# GoUK '17
Notes from [@gonzaloserrano](https://twitter.com/gonzaloserrano).
Last year's Ultimate Go workshop notes https://hackmd.io/s/ByS4NKjc
Last year's talks notes https://hackmd.io/s/B1CAXxXq
## Workshop
Mark Bates - [@markbates](https://twitter.com/markbates)
author of https://github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo
slides: http://golanguk.ngrok.io
files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5aecqoivhb5g2n/2017-golanguk-workshop.zip?dl=0
- general review of `error`, `panic()`, `defer`, `recover()`.
- errors:
- sentinel errors let us know what's happening in our app, e.g `io.EOF` or `sql.ErrNoRows`. They are interesting for control flow. The speaker uses the stdlib ones but does not create them in his code. Does not say the cons.
- https://github.com/pkg/errors to wrap errors and see tracing data.
- concurrency:
- `WaitGroup`: don't do `wg.Add(1)` inside the goroutine its doing the `Done()`.
- example of https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CommonMistakes#using-goroutines-on-loop-iterator-variables
- buffered channels:
- they can hide a design mistake, so be really careful with them.
- what size do you use? Why?
- why you don't want to block the sender?
- what about backpressure (more writes in than writes out)? You can avoid memory overflow, but what limit you put? Why that limit?
- they can hide a message loss problem.
- `select`: be careful of ranging with a `select` with an empty `default` branch, the CPU will suffer.
- testing:
- https://github.com/smartystreets/goconvey is a cool tool. (Note: I knew about its BDD testing lib which I don't like, but the _reactive_ testing tool is cool).
- dependency management: dep
- context: API, cancelation propagation, trees
- build tools, ldflags
- protobufs & gRPC
## Keynote
Steve Francia - [@spf13](https://twitter.com/spf13)
slides: http://spf13.com/presentation/stateofthegophernation-aug17/
- contributing to go is easier, see https://blog.golang.org/contributor-workshop
## Writing beautiful packages
Mat Ryer - [@matryer](https://twitter.com/matryer)
- single interface method interfaces allow functions to implement the interface
- e.g `http.Handler` and `http.HandlerFunc`
- https://rakyll.org/style-packages
- for libs, leave concurrency to the user
- learn from the stdlib
- the pkg name is part of the API, and naming is hard
- take advantadge of zero values and avoid constructors *if you can* - e.g if you have not many fields
- allow injecting `http.Client`
- avoid global state and `init`
## Can you write an OS Kernel in Go?
Achilleas Anagnostopoulos - [@achilleasa](https://github.com/achilleasa)
slides: https://speakerdeck.com/achilleasa/bare-metal-gophers-can-you-write-an-os-kernel-in-go
demo code: https://github.com/achilleasa/bare-metal-gophers
Note: Achilleas wrote https://medium.com/geckoboard-under-the-hood/introducing-prism-9c08e9926755, looks like a great profiling tool with performance diff between changes.
- unikernels and ring 0: avoid kernel / hypervisor overhead
- is Go OK?
- is GC'ed, but its fast enough for soft RT
- awesome demo: text in framebuffer, image as text, then animation, then a 3D renderer
## Concurrency patterns
Arne Claus from Trivago - [@arnecls](https://twitter.com/arnecls)
slides: https://speakerdeck.com/arnecls/concurrency-patterns-in-go
- blocking channels
- channel blocks when no data:
- no receiver, for unbuffered buffers
- no sender, for all channels
- blocking channels are good for synchronizing goroutines
- blocking can lead to
- deadlocks
- scaling problems: adding more blocking goroutines can lead to worse performance
- closing channels
- closing a channel sends a special _closed_ message to all the readers
- send after close panics
- closing twice panics
- _closed_ makes the reader receive two things: the zero value of the type of the channel, and _false_.
- the receiver always knows if the channel is closed, the sender does not.
- corolary: **always close the channel from the receiving side, not from the sending side!**
- `select`
- order of cases does not matter
- a _default_ case exists that's executed if the other cases are blocked
- to make channels nonblocking, use `time.After` in `select` or `default`
- channels are streams of data; combining streams is powerful. Depending on the _shape_ of the combination there are different patterns:
- fan-out (1:N): `select` with **writes** to several channels sends to the first non-blocking channel
- turn-out (N:M): `select` with multiple reads, to `select` with multiple writes.
- quit channel for cancelation
- channel failures
- deadlocks
- memory copying and performance
- pasing pointers and race conditions
- caches are about sharing, a cache with channels is not a good idea, use mutex instead?
- RWLocks can reduce the problem
- multiple mutexes _will_ cause deadlocks
- three shades of code
- blocking: the program can be locked
- lock free: at least one part of the program makes progress
- wait free: all parts of the program make progress
- `sync.Atomic` ops are thread-safe because they are based on CPU instructions
- Spin Lock or Spinning CAS: Compare and Swap in a loop. That's how mutex are implemented (?)
