Unofficial English Translation Version === This page is the English translation of [Act of Endowment, Open Culture Foundation]( Act of Endowment, Open Culture Foundation === Article 1 === This Foundation shall be called “the Open Culture Foundation”, abbreviated as "the" in the following articles, and is established under the Taiwan Civil Code and Taipei City Interim Administrative Regulations for Foundations. Article 2 === 2.1 The objective of is to promote "Open Culture", including but not limited to, activities of Open Source, Open Standard, Open Hardware, and Open Data. To achieve this objective, the shall conduct the following programs in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations: 2.1.1 Coordinate the related "Open Culture" conventions and conferences. 2.1.2 Sponsor the related "Open Culture" projects. 2.1.3 Issue the related "Open Culture" publications and manuals. 2.1.4 Support the related activities of "Open Source", "Open Standard", "Open Hardware", and "Open Data". 2.1.5 Other public welfare movements that meet the established objective of Article 3 === The assets endowed to the at the time of its establishment is 5 million NTD, donated by Pofeng Lee(李柏鋒), Mingzhe Lee(李明哲), Yungyu Chen(陳永昱), Jimmy Huang(黃雋), Charles Chuang(莊友欣) and Hsinchan Chien(簡信昌). The sustaining donated money and goods, aid grants and subsidies shall be duly listed in the annual statements of assets. Article 4 === The’s main office shall be located at 7F., No.142, Linsen S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan. Based on business needs, the branch office in Taiwan as well as abroad can be launched with the approval of the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. Article 5 === 5.1 The is managed by Board of Directors. The affairs shall be conducted by the Board of Directors are listed as following: 5.1.1 Fundraising, supervising and managing on assets. 5.1.2 Appointing and dismissing of Directors; Electing and removing the Chairman of the Board. 5.1.3 Setting up and administrating for internal departments. 5.1.4 Approving and executing the scheduled programs. 5.1.5 Auditting the annual statements both in budget and accounting. 5.1.6 Proposing and accepting the amendments for this Act of Endowment. 5.1.7 Deciding other important matters expected to be made in a common consensus. Article 6 === The numbers of the Directors for the Board range from 5 to 21. The Directors in the first term shall be appointed by the original donators of the endowed assets at the time of's establishment, and the Directors in the second and the following terms shall be recruited and appointed by the previous Board of Directors to them. The Directors of all are positions of no pay, however the essential attendance and transportation fees can be fairly compensated within the amount set by the competent authorities. Article 7 === The term of Board of Directors shall be three years. However, Directors may be reappointed to the succeeded Board. When any of the Directors can not serve the duties in the expected term, the Board shall appoint another successor to fill the vacancy, as assuming the unexpired term of the former Director or the same term of Board remaining for other Directors. One month before the expiration of the term for the current Board, the Board shall hold a convention to appoint the successive Directors and duly perform the business handover on schedule. Article 8 === The Directors shall elect from among themselves a President, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President, Chairman of the Board of Directors shall represent the and preside over all Foundation affairs. Article 9 === The does not have an independent supervisor, instead the Directors shall perform the duties. Article 10 === One Chief Executive can be appointed to manage affairs allotted by the President and the Board of Directors. One Deputy Executive can be appointed as well to help facilitate the business fell under to the Chief Executive. Article 11 === 11.1 Expenses for the's activities shall be met by funds from the interest on its working assets and program revenues. Other than that, the total amount of property registered by the court is subject to the supervision of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs and can be managed and used in the way as follows: 11.1.1 The deposit in the financial institutions. 