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title: 好植地基地檢核/基本設計生產器初想
tags: tree
# 好植地基地檢核/基本設計生產器初想
## Table of Contents
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ8IDHnIr9uDUWswvdkpL9T153ToGYsSd7Nq2JzmcEQedRRSrpdoFjNFg9mpW2he7Fb_9q_qQyvKsDb/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="720" height="583" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
## 1. 基地檢核:
### a. Prepare a Site Model Base
= Digital Terrain/Surface Model + Existing Buildings and Trees + Environmental/ Weather Data
Data Input :
site_id - [指標基地資訊表格](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RnaTnG9z9dvjmjQ5zeKaogDmGr4QDGaIT4R-wtXH6-8/edit?fbclid=IwAR0zfcYdGO-119Okn1FDzsSxJ_fcmKODQVIosPtzxlqWxwStnVg2JURzOfs#gid=651736071)
site_tree - 現有樹木數據
site_building - 現有建物
site_terrain - DEM
[好植地 - 基地檢核評估項目](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RtMLr3oTiIEAjQP32ZElmCspZFxgqeLkpcE6xvN3Oc4/edit?fbclid=IwAR2HNkgJGqca3HpuV9A7umnIvS5Im7HYSwGzG_Nu-e7w9i6FhzL-1y0vHDM)
*(20.07.07 Haowen site info database + GH import)*
### b. 植生條件研判 + 創造外部效益 Work in Progress
#### **Sunlight Analysis**
- https://www.ladybug.tools/butterfly.html
- 需要圖資:周邊現有建物及樓高、現有樹資訊 (received)
- 分析結果:
- Trees Full Sun: at least 6 hrs/ Partial Sun: 4-6 hrs/ Full Shade: 2 hrs or less
*(20.06.06 Haowen_Sun Analysis test run)
#### **Hydrology Stormwater Catchment**
使用[此篇Grasshopper script](https://generativelandscapes.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/water-runoff-script-example-8-6/)模擬運算雨水逕流 (如果有歷年雨量資料則可考量使用[caesar-lisflood](https://sourceforge.net/projects/caesar-lisflood/)進行模擬)
- 需要圖資:場地地形或坡度資訊, 或雨量資料 (climate data received)
- 分析結果:
*(20.06.14 Jiazhen_Waterflow test run)
*(20.06.18 Jiazhen_waterflow scoring test)
分析方法: 將場地劃分為20x20m單元格,運算每單元的雨水逕流相較全區流量的百分比,得出比較數值-->數值高=較能截流的區域--->搭配不同設計方法能計算雨水收集效益
#### **Wind Analysis/**
使用Grasshopper - [EddieQ](https://www.eddy3d.com/) or [Butterfly](https://github.com/ladybug-tools/butterfly)模擬
- 需要圖資:周邊現有建物及樓高、現有樹資訊
- 分析結果:
--->地面風(define適合設計Wind mitigation區域?)
*(07.11.20 Haowen test run_simple wind direction & pedestrian comfort)
#### **土壤品質Geology/ soil /**
導入GIS圖資 [農地資料流通中心](https://aldoc.coa.gov.tw/)
#### **Urban Heat Island**
Grasshopper - [Dragonfly](https://www.ladybug.tools/dragonfly.html)
[Urban Weather Generator](https://github.com/ladybug-tools/uwg)
#### **Carbon Sequestration** 待查
導入,但研判方式還要 找既有套件 或 自行研擬出該議題的判斷式
#### **生物資料**
導入GIS圖資 (整體研判此基地對於地區生物相來說,基地的變更,會如何影響生物相)
#### **歷史圖資**
### c. 建議方案生成方法
![](https://i.imgur.com/XvN3jfz.jpg =400x500)
## 2. 計算潛力種植樹量/ 外部效益計算器:
![](https://i.imgur.com/y4DTxx0.jpg =400x400)
Interactive Tool:
[UK 2050 Energy Calculator](http://2050-calculator-tool.decc.gov.uk/#/home)
[UK 2050 Energy Calculator Github](https://github.com/decc/twenty-fifty-new-look)
[New York City Street Tree Map](https://tree-map.nycgovparks.org/tree-map)
[Kreyon Build your ideal city](http://whatif.cslparis.com/kreyon.html)
[Kreyon City, the ideal city made of LEGO bricks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0jjyeHWsQk&fbclid=IwAR0tocvtURjkx_WcWBqpml4rrP0sLfDvskMHTpaj9QEiDtAZlej2P9URktM)
[i-Tree Tool](https://www.itreetools.org/)
[Camden i-Tree Inventory Report](https://www.treeconomics.co.uk/http-2018-treeconomics-co-uk-projects-camden-i-tree-inventory-report-news/)
[Tree as Infrastructure](https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/trees-as-infrastructure-aa141acdf227)/ [Tree as Infrastructure筆記](https://hackmd.io/Vp9QYSrDQ9Wb2Q5hRpApbg)
[First Steps in Valuing Trees and Green Infrastructure](http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/3226/1/TDAG_ValuingTrees%26GI_2019.pdf)
[Tree Design Action Group Guides](http://www.tdag.org.uk/guides--resources.html?fbclid=IwAR25ebHmSx_7op-grjQDcT8wDB2AS7Ndd0IYQreQu6MZI6q-Q3OKeKfyCwg)
[Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to analyze brain region activity when viewing landscapes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204617300300)
> (待整理)
> - 每一棵成齡樹可減少24%空氣懸浮微粒 up to a 24% reduction in particulate matter/ per mature tree
> - -->空氣品質提升, 預估減少氣喘相關花費 以英國為例£666m藥用費, £160m診所費Improved air quality can reduce asthma attacks related costs (eg £666m on prescription, £160m on GP visits) 台灣數據?
