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HackMD is the Markdown Viewer that GitHub should have built. With no setup, you can track views, embed pseudocode, and even capture private suggestions from anonymous readers. HackMD is an essential tool for me and something I recommend to all technical writers looking to share their thoughts online.
Patrick O'Grady'Ava Labs
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manan@manangouhariI hate how underrated @hackmdio is 🤌
Eric Bishard@httpJunkieCan we just all agree as a community to use @hackmdio?
I'm going to write a novel with it.
Adam Sternbach@knowerofmarketsDegens really care about reading posts about blockchain architecture on hackmd
Stephane@thegostepReality unfolds one hackmd doc at a time
pseudo 📜 🇺🇦@pseudotheoshackmd still on top
Adam Sternbach@adamsternbachAs a crypto lawyer who tries to understand tech, HackMD seems to be the alpha.
Duffie Cooley@mauilionThis made me think of
@hackmdio which I use to solve this problem all the time.
Barbara ⚢ @geekiedjI really like @hackmdio
jin@dankvrI love @hackmdio, I'm almost at 1200 notes. Best collab note taking app imo
I can download all notes and import to Obsidian if I wanted, but I prefer working in public. The bookshelf:
Mike Coutermarsh@msccccI use hackmd so that others can co-write/edit it before it’s “GitHub official”
Abhishek (key/value)@StalwartCoderJust @hackmdio is enough.