## go-swagger
Myles McDonnell - [@mylesmcdonnell](https://twitter.com/mylesmcdonnell)
slides https://prezi.com/view/wuB2jT1XtDb4IT65S4DS/
- https://swagger.io
- https://goswagger.io
- https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger
- define RESTful APIs
- goswagger codegen
- go-kit does not support it yet https://github.com/go-kit/kit/issues/185
## embedding
Sean Kelly - [@stabbycutyou](https://twitter.com/stabbycutyou)
- inheritance does not exist in Go
- > embedding is not _better_ than inheritance, is something different to resolve a different problem
- embedding is for composing interfaces and structs
- behaviour over lineage
- no base class - super class relationship
- "is-a" vs "has-a"
- method dispatching has some edge cases
- what the spec says:
- https://golang.org/ref/spec#Struct_types
- > A field declared with a type but no explicit field name is an anonymous field (colloquially called an embedded field). Such a field type must be specified as a type name T or as a pointer to a non-interface type name \*T, and T itself may not be a pointer type. The unqualified type name acts as the field name.
- https://golang.org/ref/spec#Interface_types
- > An interface T may use a (possibly qualified) interface type name E in place of a method specification. This is called embedding interface E in T; it adds all (exported and non-exported) methods of E to the interface T.
- selectors: https://golang.org/ref/spec#Selectors
- shallowest depth concept
- promoted fields: https://golang.org/ref/spec#Struct_types
- examples:
- emdedding a struct with another with the same field name
- the field promoted is the one from the embedding not from the embedded struct
- if you want to access the embedded one you need to do something like `embedding.embedded.field`
- embedding multiple structs
- nest embeddings
- you cannot embed twice the same thing
- same method and field example https://github.com/StabbyCutyou/embeddingtalk/blob/master/5.multiple/main.go
- embed interfaces in structs
- abstract behaviours instead of concrete behaviours
- he does not say it but it's greate for test doubles where one just use/overwrite some of the methods of the interface
- warning: explodes at runtime
- viewmodels to avoid marshaling some model fields https://github.com/StabbyCutyou/embeddingtalk/blob/master/7.marshalling/1.viewmodel/main.go
- extending generated code
- embedding generating code makes easy to extend it without modifying the generated code so it can be generated over and over again.
- promoted methods are only called in the original receiver **[warning]**
## fighting latency & profiling
Filippo Valsorda - [@FiloSottile](https://twitter.com/FiloSottile)
slides: https://speakerdeck.com/filosottile/you-latency-and-profiling-at-golanguk-2017
- definition of fast
- regex: MBs of data per second
- API: many clients, _OR_ response time
- so fast is **throughput** AND **latency**
- go GC: better latency with every release, probably less throughput too.
- CPU profiling
- SIGPROF signal + `signal/runtime.go`
- example of pprof for CPU
- write tmp files to disk
- profile before optimize!
- optimizing CPU does not help much (maybe ~15%)
- CPU profiling is for **throughput**
- the tracer (new tool) is for **latency**
- gathers discrete events, vs samples from the profiler, so its better
- ways to use: import and pprof
- has a web UI
- go tool trace -pprof=TYPE trace.out
- TYPE = {net, syscall, cpu, mem}
- syscall for IO wait
- tracing events can be analyzed and new tools can be created to for e.g filter them, like https://github.com/FiloSottile/tracetools/tree/master/cmd/tracefocus
- would be great to have more tools!
## contributing to Go
Audrey Lim
- real-life example
- look for `help-wanted` issues in GitHub
## how we built gopherize.me
Mat Ryer - [@matryer](https://twitter.com/matryer)
Ashley McNamara - [@ashleymcnamara](https://twitter.com/ashleymcnamara)
- looks like a fun project
- here you are mine https://gopherize.me/gopher/f242f064bb638bb1ef52f7d88e6fe97666f79003
## goroutines optimitzation
Guido Patanella
- goroutines are multiplexed into OS threads
- how a goroutine ends up in a CPU processor?
![](https://i.imgur.com/knmeePb.jpg =500x)
- `ps -T | grep <binary-name>`
- to see how many threads (SPIDs) are run by your go program
- multiple workers example
- tasks to do VS completed tasks
- lets put more goroutines: 100, 1000...