11.1.2 The purchase of bonds, treasury bills, negotiable deposit receipts, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange certified by financial institutions, commercial promissory notes issued by financial institutions, benefit certificates issued by financial institutions or domestic securities investment trust company. 11.1.3 Acquisition of real estate for the general use of, yet the expenditure can not be made if the cash reserved will be lower than 5 million NTD as requirement of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 11.1.4 The purchase of stocks or corporate bonds legally approved for public offering within one-third amount of the working assets. Yet the calculation of the amount of the working assets excludes the 5 million NTD cash reserved as requirement of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 11.1.5 The trust to the trust enterprise. 11.1.6 Other methods ratified by the competent authorities. 11.2 The shall not offer particular interest irrelevant to the established objective to any person or group in any manner. All the working assets shall not be deposited or lent to the Directors, other individuals or nonfinancial institutions. Article 12 === 12.1 The President shall convene meetings of the Board of Directors twice per year as the chairman. When the President can not attend the meetings in person, the chairman should be elected from among the Directors at each meeting. A record of the proceedings of meeting must be prepared and preserved to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference. 12.2 Whenever the President fails to convene meetings in accordance with the Act of Endowment, one-third or more of the members of the Board of Directors can request a meeting of the Board of Directors in writing with specific statement of the purpose for the meeting. The President must send out the notification for such a meeting within 10 days. If overdue for the notification, the requesting Directors shall be able to convene this meeting with the permission from Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs, and the chairman for this meeting can be one of the requesting Directors himself or herself or elected one among them. Article 13 === 13.1 The resolution of the Board of Directors shall be made by a majority vote with half of the whole Directors in attendance. However the important ones listed below can only be made by a majority vote with two thirds of the whole Directors in attendance and with the permission from Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 13.1.1 Proposal to make modification or amendment to this Act of Endowment. However with the legal reasons stipulated in the article 62 and 63 of the Civil Code, the application for making necessary disposition by the court should be made in advance. 13.1.2 Purchase, disposition, and encumbrances establishment on the real estate. 13.1.3 Investment that should be ratified by the competent authorities. 13.1.4 Appointment and dismissal for the President and Directors. 13.1.5 Dissolution for the legal entity. 13.2 The discussion of the important matters listed in the preceding paragraph shall be communicated to all the Directors on the agenda 10 days before the meeting and shall be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs in advance to inquire if the competent authorities would dispatch the officials to attend the meeting. A record of the proceedings of this meeting must be prepared and preserved to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference. Article 14 === 14.1 The Directors shall attend the Board meeting in person. Otherwise the other Directors may act as agent for him or her with the entrusted document in writing. However each Director can only entrust for one other Director in the meeting, and the entrusted number should be lower than one third to the actual attendants. When an attending Director gets more than one entrusted document from others, the lots should be drawn to confirm which one he or she actually represents. 14.2 The important matters listed in the preceding article can not be made including the entrusted votes. 