# Software WG meeting October 2021: Agenda Please add agenda items for the meeting here. z Notes: - how do we get grants for software? - initiative for neuromorphic computing/engineering in the UK: "townhall meeting": https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brain-inspired-computing-the-next-steps-for-the-uk-research-community-tickets-193414346517 - python-neo and other neural ensemble sessions - worldwideneuro for software: https://www.world-wide.org/Neuro/ - https://open-neuroscience.com/ - generalise dev sessions: also do informal user sessions (but not tutorials which require more prep for speakers) - how to get credit for software? how to ensure software is cited? - use the right license: https://tldrlegal.com - lists of licenses: - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Main?rd=Licensing#Good_Licenses - https://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/ - https://joss.theoj.org/ - https://open-neuroscience.com/ - https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-citation-files - https://www.rrids.org/ : some journals make it mandatory to cite software using RRIDs and then automatically link to the tool. Question: which journals? - I might have misremembered: eLife does not make it mandatory but "encourages" it: https://reviewer.elifesciences.org/author-guide/journal-policies > To help promote the identification, discovery, and reuse of key research resources, we encourage you to include Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs) within the Materials and Methods section to identify the model organisms, cells lines, antibodies, and tools (such as **software** or databases) you have used - same for PLoS: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/s/submission-guidelines - Standard format for neuroscience data: https://www.nwb.org/