# INCF/OCNS Software WG meeting: 9 May, 2022 ## Attendees 0800 UTC: - Ankur Sinha - Shailesh Appukuttan - Stewart Heitmann 1700 UTC: - Joe Graham - Marcel Stimberg - Charles Linssen ## Preset agenda - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/90 ### Updates on CNS * 2022 satellite tutorials - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/milestone/3 ### General review of open tickets/discussions - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues ## Minutes ### CNS * 2022 satellite tutorials - ACTION: Ankur ping Elephant again: https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/issues/484: DONE - ACTION: Ankur ping Neurolib again: https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/77: DONE - ACTION: Ankur ping Eden again: DONE - OCNS have no objections with sessions being repeated at online satellite tutorials - ACTION: Ankur/Shailesh: update text on the website to say "as part of CNS" instead of "at CNS": https://ocns.github.io/SoftwareWG/pages/software-wg-satellite-tutorials-at-cns-2022.html: DONE - ACTION: move July meeting(s) to first week: Avoid July 4, Holiday in US: DONE (moved a week earlier to July 06) - ACTION: introduce WG in all satellite sessions: request presenters to do a quick blurb on WG to start with - NEW session: Ankur: Containers 101 : 1.5 hours: Ticket opened: https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/96 - start by showing traditional pyenv method - pulling images - creating images (including files from local file system) - accessing local file system from container - list of comp-neuro containers (NeuralEnsemble/NEST/NeuroFedora/etc.): ask everyone presenting a tutorial if they have container images - set up web page for this on our website with initial information: people need to have docker/podman installed - More sessions (if we have slots): - Keras (3 hours) - Catch22 (3 hours max?) - Datalad (1.5 hours) - PyNN (3 hours max) - Fasttrack: less priority as does not fit comp-neuro theme - Missingno + Pingouin + general analysis visualisation tools: maybe a tutorial later in the year - MorphIO/MorphTool/NeuroM: session later in the year - NWB ecosystem: do lots of userdays themselves, we can do a specific tutorial later in the year - NiPy suite: also better to do a specific tutorial later in the year - PETlink: skip for now, not comp-neuro - Pyelectro: with NeuroML bits - PyBIDS: maybe neuroimaging tutorial later - PySpike: separate tutorial later in the year (correct typo elsewhere also: spike not spyke) - Spiking circus: later (spike train analysis tutorial?) - Allen tools, BMTK: full day tutorial later on - BrainScaleS + Spinnaker: reach out for tutorial later (needs access to hardware) - GENESIS? - SciUnit/NeuronUnit: tutorial later - STEPS: dedicated tutorial later - ACTION: re-ping Thomas Nowotny about sending out the survey in next communication (check if it has been sent out yet), if no newsletter: being sent out in newsletter, so not required - ACTION: Shailesh ping newsletter organisers (tentative newsletter in May): DONE - ACTION: check if it was included in the INCF newsletter: Was in issue 1 - ACTION: reach out to confirmed tutorials to ask for: - Duration (give slot options) - preferred time - web page link for session - whether they need us to set up zoom meetings for them (preferable that they handle this themselves) - strongly suggest recording (especially if there isn't a recording of their tutorial already): we will get these uploaded to the training space - DEADLINE for confirmation: 20th (2 weeks) - ACTION: end of next week (20th) send out e-mail to public lists about satellite tutorials ("save the date" with initial information) - ACTION: Ankur drop comment on https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/61 for ideas, if none, close next meeting: DONE - ACTION: Ankur: same for https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/62