Critique of Everyday Life Vol.1 Ch.6
當時Lefebvre當任當地廣播電台Radiodiffusion Française的台長
Oil for the Lamps of China,1933年在美國出版的暢銷小說,左圖為書封,右圖為1935年改編的同名電影海報。
Everything great and splendid is founded on power and wealth. They are the basis of beauty. This is why the rebel and the anarchic protester who decries all of history and all the works of past centuries because he sees in them only the skills and the threat of domination is making a mistake. He sees alienated forms, but not the greatness within. The rebel can only see to the end of his own ‘private’ consciousness, which he levels against everything human, confusing the oppressors with the oppressed masses, who were nevertheless the basis and the meaning of history and past works. Castles, palaces, cathedrals, fortresses, all speak in their various ways of the greatness and the strength of the people who built them and against whom they were built. This real greatness shines through the fake grandeur of rulers and endows these buildings with a lasting ‘beauty’. The bourgeoisie is alone in having given its buildings a single, over-obvious meaning, impoverished, deprived of reality: that meaning is abstract wealth and brutal domination; that is why it has succeeded in producing perfect ugliness and perfect vulgarity. The man who denigrates the past, and who nearly always denigrates the present and the future as well, cannot understand this dialectic of art, this dual character of works and of history. He does not even sense it. Protesting against bourgeois stupidity and oppression, the anarchic individualist is enclosed in ‘private’ consciousness, itself a product of the bourgeois era, and no longer understands human power and the community upon which that power is founded. The historical forms of this community, from the village to the nation, escape him. He is, and only wants to be, a human atom (in the scientifically archaic sense of the word, where ‘atom’ meant the lowest isolatable reality). By following alienation to its very extremes he is merely playing into the hands of the bourgeoisie. Embryonic and unconscious, this kind of anarchism is very widespread. There is a kind of revolt, a kind of criticism of life, that implies and results in the acceptance of this life as the only one possible. As a direct consequence this attitude precludes any understanding of what is humanly possible.
圖片截自New Masses,1926至1948年美國共產黨辦的雜誌,除了向著名作家邀稿也會刊登普羅大眾的作品,Lefebvre在文中引用的詩就是一位紡織工Martin Russak所寫的。
這個關係在受過教育的人(culitivated man)身上經歷了倒置,對這些人來說,「他」的想法、文化都是他自身最親密的一部分。個體把思考承擔在自己身上,某個意義上是笛卡爾式的。
在個人主義、高度勞工分工和階級區分之下,對人類思維的假定(這是絕對必要的行動) ,在意識的倒置上找到了表達方式。「受過教育的」人忘記「他」思維的社會基礎。
The myth of the triviality of everyday life is dispelled whenever what seems to be mysterious turns out to be really trivial, and what seems exceptional is exposed as manifestly banal.(p181)
日常生活 vs 節日慶典
大多的平常時刻 vs 非常、特殊時刻
瑣碎無聊的事物 vs 光鮮亮麗的事物
嚴肅認真 vs 輕鬆玩樂
現實 vs 夢想
To study philosophy as an indirect critism of life is to perceive (everyday) life as a direct critique of philosophy.
a humanism which believes in the human because it knows it
Lefebvre: When the world the sun shines on is always new, how could everyday life be forever unchangeable?