# ThingsPro Installation (for UC-8100-ME) In this guide, we will be upgrading the UC-8100-ME to the newest firmware and installing ThingsPro onto the UC-8100-ME. (NOTE FROM OLIVER: Make sure you use the 2.2 version of the firmware with Debian 8 for ThingsPro 2.3) ###### tags: `ThingsPro`, `Tech Note`, `UC-8100-ME` ## Prerequisites * MOXA console cable * PuTTY or other Terminal Emulator Software * WinSCP * SD Card * [Latest Firmware image](https://www.moxa.com/support/sarch_result.aspx?type=soft&prod_id=5155&type_id=4) (UC-8100-ME Firmware) * Latest Thingspro build * Links to the files needed: * [ThingsPro v2.3 for UC-8100 Series](https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8z299hhecx3at4/thingspro_armhf_20180330-001535.frm?dl=1) * [Install.sh](https://www.dropbox.com/s/8a6x5voq5qm1ahn/install.sh?dl=1) ## Preparing the SD Card for firmware upgrade (For Windows) 1. Insert an empty SD card to a Windows PC 2. Reformat the SD card to use the FAT32 file system: 1. This can be done by right clicking on the SD card and clicking Format 2. Change File system to FAT32 and click start ![SDRight.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/SDRight.png?raw=true) 3. Once the Reformat is done, copy the newest firmware image onto the reformatted SD card * Copy the image's name for later ## Updating the Firmware 1. Connect to the UC-8100-ME using the serial console 2. Once the connection with the UC-8100-ME is made, power down the device 3. Insert the SD card with the Firmware image into the US-8100-ME 4. On the serial console, press and hold the \<DEL> key, while powering up the device, this will open up the bootloader configuration settings (If \<DEL> is not working here, try to use Tera Term instead of Putty.) 5. On the bootloader configuration settings, type "1" and press enter ![UC8100_1.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/UC8100_1.png?raw=true) ![UC8100_2.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/UC8100_2.png?raw=true) 6. The computer will then ask for an .img file that is on the SD card and press enter * If you had previouly copied it from the Preparing SD Card section this would be the place to paste it and add the .img extention to it ![UC8100_3.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/UC8100_3.png?raw=true) 7. Once the update is completed, press "4" to open the OS command line. ![UC8100_4.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/UC8100_4.png?raw=true) ## Installing the ThingsPro Gateway 1. Connect to the UC-8100-ME using the serial console 2. Open WinSCP and connect to the UC-8100-ME ![Things1.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/Things1.png?raw=true) 3. Using WinSCP, copy the ThingsPro v2.3 and Install.<span>sh</span> to the UC-8100-ME ![Things2.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/Things2.png?raw=true) 4. Once the files have been copied to the UC-8100-ME, using the serial console type `ls` to confirm the files have been transfered ![Things3.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/Things3.png?raw=true) 5. For the UC-8100-ME: Run `sudo bash install.sh uc8100me-mxcloud-cg` For the UC-8100: Run `sudo bash install.sh uc8100-mxcloud-cg` 7. Once the installation is done, run `pversion` ![Things5.png](https://github.com/rog0315/Images/blob/master/Things5.png?raw=true) 7. Confirm if the version shown is the one you installed, if so, you have successfully installed ThingsPro