# Data Together: Services & Access Inventory The purpose of this document is to share an inventory of the services/assets we use, along with who has access to what. **Legend** :star: Shared password (eg. Lastpass) :white_check_mark: Access list is complete (date recommended) :question: Needs confirmation :trophy: Elevated privileges :money_with_wings: Consider upgrading service to paid ## Contents 1. [Passwords](#Passwords) 2. [Services](#Services) 3. [Decommissioned Services](#Decommissioned-Services) ## Passwords Passwords are stored in a [**restricted Google Doc**](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aV6twa1Z4HkBuxLqgk_yFbNtzTJvIi4PwGn5RKtdSFQ/edit). Should you feel that you need access, please make a request in the main Slack channel, `#datatogether`. Access is listed in the entry below under "Password GDoc" ## Services * Airtable * @flyingzumwalt :trophy: * * Heroku * `archivers-slack` :white_check_mark: 2017-07-12 * brendanobrienesq@gmail.com :trophy: * brendan@qri.io * patrick.c.connolly@gmail.com * `datatogether-superset` :white_check_mark: 2017-07-12 * patrick.c.connolly@gmail.com * brendan@qri.io * dawncwalker@gmail.com :trophy: * sonal.ranjit3@gmail.com * `harvest-pipeline` :white_check_mark: 2017-07-12 * brendanobrienesq@gmail.com :trophy: * brendan@qri.io * patrick.c.connolly@gmail.com * GitHub * datatogether * @b5 :trophy: * @flyingzumwalt :trophy: * @dcwalk * @patcon * @mattprize * Google ReCAPTCHA * patrick.c.connolly@gmail.com * brendanobrienesq@gmail.com * Password GDoc (see [above](#passwords)) :white_check_mark: 2018-01-03 * @b5 * @dcwalk * @patcon * @mattprize * @flyingzumwalt * Superset * VPS instance * sonalr :question: * Heroku instance :white_check_mark: 2017-07-12 * admin :trophy: :star: * patcon :trophy: * sonal :trophy: * b5 :trophy: * Twitter :star: :white_check_mark: 2017-08-21 * [@Data_Together](https://twitter.com/Data_Together) * patrick.c.connolly+datatogether@gmail.com * DNSimple * `datatogether.org` * @lgierth * @b5 * Waffle.io * Login managed via **GitHub** ## Decommissioned Services * Trello :white_check_mark: (deleted) * [DataTogether](https://trello.com/datatogether/) * patcon :trophy: * b5