> - More than 270 people are admitted to hospital each day because of asthma attacks. Of the £1.1b cost of treating asthma in the UK, at least £666 million is spent on prescription costs each year. Other costs include £160m on GP consultations, £143m on disability claims and £137m on hospital care.
> - 每增加5%樹蔭面積可降低2%暴雨逕流 2% stormwater runoff reduction/ every 5% of tree cover
> - 每25m2樹穴能截流26”的倫敦年雨量 (相當於英國水利局每種植一棵樹能節省£150) capture 26” of London’s annual rainfall/ per tree with 25m2 tree pit. (For every tree with those qualities planted, Thames Water who currently pays £1.5 p/m3 could save £150 a year for every tree planted.) 台灣數據?
> - 適當的植樹和景觀基礎建設能有效降低都市熱島效應和氣溫2到8度 Informed selection and strategic placement of trees and green infrastructure can reduce the UHI and cool the air by between 2°C and 8°C
> - 適當排列的樹列能有效節省辦公室能源帳單至多18% Optimally positioned row of trees could help save up to 18% energy for heating office buildings
> - Research has shown that temperature decreased nonlinearly with increasing canopy cover, with the greatest cooling when canopy cover exceeded 40%
> - Different species have different rates of transpiration (water passed from roots to leaves and evaporates into the environment through leaf pores) Conifers transpire 10–12% while Deciduoud Trees up to 25% of precipitation.
## 3.分析數據整合及視覺化互動3D介面
![](https://i.imgur.com/VAPRF6U.jpg =400x400)
- Speckle+Hestia Viewer (30.06 HL_Test_DemoSite01)
<iframe src="https://hestia.speckle.works/view/?streams=xxWdjHHrj,JQ7Q2YEcE,yKf1LLqko" width="800" height="500"> </iframe>
(30.06 HL_Test_DemoSite02)
<iframe src="https://hestia.speckle.works/view/?streams=7HuZqjvzK" width="800" height="500"> </iframe>
- export into geojson or KML
- [QGIS 3D](http://bl.ocks.org/infographicstw/raw/c434624afe673a173d7959049a666f71/?fbclid=IwAR1CLYdS7-qKThnj-0A0PPLRzuOi_XyJ6FGFk0joR9wfT52Y7ov8oiwFUA0)
- spider?
- three.js
- https://threejs.org/examples
- **Proccessing/ P5.js web editor**
(20.06.16 HL測試P5 web editor, 導入建物地形, 以網路鏈結方式呈現3D互動窗口如下, google chrome)
<iframe src="https://editor.p5js.org/haowen1724/present/09iWxs8wp" width="600" height="300"> </iframe>
想UI部分可以讓使用者顯示/隱藏希望顯示的圖資, 以下為processing可以創建的UI示意
# Local Code方法
Local Code方法:
1. 視覺化基地的環境分析:Yearly Sun exposure/ Hydrology Stormwater Catchment/ Carbon Sequestration/ Thermal Analysis
2. 提出Locally optimized landscape proposal
3. 民眾參與工具 Interactive tool that indicates budget and cost (City funding, States funding, Federal funds, materials and labor)
Download link for Local Code Grasshopper script has been removed from the website, but found
開放資料的運用, 建構場地基本資訊
場地的3種預設建議方案 (除了基本方案外,另提供其他不同權重,例如著重滯水、吸塵、風道、降溫其他兩種)
最後的重點在展示, 當方案透過設計參與的公私部門、民眾建議溝通後,會產生多元可能,而建構好的效益計算工具所扮演的角色就是在設計討論中,連動且反覆地檢視方案的永續數值