14.3 If part of the Directors are joining the Board meeting through remote video, the proceedings of the sound or video shall be recorded in full all the time and clearly declared in the minutes and properly kept preserved. Article 15 === 15.1 The business and fiscal year of the shall begin on January 1 of each year and end on December 31 of the same year. 15.2 The shall prepare a business plan and a budget document every year according to the established objective and purposed business. The documents shall get a resolution of the Board of Directors and be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference one month before the start of the next fiscal year. 15.3 The shall prepare a business report and an accounting and an asset statement to get a resolution of the Board of Directors and be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference three months after the end of the previous fiscal year. 15.4 When the whole revenue in a previous fiscal year exceeds 10 million NTD, the financial balance sheet should be verified by an accountant certified by the Ministry of finance as the tax agent. And the verified document should be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference before the end of May. Article 16 === If not being declared in the annual business plan, the performance of specific affairs and programs should be in accordance with the scope defined in the article 2. Article 17 === Proposals for changing in Directors, working assets, and other important affairs due to business managements or other reasons shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for getting the approval, then reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for ratification and made the change registration to the court. Article 18 === 18.1 When the enters into the dissolution phase or has the legal entity status been revoked, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned in accordance with the Act of Endowment. However under no circumstances, the residual assets will be assigned to any natural person or profit-seeking group. 18.2 Stipulated in this very Act of endowment, when situation defined in the preceding paragraph occurs, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned to the non-profit group appointed by the Board of Directors in the region of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Without such a resolution made by the Board of Directors or the resolution is in clear conflicts with the proviso stated in the preceding paragraph, the residual assets of the shall be assigned to the Taipei City. 18.3 When the's legal entity status has been ended in mergering with the other foundations, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned to the inherited foundation to facilitate operation of the ongoing business. Article 19 === The Act of Endowment is finalized in April 7, 2014. For any matters not provided for in this Act, other applicable laws and regulations shall govern. Article 20 === This Act of endowment shall be carried out after the formal registration of the Foundation has been finished. --- Official Chinese and unofficial English Translation Comparable Version === This page is the English translation of [Act of Endowment, Open Culture Foundation]( 財團法人開放文化基金會捐助章程 === Act of Endowment, Open Culture Foundation 第一條 === 本基金會依照民法暨「臺北市財團法人暫行管理規則」組織之,定名為「財團法人開放文化基金會」(以下簡稱本基金會)。 Article 1 This Foundation shall be called “the Open Culture Foundation”, abbreviated as "the" in the following articles, and is established under the Taiwan Civil Code and Taipei City Interim Administrative Regulations for Foundations. 第二條 === 本基金會以提昇開放文化為宗旨,依有關法令規定辦理下列業務,本基金會所指之開放文化包括但不限於開放源碼、開放標準、開放硬體、開放資料、開放系統等相關領域之活動。 一、辦理各類開放文化會議。 二、贊助各類開放文化計劃。 三、發行開放文化之刊物及宣傳品。 四、支援各類開放源碼、開放標準、開放硬體、開放資料等文化活動。 五、其他符合本基金會設立宗旨之相關公益性文化活動。 Article 2 2.1 The objective of is to promote "Open Culture", including but not limited to, activities of Open Source, Open Standard, Open Hardware, and Open Data. To achieve this objective, the shall conduct the following programs in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations: 2.1.1 Coordinate the related "Open Culture" conventions and conferences. 2.1.2 Sponsor the related "Open Culture" projects. 2.1.3 Issue the related "Open Culture" publications and manuals. 2.1.4 Support the related activities of "Open Source", "Open Standard", "Open Hardware", and "Open Data". 