# 17直播手機網頁版CSS修正 ![](https://i.imgur.com/zgtzmiu.jpg) ## 使用條件 * 手機版網頁(要用手機瀏覽器) * 使用Stylus(可以用火狐裝)修改CSS * 舉例: * 網頁: https://17.live/live/3751322 (要用手機瀏覽器才能進手機版網頁) * 含以下前綴網址: `https://17.live/live/` * 已知問題: * 自動播放的直播還是存在背景裡,聲音無法關閉(CSS沒有權限關影片播放器,只能隱藏畫面) ```css= video, div[class^="MobileBlock__MobileBlockRelativeWrapper"], div[class^="Nav__NavRelativeWrapper"], div[class^="Snackbars__SnackbarsWrapper"], section[class^="SuggestedPanel__PanelWrapper"], h3[class^="SuggestedPanel__PanelTitle"], div[class^="SuggestedPanel__PanelContent"], div[class^="SuggestedPanel__LiveStream"], div[class^="Live__OverFlowHiddenContainer"], div[class^="Live__TopShadow"], footer[class^="FooterWrapper"] { display: none !important; } div[class^="MainLayout__Root"] { min-height: auto; } div[class^="ChatListContainer"] { position: fixed !important; top: 0 !important; right: 0 !important; bottom: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; display: block !important; } ul[class^="MobileChatList__ListWrapper"] { max-height: 100vh !important; height: 100vh !important; /*background-color: #000 !important;*/ } #app { background-color:transparent !important; } body{ /*黑底*/ background-color: #000 !important; /*透明*/ /*background-color:transparent !important;*/ } ```
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