# ColdCrypto protocol by Ducatur # task from Fantom Pay to geofenced beacon "Using geofencing and the payment protocol allow for geo location based payments. I inform my server when I’m ready to pay at a restaurant. When I start my client app, my phone could use either geofencing (online coordinates database) or a local device (Bluetooth etc) placed at the venue to show me a list of potential payees. The payment screen could allow me to select what to pay for (just in case there are multiple invoices to be settled). The items can be shown and the payment protocol should help identify the organization paid (by showing the cert owner on the top of the screen). I should be able to pay and leave without using the phone keyboard. It’s worth noting that this can be achieved without the need for a native app (though that would be preferable). # intro Protocol Coldcrypto has been created to distinguish between two types of transaction formation in FANTOM blockchain: 1. Creation of transaction on device n.1 2. Sign of transaction on device n.2 Communitaction between two devices n.1 and n.2 is possible in two ways. - with the use of a p2p protocol based on webRTC - with "airplane mode" (offline) turned on A side effect of this process is that additional security of storage occurs. ## USE-case Show payment starting from a QR-code as a geobased beacon to a payment through FANTOM blockchain using CryptoCold Wallet. ## Futures * sign simple tx(send tokens) * sign custom contracts * two modes(airplane & webrtc) ### sub-protocols - [QR Packets protocol](/_h4vt4dTSLCkb6LOF19-Vg) - [Cold Crypto host/signer protocol](/xNNX_HeHSqC0IGbIJ3oyaQ) - [Host/Signer connection](/19J_BGr3SJy2vePxEtSGig) # Screencast {%youtube abMO6MYv1BU %} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abMO6MYv1BU # team Dmitry Radkovskiy Kirill Kozhuhar George Bell Macaulay Tsukerman # source https://gitlab.com/zlumer/cold-crypto-dockers https://github.com/DucaturFw/cold-crypto-handshake-server https://github.com/DucaturFw/cold-crypto-mobile-prototype https://github.com/DucaturFw/cold-crypto-web https://github.com/DucaturFw/cold-crypto-mobile ## readme https://gitlab.com/zlumer/cold-crypto-dockers/blob/master/README.md