2.1.5 Other public welfare movements that meet the established objective of 第三條 === 本基金會設立基金共新臺幣伍佰萬元整,由李柏鋒、李明哲、陳永昱、黃雋、莊友欣、簡信昌捐助,俟本會依法完成財團法人登記後,得繼續接受捐贈。 Article 3 The assets endowed to the at the time of its establishment is 5 million NTD, donated by Pofeng Lee(李柏鋒), Mingzhe Lee(李明哲), Yungyu Chen(陳永昱), Jimmy Huang(黃雋), Charles Chuang(莊友欣) and Hsinchan Chien(簡信昌). The sustaining donated money and goods, aid grants and subsidies shall be duly listed in the annual statements of assets. 第四條 === 本基金會會址設於台北市中正區林森南路142號7樓,並得視業務需要,經台北市政府文化局(以下簡稱文化局)許可後於國內、外設置分事務所。 Article 4 The’s main office shall be located at 7F., No.142, Linsen S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan. Based on business needs, the branch office in Taiwan as well as abroad can be launched with the approval of the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 第五條 === 本基金會設董事會管理之,董事會職權如下: 一、 基金之籌措及財產之管理運用。 二、 董事之選聘及解聘;董事長之推選及解職。 三、 內部組織之設置及管理。 四、 業務計畫之審核及執行。 五、 年度收支預算及決算之審定。 六、 捐助章程修正之擬議。 七、 其他重要事項之擬議或決議。 Article 5 5.1 The is managed by Board of Directors. The affairs shall be conducted by the Board of Directors are listed as following: 5.1.1 Fundraising, supervising and managing on assets. 5.1.2 Appointing and dismissing of Directors; Electing and removing the Chairman of the Board. 5.1.3 Setting up and administrating for internal departments. 5.1.4 Approving and executing the scheduled programs. 5.1.5 Auditting the annual statements both in budget and accounting. 5.1.6 Proposing and accepting the amendments for this Act of Endowment. 5.1.7 Deciding other important matters expected to be made in a common consensus. 第六條 === 本基金會董事會由董事五至二十一人組成。第一屆董事由原捐助人選聘之,第二屆以後董事由前一屆董事會選聘之。董事均為無給職,但得於主管機關所定金額範圍內支領出席費或車馬費。 Article 6 The numbers of the Directors for the Board range from 5 to 21. The Directors in the first term shall be appointed by the original donators of the endowed assets at the time of's establishment, and the Directors in the second and the following terms shall be recruited and appointed by the previous Board of Directors to them. The Directors of all are positions of no pay, however the essential attendance and transportation fees can be fairly compensated within the amount set by the competent authorities. 第七條 === 本基金會董事任期每屆三年,連選得連任,董事在任期中因故出缺,董事會應另行選聘適當人員補足原任期。每屆董事任期屆滿前一個月,董事會應召集會議,改選聘下屆董事。新舊任董事,應按期辦理交接。 Article 7 The term of Board of Directors shall be three years. However, Directors may be reappointed to the succeeded Board. When any of the Directors can not serve the duties in the expected term, the Board shall appoint another successor to fill the vacancy, as assuming the unexpired term of the former Director or the same term of Board remaining for other Directors. One month before the expiration of the term for the current Board, the Board shall hold a convention to appoint the successive Directors and duly perform the business handover on schedule. 第八條 === 本基金會董事互選一人為董事長,綜理會務,對外代表本會。 Article 8 The Directors shall elect from among themselves a President, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President, Chairman of the Board of Directors shall represent the and preside over all Foundation affairs. 第九條 === 本基金會不設監事。 Article 9 The does not have an independent supervisor, instead the Directors shall perform the duties. 第十條 === 本基金會得置執行長一人,承董事會及董事長之命辦理一切事務。並得設副執行長一人、襄助執行長推動業務。 Article 10 One Chief Executive can be appointed to manage affairs allotted by the President and the Board of Directors. One Deputy Executive can be appointed as well to help facilitate the business fell under to the Chief Executive. 第十一條 === 本基金會辦理各項業務所需經費,以支用基金孳息及法人成立後之所得為原則。經法院登記之財產總額之管理使用,受文化局之監督;其管理使用方式如下: 一、存放金融機構。 二、購買公債、國庫券、可轉讓之金融機構定期存單、金融機構承兌匯票、金融機構或票券金融公司保證發行之商業本票、金融機構發行之金融債券或國內證券投資信託公司發行之受益憑證。 三、購置本基金會自用之不動產。但不得動支文化局所定設立之最低現金金額新臺幣伍佰萬元。 四、於財產總額三分之一額度內,購買經依法核准公開發行上市、上櫃股票或公司債。 本款財產總額之計算不含文化局所定設立之最低現金金額新臺幣伍佰萬元。 五、信託予信託業者。 六、主管機關核定之其他使用方式。 本基金會不得於設立目的外,以任何方式對任何人或團體給予特定利益,且財產不得存放或貸與董事、其他個人或非金融事業機構。 Article 11 11.1 Expenses for the's activities shall be met by funds from the interest on its working assets and program revenues. Other than that, the total amount of property registered by the court is subject to the supervision of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs and can be managed and used in the way as follows: 11.1.1 The deposit in the financial institutions. 