# How to fix your code by coding the fixer
Kang-min Liu // @gugod
LINE Fukuoka
by coding
the coder.
## My team
- 3 frontend (js) devs, 4 server-side (perl) devs
- I'm the newbie.
- code review + human QA before rollout
- 30% time on code review.
## Code review pros
- Requires understanding
of spec and code
- Ensure "readability"
- increase "maintainability"
I'm not defining "readability" or "maintainability" here.
Let's just say: Being able to understand other's code
should also enables you to maintain those code.
## Readability
- Unconventional
- prefer tech X for problem Y
- Quirks, magic, shenanigans
- "Why does it need to be done like this?"
## Readability
- Mismatching style
- "This does not looks pretty"
- Random "code waste"
- Unused stuff
## Style
- Dress
- "Fashion"
- Shape & Color
- Whitespace management
Why using "LaTeX" instead of $whatever ?
How many time you've spent on configuring the fonts & color of your Termnial / Editor?
You probably dislike Comic Sans font for a reason.
- Perl::Tidy
## Code Wastes
- Unused variables
- Unused subroutines
- Unused imports
- Uncleaned namespace
- Unused hash key/value
## Tools to swipe code wastes
- Perl::Critic
- App::Critique
- Ref::Util::Rewriter
- eslint https://eslint.org/
- gofix https://golang.org/cmd/fix/
- Fix finds Go programs that use old APIs and rewrites them to use newer ones. After you update to a new Go release, fix helps make the necessary changes to your programs
- search: code refactoring tool
$found = $doc->find(...) or return;
@wastes = grep { ... } @$found;
$_->remove for @wastes;
Deleting stuff
$elem2 = ...
$elem->insert_before( $elem2 );
$elem->insert_after( $elem2 );
Adding stuff
my $new_statement = ...;
Adding a new statement.
my $doc2 = PPI::Document->new(\$code_str);
my @elems = $doc2->children;
$_->remove for @elems;
my $e = $doc->find_first(...);
$e->insert_before($_) for @elems;
Paste $code_str before $e
PPI::Document::Fragement exists but
it is not really integrated with rest of PPI
$elem->insert_before($_) for @new_stuff;
Replace one element with others
## p5-nitpick
Finds smelly spots and remove them.
Removing unused variables
my $o = App::P5Nitpick::PCPWrap->new(
my @vio = $o->violates(
Perl::Critic::Document->new(-source => $doc)
for (@vio) {
my ($msg, $explain, $el) = @$_;
if ($el->variables == 1) {
my $foo; # my $foo; is removed
my ($bar, $qux); # $qux is not removed
$bar = ...
Remove unused include statement.
use Try::Tiny; # unused
use HTTP::Tiny;
my $res = HTTP::Tiny->get(...);
my $has_try_block = 0;
for my $try_keyword (@{
$doc->find(sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') &&
$_[1]->content eq 'try'
}) ||[]
}) {
my $try_block = $try_keyword->snext_sibling or next;
next unless $try_block->isa('PPI::Structure::Block');
$has_try_block = 1;
return if $has_try_block;
my @includes = @{ $doc->find('PPI::Statement::Include') ||[] };
return unless @includes;
for my $try_module (qw(Try::Tiny Try::Catch Try::Lite TryCatch Try)) {
my @uses = grep { $_->module eq $try_module } @includes;
if (@uses && !$has_try_block) {
push @violations, map { $self->violation("Unused ${try_module} module", 'There are no `try` block in the code.', $_) } @uses;
use Moose;
no Moose; # ←
for Moose, Mouse, Moo, Moose::Role, Mouse::Role
my $doc2 = PPI::Document->new(\"no Moose;");
my $el = $doc2->find_first('PPI::Statement::Include');
my $c = $doc->schild(-1); # '1;'
my $doc2 = PPI::Document->new(\"use namespace::autoclean;");
my $el = $doc2->find_first('PPI::Statement::Include');
my $c = $doc->schild(2);
Insert `use namespace::autoclean;` right after `package` statement.
# From
$a = $a + 3;
$a += 3;
> ppi-dump -e '$a = $a + 3;' | grep -v Whitespace
PPI::Token::Symbol '$a'
PPI::Token::Operator '='
PPI::Token::Symbol '$a'
PPI::Token::Operator '+'
PPI::Token::Number '3'
PPI::Token::Structure ';'
my @found = ... grep {
$_->schildren == 6
} @{ $document->find('PPI::Statement') ||[] };
$a = $a + 3 ;
1 2 3 4 5 6
my @found= ... grep {
my $c = $_->schild(1);
$c->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') &&
$c->content eq '='
} ...
@{ $document->find('PPI::Statement') ||[] };
<pre><code>$a <span style="color:red">=</span> $a + 3 ;</code></pre>
my @found= ... grep {
my $c = $_->schild(3);
$c->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') &&
$c->content !~ m{\A( -> | > | < )\z}x;
} ...
@{ $document->find('PPI::Statement') ||[] };
$a = $a <span style="color:red">+</span> 3 ;
$a = $a <span style="color:red">></span> 3;
$a = $a <span style="color:red"><</span> 3;
$a = $a <span style="color:red">-></span>foobar;
my @found= ... grep {
my $c1 = $_->schild(0);
my $c2 = $_->schild(2);
$c1->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') && $c1->raw_type eq '$' &&
$c2->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') && $c2->raw_type eq '$' &&
$c1->content && $c2->content
} ...
@{ $document->find('PPI::Statement') ||[] };
<pre><code><span style="color:red">$a</span> = <span style="color:red">$a</span> + 3 ;</code></pre>
for (@found) {
my @child = $_->schildren;
# $a = $a + 3 ;
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
# '=' , '+' => '+='
my $op = PPI::Token::Operator->new($child[3]->content . $child[1]->content);
$child[3]->remove; # '+'
$child[2]->remove; # '$a'
# '=' => '+='
## Perl::Critic::TooMuchCode
- ProhibitUnusedConstant
- ProhibitUnusedImport
- ProhibitUnusedInclude
- ProhibitUnnecessaryUTF8Pragma
- ProhibitLargeBlock
- ProhibitLargeTryBlock
### More code-fixable patterns
- `$n = scalar @arr;`
- `do_this();;` Extra semi-colons / empty statements.
- `@a = @{[ "foo", "bar", foo() ]}`
- Unused hash key/value
- typo in Document
- typo in variable name (maybe)
## Wrap-up
- Altering code with PPI is generally easy.
- Finding what can be altered can be tedious
- Check Perl::Critic::Utils
- Identifying bad tastes is difficult but seems to be worthwhile
## References
- [p5-nitpick](https://github.com/gugod/p5-nitpick)
- [PPI::Transform](https://metacpan.org/pod/PPI::Transform)
- [Devel::Mutator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Mutator)
- [PPIx::EditorTools](https://metacpan.org/pod/PPIx::EditorTools)
- [Devel::PerlySense](https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::PerlySense)
"Thank you for listening";
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