李士傑,Xtrea Inc. Taiwan,Hongkong Microwave Art Festival version 2018.10.26
「…這幾年台灣不少展覽、只是在進行身分或場域搬遷的問題( 把非藝術家搬到美術館、科學家或醫生開始扮演科學家 )。」
賴火旺 https://www.facebook.com/laihowan/posts/10216249914059260
沿著思維系統,建構 make-believe(affordance,J.J.Gibson)
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The point being, decentralization is not just an ideal, but the framework around which the industries of the future will be built. Blockchain is no doubt the key-enabling technology and major scalability breakthroughs are required to achieve some of the decentralization movement’s loftiest goals, whether frictionless transactions or a truly decentralized social network. However, decentralizing innovations are already being deployed. Everything from gaming, energy, and cyber security to fintech and healthcare appear ripe for short-term decentralizing disruption. To identify the technological winners and losers of the next decade, no theme may provide a better roadmap sector-by-sector than decentralization.
These documents typically have very detailed architectures, unique scripts, user flows, a go to market strategy, a value proposition, and more detail about your growing team and advisors. Many have token distribution terms, and a usage of funds description that will tell supporters how you propose to go about your endeavor. It’s not so much a prospectus in the traditional sense, but it acts very much like one. Most of the sophisticated crypto supporters will not even consider you if you do not have this in place, and properly structured. Technologists and developers will not take you seriously if you are not proposing something that warrants a token or the underlying technology is fluff, so take your time in presenting your best ideas and your process in your whitepaper.
Parity / Polkadot
"First designed as the digital scaffolding for cryptocurrency bitcoin, a blockchain is a permanent, public, online ledger that processes transactions relying on a swarm of users’ computers rather than on any single central mediator."
"It goes beyond the financial: people in the blockchain sphere have long been talking about decentralising the web itself. They yearn for the fall of centralised technology platforms like Facebook or Google and the rise of online communities that would allow users to connect without entrusting their data to corporate middlemen. The benefits of this model would go from resistance to censorship, to more control for users on how their personal information are utilised (think of users controlling their data as if they were units of cryptocurrency on a ledger)."
發行自己的貨幣(ICO, Initial Coin Offering)
"Non-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity. NFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items like crypto-collectibles and crypto-gaming. Popular blockchain games like CryptoKitties make use of non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. NFTs are used to represent in-game assets, which are in control of the user instead of the game developer. NFTs also find potential use in digital art, by helping prove authenticity and ownership."
- 代表性與主體的問題:「人民的藝術」很容易被誤解為藝術家自以為可以代表人民。
- 「人民」的複雜指稱:現在所謂的「人民」包含各種立場,包括持最反動邏輯的人民,「人民」已很難統稱如此複雜的現狀。
- 「人民」意義被收編挪用:今天的統治階級完全懂得如何操弄各種左翼與自由派的各種詞彙,「人民」也成為統治階級最常用的詞彙之一。
- 「後網絡時代」下的「人民」:人民已完全被分眾化、零碎化、同溫層化。
- 該怎麼辦?無論社運團體或藝術家都很難再以過往的方式面對上述現實,該如何發展新的運動形式與面對後網絡時代的種種難題。
FM: Jaromil - Meaning of Crypto in the City from Institute of Network Cultures on Vimeo.
Jaromil at Michel Bauwens & the Promise of the Blockchain from FIBER on Vimeo.
Invest in Blockchain: 2017.10.16 https://www.investinblockchain.com/wikileaks-thanks-government-bitcoin/
Washington Post: Bitcoin boom is a boon for extremist
Interview: Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Dyne.org from D-CENT on Vimeo.
在金融藝術家 FH 的例子中是現代社會中的公民身份議題(liquid citizenship)、逃稅(taxodus)與離岸/境外經濟(geographies of avoidance)。她的作品就試圖讓觀眾從跨國企業的角色裡面來思考與決策。
Taxodus – mapping assets offshore from Bitcaves on Vimeo.
Public Voice from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.
MoneyLab#2: Femke Herregraven. Bringing the Dark Side of Money to Light. from Institute of Network Cultures on Vimeo.
Tantalum Memorial is a series of telephony-based memorials to the more than 4 million people who have perished in the complex wars that have gone on in the Congo since 1998, often referred to as the ‘Coltan Wars’. Coltan ore is mined for the metal tantalum, an essential component of mobile phones and similar devices.
Moving Forest 12 hours - Harwoods reworked film with Matt Fullers 500 Slogans as subtitles from Harwood YoHa on Vimeo.
Requiem for Cod from Harwood YoHa on Vimeo.
"If it doesn’t make sense to you that grown men are spending real money trading images of cute kitties, imagine for a second that these images represent something else. It could be stocks, real estate, gold, or any other real-world asset you’re able to buy and sell. Although a novel idea, the cats shouldn’t be considered much more than a proof of concept, a showcase of some of the possibilities that lie in Ethereum’s ability to tokenize and trade physical things. It’s this promise that’s gotten the Ethereum community so excited over the last few days."
"When new projects are built on Ethereum, their token is usually issued under ERC20 token standard. CryptoKitties, however, uses the lesser known ERC721 standard, for non-fungible tokens. Under this standard, you ensure that each token has its unique attributes and values and that it can’t be substituted for another, making it perfect for solutions that depend on tracking individual units or entities of any kind — for example, ownership of a specific piece of land."
"ERC20 and ERC721 also have great things in store for gamers. Virtual currencies have always been an integral part of video games, and in-game cryptocurrencies could be the next logical step as marketplaces in online games are decentralized. Skin gambling is another large and related market that is crowded with bad actors and just waiting to get disrupted. Enjin Coin and DMarket are two Ethereum-based projects looking to fix this and take gaming to the next level."
"…The game has shown us three things: that the crypto community can’t wait to get its hands on new blockchain use cases beyond trading cryptocurrencies, that investors have a lot of money and are willing to spend it, and, most importantly, that new Ethereum apps are able to gain adoption rapidly. The last point is certainly bullish for anyone planning to do a product launch in 2018."