11.1.2 The purchase of bonds, treasury bills, negotiable deposit receipts, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange certified by financial institutions, commercial promissory notes issued by financial institutions, benefit certificates issued by financial institutions or domestic securities investment trust company. 11.1.3 Acquisition of real estate for the general use of, yet the expenditure can not be made if the cash reserved will be lower than 5 million NTD as requirement of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 11.1.4 The purchase of stocks or corporate bonds legally approved for public offering within one-third amount of the working assets. Yet the calculation of the amount of the working assets excludes the 5 million NTD cash reserved as requirement of Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 11.1.5 The trust to the trust enterprise. 11.1.6 Other methods ratified by the competent authorities. 11.2 The shall not offer particular interest irrelevant to the established objective to any person or group in any manner. All the working assets shall not be deposited or lent to the Directors, other individuals or nonfinancial institutions. 第十二條 === 本基金會董事會由董事長召集之,每年至少應開會二次,並由董事長為會議主席,董事長未能出席時,由董事互推一人為會議主席。會後並將董事會會議紀錄呈報文化局備查。 董事長未依規定召集會議時,經董事三分之一以上書面提出會議目的及召集理由請求召集時,董事長應自受請求之日起,十日內為召集之通知。逾期不為召集之通知,得由請求之董事報經文化局許可後,自行召集之,並由請求召集之董事,自行或互推一人擔任會議主席。 Article 12 12.1 The President shall convene meetings of the Board of Directors twice per year as the chairman. When the President can not attend the meetings in person, the chairman should be elected from among the Directors at each meeting. A record of the proceedings of meeting must be prepared and preserved to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference. 12.2 Whenever the President fails to convene meetings in accordance with the Act of Endowment, one-third or more of the members of the Board of Directors can request a meeting of the Board of Directors in writing with specific statement of the purpose for the meeting. The President must send out the notification for such a meeting within 10 days. If overdue for the notification, the requesting Directors shall be able to convene this meeting with the permission from Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs, and the chairman for this meeting can be one of the requesting Directors himself or herself or elected one among them. 第十三條 === 本基金會董事會之決議事項,應有過半數董事之出席,以出席董事過半數之同意行之。但下列重要事項之決議,應有三分之二以上董事之出席,以董事總額過半數同意,並經文化局核准後行之: 一、章程變更之擬議。但有民法第六十二條或第六十三條之情形者,應先聲請法院為必要之處分。 二、不動產之購買、處分或設定負擔。 三、應經主管機關核定之投資。 四、董事長及董事之選聘及解聘。 五、法人之解散。 前項所列重要事項之討論,應於會議召開十日前將議程通知全體董事,並函報文化局,文化局得派員列席。會後並將董事會會議紀錄呈報文化局備查。 Article 13 13.1 The resolution of the Board of Directors shall be made by a majority vote with half of the whole Directors in attendance. However the important ones listed below can only be made by a majority vote with two thirds of the whole Directors in attendance and with the permission from Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. 13.1.1 Proposal to make mofification or amendment to this Act of Endowment. However with the legal reasons stipulated in the article 62 and 63 of the Civil Code, the application for making necessary disposition by the court should be made in advance. 13.1.2 Purchase, disposition, and encumbrances establishment on the real estate. 13.1.3 Investment that should be ratified by the competent authorities. 13.1.4 Appointment and dismissal for the President and Directors. 13.1.5 Dissolution for the legal entity. 13.2 The discussion of the important matters listed in the preceding paragraph shall be communicated to all the Directors on the agenda 10 days before the meeting and shall be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs in advance to inquire if the competent authorities would dispatch the officials to attend the meeting. A record of the proceedings of this meeting must be prepared and preserved to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference. 第十四條 === 董事應親自出席董事會議。無法親自出席者,得以書面委託其他董事代理;出席人員以接受一人委託為限,且委託比率以不超過董事實際出席人數三分之一為限,委託人數超過限制者,以抽籤定之。 有前條第一項但書所列事項者,不得委託代理人出席。 董事會開會時,如以視訊會議方式為之時,應全程錄音、錄影存證並載明於會議紀錄及妥善永久保存。 