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# Day *3* Q&A
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## What is Software?
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## General Questions
- Q: Will the lecture recordings be available somewhere after the end of the course? Sorry for the unrelated question.
- A: Yes, on the Github pages
- Thanks!
- Q: In the course description it is stated that "The training content is estimated to correspond to a certain number of credits, however the estimated credits are just guidelines.". Just wondering, what is the estimated number of credits?
- A: This will be answered later...
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## SDLC and methods
- Q: Can you give a bit more concrete example of how different SDLC cycles are applied? (using a real life example)
- A: Hope the present talking addresses this!
May come also when the other cycles are covered.
- C: Ok thanks! It is a bit too abstract for me otherwise!
- A: I will try to give some more fun examples as we go along to show how diffrent things can be used. It will have to be some what brief though if we are going to be able to cover the material(this is a rather theory dens bit I am afraid, it will be more concrete as the day progresses)
- Q: You mentioned that there should be an assessment of real project cost (which I interpret mainly as time). How does one _realistically_ assess how long some development will take?
- A: The more you **plan** and identify:
- reqs (especially technical),
- risks,
- design and so on,
- don't forget testing and bug fixes
- ... helps you find time.
- *Short* **Iterations!!**
- Also your/others old **experiences**!
- on longer time scales: maintenance.
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## Object Orientation Will be tomorrow at 09.00
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## UML
- Q: what is the difference between ":" and "-" at the beginning of a statement in an activity diagram?
- A: - is a connector and :is a general node start if you have parantheses in the text you wish to have on your node : will not work
- Q: I'm not able to render the plantUML diagrams, but get the error "No PlantUML server, specify one with "plantuml.server"." Any idea on how to fix this?
- A:Which extension are you using
- C: PlantUML and PlantUML previewer. Also Markdown and Markdown All in One. Do I need any more?
-A: What browser, you could try running this https://github.com/marcozaccari/markdown-diagrams-browser-extension instead of PlantUML previewer
-A:remember the plantUML desktop jar file needs graphviz to render
- Q: Is it possible to have nested diagram? Like that a new more detailed one come up when you click on a function
- A:In most software for UML, yes for plantuml you can use !include this will include the contents from the other file into the current file.
- Q:I have lost the first 10 minutes. How can I write a uml diagram in Vscode? Do I need an extension?
- A:Yes, the PlantUML extension and the markdown-plantuml-preview
## Code Sharing And Social coding
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## Code review
- C: When I was working as Senior SE in Critical Mass, in canada we used team based code review where a team of senior deloper and junior developer reviewed code together for eachother which gave less of a problem as it was a team effort rather than one person who is commenting. which diffuses the point
- C: Having planned well (reqs, risks, analysis/ design) would hopefully make all persons on the same track for the project direction
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## Pair Programming
- A: Room 9
def fibonacci(n):
Compute the Fibonacci number of a natural number n. #COMMENT: Good descriptions.
n: natural number # COMMENT: One could make the function throw an error when n is not a natural number.
F_n : Fibonacci number
# F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1
# F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} where n > 2 # COMMENT: The pseudocode is not representative of the actual implementation of the Fibonacci function, which in this case is by list-appending, not iteratively as suggested by the pseudocode.
if n == 0: # COMMENT: These explicit return statements seem to be redundant, given that the return fibonacci_list[n-1] command are now returning the same values.
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
fibonacci_list = [0,1]
for i in range(2,n): # COMMENT: writing the range in this way does not include n
fibonacci_list.append(fibonacci_list[i-1] + fibonacci_list[i-2]) # SUGGESTION: this could be written by only storing the last two items, not the full list, if memory is an issue. If time is an issue, one could perhaps use a stack instead?
return fibonacci_list[n-1] # COMMENT: we think that the index you want to return should be n, not n-1
- Room 7
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def fib(n):
prev = 0
curr = 1
for i in range(n):
tmp = curr
curr = prev + curr
prev = tmp
return curr
for i in range(10):
- A: Feedback
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def fib(n):
# Add docstring/documentation explaining what the function does as well as input output
prev = 0
curr = 1
for i in range(n):
tmp = curr # could be better to describe it in readable name
curr = prev + curr
prev = tmp
return curr
for i in range(10):
No other comments. Docstring could be ignored since the code is very clean and easy to understand in this case. Nice, clean code!
- Q: Room 8
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def pi_test():
pi = 0
d = 1
for n in range(1,1000000):
a = 2*(n%2)-1
pi += a*4/d
d += 2
return pi
- A: Review
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def pi_test():
pi = 0
d = 1
for n in range(1,1000000):
# Why did you settle for 1000000?
# It could be made into a function maybe?
a = 2*(n%2)-1
pi += a*4/d
d += 2
# This seems like a nice algorithm.
# Does it have a name?
return pi
## Questions above this line
# Day *3* feedback
- F: Add a module about how to write good code (see maybe https://github.com/NBISweden/development-guidelines#comments-in-code) before the code review part
- F:
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- F: A live paired programming example would be nice before the exercise
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