- there is a point where there is no benefit
- context switching cost
- map of executions to threads cost
- vertical application scalability
- requires
- scheduler
- orchestation
- not necessary faster due to overhead
- the go runtime gives you that for free
- native
- lightweight
- after benchmarking you find the sweet spot of goroutines
- to scale horizontally you need a cluster of servers
- cluster scheduler
- workers in each server + handshaking
- other resources
- presents a way to limit resources: files, CPU limit (didn't pay much attention on how he tried to do it)
## static analysis
Takuya Ueda - [@tenntenn](https://twitter.com/tenntenn)
slides: https://www.slideshare.net/takuyaueda967/static-analysis-in-go
- reflection to analyze code
- tools (used all of them :-)
- gofmt / goimports
- go vet / golint
- guru
- gocode
- errcheck
- gorename / gomvpkg
- there are many go subpkgs in the stdlib to do static analysis: ast, build, parser, scanner, token...
- go is very easy to analyze because the language is simple
- flow + steps breakdown
![](https://i.imgur.com/30nLNIY.png =400x)
- examples of all the steps
- interested content in the slides but too low level for a talk or take notes
## deep learning with go
Chris Benson - [@chrisbenson](https://twitter.com/chrisbenson)
![](https://i.imgur.com/VcJl0r3.jpg =500x)
- deep neural networks to achieven machine learning
- learn from data, not algorithms
- use cases
- anomaly detection
- recommenders
- computer vision, recognition
- health diagnosis
- financial analysis
- ...
- there are applications for ALL industries
- super growth because of larger datasets and more powerful computers
- neural networks are universal because they approximate to a programming function with at the same time is a universal unit of computation
- that's why deep learning is so versatile
- Google CEO: next 10 years are about AI
- use AI to solve users problems
- AI/ML is not just for data scinetists, putting it to production requires devs
- you don't need to be an expert to go into the AI/ML space (as before did)
- definitions:
- gather knowledge from experience, experience to graph of concepts, that are simplified.
- we like the one from https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/deep-learning
- training a network: generalize predictions using correct results
- is not memoritzation for results
- how it works: back propagation (the grandfather of all the architectures)
- data flows through layers of the network![](https://i.imgur.com/kum1Fqh.jpg =450x)
- network architectures:
- feed-forward: like the original.
- convolutional: for vision recognition
- recurrent: speech/writing recognition
- generative adversarial (brand new): extends the dataset as you go, you don't need a big dataset
- tensorflow
- works for go but just for trained networks
- you have to do the training in python
- go alternative: https://github.com/sjwhitworth/golearn
- the tensorflow team needs help in the go side
- more links (not necessary from the talk)
- machinebox.io
- https://keras.io/
- HNews search https://hn.algolia.com/?query=tensorflow&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=0&dateRange=all&type=story
- https://github.com/vahidk/EffectiveTensorflow?
- https://github.com/astorfi/TensorFlow-World
- https://blog.chewxy.com/2016/09/19/gorgonia/
- http://www.deeplearningbook.org/
## How to build SDKs (Dropbox experience)
Diwaker Gupta - [@diwakergupta](https://twitter.com/diwakergupta)
- Dropbox backend infra has been rewritten from Python to Go
- talk in GopherCon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5doOcaMXx08
- https://github.com/dropbox?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=&type=source&language=go
- how to build SDKs:
- coge generation: JSONSpec, IDLs+generators, OpenAPI/Swagger
- principle of less surprise: no external or vendored deps
- make config simple:
- go flags are too limited, avoid them
- env vars: they are global state and difficult to test (???)
- use a plain struct
- don't use persistence or I/O, let that to the consumer
- add verbosity levels / logging
- how to:
- json unions of different types
- marhsaling: use `omitempty` tag
- unmarshaling: use `json.RawMessage` and implement `json.Unmarshal` and then choose the correct type
- inherited types
- marshaling: use a dummy interface that returns a bool to assert if its a certain type or the other
- unmarshaling: similar, struct embedding of the union and then implement `json.Unmarshal`, inside it another unmarshal to each union'ed type to see if has contents: :rainbow: ![](https://i.imgur.com/8dI1F6Z.jpg =500x)
- do not auth
- autogenerate tests, like aws-sdk-go which uses json to define them
- do idiomatic error handling, pkg/errors is nice.
- download https://github.com/dropbox/dbxcli :smiley:
## WebSockets
Konrad Reiche - [@konradreiche](https://twitter.com/konradreiche)
- WS. 2008. Towards real time. REST is 20 years.
- REST maps HTTP verbs to Resources? Not just that.
- defined in [Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures](https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/fielding_dissertation_2up.pdf)
- gorilla/websocket is better than the stdlib one
- gorilla's one reads full messages even they are in different frames. The stdlib one not, but they cannot change it.
- I think he does not know about https://github.com/gobwas/ws cause its brand new
- example code using gorilla's, not many notes because I've already done that in Social Point 3 years ago: http://go-sp.gonzaloserrano.io/#/27
## syscalls
Liz Rice - [@lizrice](https://twitter.com/lizrice)
- syscalls are used for: files / devices / processes / network / time-date
- you can see them with strace
- package `syscall`
- OS-specific files
- autogenerated files
- writing a strace-like tool in go