Article 14 14.1 The Directors shall attend the Board meeting in person. Otherwise the other Directors may act as agent for him or her with the entrusted document in writing. However each Director can only entrust for one other Director in the meeting, and the entrusted number should be lower than one third to the actual attendants. When an attending Director gets more than one entrusted document from others, the lots should be drawn to confirm which one he or she actually represents. 14.2 The important matters listed in the preceding article can not be made including the entrusted votes. 14.3 If part of the Directors are joining the Board meeting through remote video, the proceedings of the sound or video shall be recorded in full all the time and clearly declared in the minutes and properly kept preserved. 第十五條 === 本基金會以每年一月一日至十二月卅一日為業務及會計年度。 本基會應依設立宗旨及目的事業擬訂會計年度工作計畫及預算,並於會計年度開始一個月前,檢具次年度工作計畫及預算書,提經董事會通過後,函報文化局備查。 本基金會應於會計年度終了後三個月內,將前一年度工作報告、決算及財產清冊提經董事會通過後,函報文化局備查。 本基金會上年度收入總額達新台幣壹仟萬元以上,財務報表應委託經財政部核准為稅務代理人之會計師進行財務查核簽證,於五月底前函報文化局備查。 Article 15 15.1 The business and fiscal year of the shall begin on January 1 of each year and end on December 31 of the same year. 15.2 The shall prepare a business plan and a budget document every year according to the established objective and purposed business. The documents shall get a resolution of the Board of Directors and be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference one month before the start of the next fiscal year. 15.3 The shall prepare a business report and an accounting and an asset statement to get a resolution of the Board of Directors and be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference three months after the end of the previous fiscal year. 15.4 When the whole revenue in a previous fiscal year exceeds 10 million NTD, the financial balance sheet should be verified by an accountant certified by the Ministry of finance as the tax agent. And the verified document should be reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for reference before the end of May. 第十六條 === 本基金會辦理本年度業務計畫以外之工作,須符合本章程第二條之規定。 Article 16 If not being declared in the annual business plan, the performance of specific affairs and programs should be in accordance with the scope defined in the article 2. 第十七條 === 本基金會由於業務需要或其他因素,變更董事、財產及其他重要事項,均須經董事會通過,函報文化局許可,並向法院辦理變更登記。 Article 17 Proposals for changing in Directors, working assets, and other important affairs due to business managements or other reasons shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for getting the approval, then reported to the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs for ratification and made the change registration to the court. 第十八條 === 本基金會於解散或撤銷許可時,經依法清算後之賸餘財產之歸屬,應依捐助章程之規定。但不得歸屬於任何自然人或營利團體。 本捐助章程規定,有前項前段情形發生時,經依法清算後之賸餘財產應歸屬於董事會指定之設立於中華民國境內之非營利團體。如董事會未為決議或其決議有違反前項但書之情形時,其賸餘財產應歸屬於台北市。 本基金會因與其他基金會合併而消滅時,基金及財產經依法清算終結後之賸餘財產,應歸併於存續之基金會繼續使用,以利會務運作。 Article 18 18.1 When the enters into the dissolution phase or has the legal entity status been revoked, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned in accordance with the Act of Endowment. However under no circumstances, the residual assets will be assigned to any natural person or profit-seeking group. 18.2 Stipulated in this very Act of endowment, when situation defined in the preceding paragraph occurs, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned to the non-profit group appointed by the Board of Directors in the region of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Without such a resolution made by the Board of Directors or the resolution is in clear conflicts with the proviso stated in the preceding paragraph, the residual assets of the shall be assigned to the Taipei City. 18.3 When the's legal entity status has been ended in mergering with the other foundations, the residual assets liquidated at law shall be assigned to the inherited foundation to facilitate operation of the ongoing business. 第十九條 === 本章程訂於民國一百零三年四月七日,如有未盡事宜,悉依有關法令規定辦理。 Article 19 The Act of Endowment is finalized in April 7, 2014. For any matters not provided for in this Act, other applicable laws and regulations shall govern. 第二十條 === 本章程經本基金會完成財團法人登記後施行。 Article 20 This Act of endowment shall be carried out after the formal registration of the Foundation has been finished. ---