# 2018-05-05 OurNetworks :date: **Date:** Sat, May. 05, 2018 @ 11:30am-12:00pm :raising_hand: **Participation:** [`appear.in/ournetworks`](https://appear.in/ournetworks) and [calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=aers7atolh0uurlfmkoki9kikg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FToronto) :family: **Attendance:** - patcon - garry - dcwalk - benhylau ## Agenda 1. Run through "In Progress" 3. Run through "Calendar Deadlines" 5. Other Business ## Notes - TODO investigate costs of equip rental (ben) - TODO Sunday meeting TMAC (Sarah, Dawn maybe) - TODO call vector RE: yami-ichi (Sarah) - TODO Call for Vendors: out end of May 21 (from last meeting) - draft text in PR from dcwalk - speakers ([spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/108sbmdcf9ekxYRL3mpa1QBtmjhA5KwoO5w_XWtQgDS4/edit#gid=0)) - TODO invite mercedes sharpe (patcon) - dcwalk: panel on "repair culture" - patcon: bike pirates as counterpoint? - establish 2018 look (garry) - design APR (visual + logo) - logo dev presentation from marlo via gary - anti-alias aesthetic - TODO: [move info architecture forward](https://github.com/ournetworks/2018/issues/39) (patcon) - TODO: invoice creation (ben) - using new logo from @garry - ISOC (wants EFT) - IPFS (cheque) - sarah knows of invoice generator, but maybe nothing special (ie. google) - found it: http://invoicegenerator.com/ - dcwalk: registration + vendor submission form - TODOs by next weekend - sarah likely taking lead - https://github.com/ournetworks/2018/issues/46 - some CFP invites (patcon) - write bios (patcon) --- - TODO all Thinking about registration processes for: - Yami-ichi Vendors - Conference Tickets - TODO Livestream