# Solvio ## Responsibilities Dom Contracts Albert Back-end (including algo) Matt DB Alex FE ## Database Model also see [Building Learnasa](https://gist.github.com/dteiml/5bc36c870ccf1bdf0b3ba96480cb2e48) - user - reviews - topic - title - resources - resource - topic - title - url - reviews - quality - length - dependencies - weight - topic - content ## API ## Done: ### GET /topics [{ id: string, title: string }] // topicId = sha256(topic title) ### GET /topics/:topicId/resources { #: Resource } ### GET /resources/:resourceId { reviews: {#: Review}, title: string, url: string, topic: {title: string} } ### POST /resources { title: string, url: string, topic: string // topic title } 200 { id: string } // Before adding a review, a review ID should be created and the smart contract method called ### POST /resources/:resourceId/reviews/:reviewId { quality: int, length: int, // minutes dependencies: [{weight, topic_id}], content: string } ### GET /search?q=:query { topics: [{id: string, title: string}], resources: [{id: string, title: string}] } ## Doing: ### GET /topics/:topicId/learning_paths [ resource[] ] ## User stories: (sorted in order of importance) - Add Resource - Add Review - Metadata - Natural language content - Quality - Length - Dependencies - Stake the review - Self-attest knowledge - Request learning path - Search for goal - See the learning tree - Challenge review ## Server: - includes gunDB server - only verifies write attempts and relays them if accepted - adds reviews to the database by checking every X time the smart contract and adding the reviews that have been accepted (also add reviews when smart contract sends events signalling resolution of a challenge dispute?). - computes learning path using database data - ## Routes / /resource/cid/addReview /resource/cid/reviews /topic/cid (resources) /path /topics/471a97f90b5df17b2f4a79d40f5d5d73fd6c46df96b34d2334c68aea90a8494b/resources ## TODO - [x] Schelling game - [x] Post reviews - [x] Get learning paths from db - [ ] Add UI for challenging resources - [ ] Add content - [x] Add sidebar options - [x] Add about us section - [x] Deploy on rinkeby - [ ] Self-attest ## Bugs - Not showing Bitcoin Whitepaper when search is done - Crypto (review for topic??) - Reviews not being added ## Contracts Contracts deployed on rinkeby: Schelling.sol: 0x05783454aea9ae3d448a0f1e93621d974ff65808 https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x05783454aea9ae3d448a0f1e93621d974ff65808 Review controller: 0xcda376b1d49cec896778b7099fb7754bc4bc883f https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xcda376b1d49cec896778b7099fb7754bc4bc883f