LaneFollowing === Now Bunny is going to find the carrot through the track! #### TODO * install some dependency on laptop(if u use pre-installed-laptop image skip) * Run LaneFollowing node * Set finite state machine state ### install software on laptop *note: if u use pre-installed-laptop image, skip this.* **ssh to your pi** ``` bunnybot $ sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran -y bunnybot $ sudo pip install scipy --upgrade bunnybot $ sudo pip install scikit-learn --upgrad ``` *note: **libblas**:Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms **liblapack**:Linear algebra package **libatlas**:Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software **pip install** python package manager **scipi**: Scientific Tools in python **scikit-learn**: machine-learning in python* ### Run LaneFollowing node **ssh to your pi** ``` bunnybot $ source alphaduck bunnybot $ roslaunch duckietown_demos lane_following.launch veh:=alphaduck line_detector_param_file_name:=oreo ``` This will run up the LaneFollowing node with calibration parameter file we ever did it previous steps! OhYa. ### Set finite state machine state ##### in laptop ``` laptop $ cd ~/duckietown laptop $ source laptop $ source alphaduck laptop $ rosservice call /alphaduck/fsm_node/set_state LANE_FOLLOWING ``` In previous stage run actually launch master.launch with idle state. By apply rosservice call set the state to **LANE_FOLLOWING**. ***MAGIC!!! YOUR BUNNY running!!! YA!*** Now it is following the track, carrot here we come! the magic behind this see **Liam Paull's** work. Thanks Liam! [Lane Filter]( ###### tags: `duckietown-bunny`