from Flock 2019

Fedora Stand Welcome Session Chat Sign Up

Directly before the start of sessions on day, there will be a "Welcome Session" for each stand from 8:30-9AM UTC (9:30-10AM CET). It should also give us a pre-configured event room we can use to give a short live introduction and then just hang out at that time if desired. If you are interested and available to participate, please sign up on the wiki page.

Can't wait to see you there!

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