Introduction to HTML and CSS
Spring 2019 。 Ric Huang
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
在 “Hello World” 前後加入空白或是換行
試試看 <div>, <span> 等其他 text elements
HTML Syntax
For most of the tags…
<tag attribute1=“value” attribute2=“value”> Some text to display </tag>
Some exception (no closing tag)
<img src=“someURL” alt=“someText”>
Comments are in <! – … – >
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Main root
Document metadata (in <head> section)
<link>: to specify the external resource, especially link to style sheets (CSS)
<style>: style information for a document
<title>: title shown in a browser's title bar
<meta>: other meta data
Sectioning root
<body> // <head> is optional
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Content sectioning
// to organize the document content into logical pieces.
<header>, <footer>
<article>, <address>, <nav>, <section>
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Text content
// to organize blocks or sections of content in <body>…</body>
<p>, <div>
<ol>, <ul>: ordered, unordered list
<dl>: description list
<dt>: a term in <dl>
<dd>: details for the term <dt>
<figure>, <figcaption>, <blockquote>
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Inline text semantics
<a href=“…”>: hyper link
<em>, <i>, <mark>, <q>, <s>, <strong>
<cite>, <code>, <time>
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Image and multimedia
<img src=“…” alt=“…”>
<audio>, <video>, <track>
<map>, <area>: to define image map
HTML Elements [ ref ]
<script type=“text/javascript” src=“someSource.js”>
<noscript>: in case a script type is unsupported
<canvas>: for canvas or webGL APIs
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Table content
<th>, <tr>, <td>: header, row, data cell
<map>, <area>: to define image map
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Forms <form>
<label for=“…”>
<input type=“…” value=“…”>
<output name=“…”>
<button name=“…”>
<select>, <option>
<fieldset>, <datalist>, <optgroup>
<meter>, <progress>
HTML Elements [ ref ]
Interactive elements
<menu>, <menuitem>
Embedded content (e.g. <applet>)
Download a .txt file here
Make it into a HTML file
A sample HTML output can be viewed here
Hints: you may use tags like: html head title body div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p br hr b strong i em small mark del ins sub sup blockquote a input table caption tr th td ul li ol span
網頁。外觀 / 排版
前面講的各種 HTML elements, 可以讓你建置網頁的各種樣式與內容
至於網頁的外觀與排版,則可以靠 tags 裡頭各式 attributes 來控制 (例如:align, bgcolor, border, height, size, width…)
不過把外觀的控制散落到各個 elements 將會使得 code 很難維護,也很難保持整體外觀的一致性
CSS — Cascading Style Sheets
CSS「階層式」、「結構化」地定義了 HTML document 的外觀樣式
CSS 檔案 ≡ 許多 rules 所組成
rule ≡
selector { property: value; /* more properties … */ }
HTML 檔案裡頭 element 的樣式由這些 rules 來定義
CSS 有三種應用方式
直接在 <head> 裡頭 include .css file
<link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“path/to/style.css”>
將一段 CSS code 嵌入到 HTML 裡頭
a { color: purple; }
直接寫在 tag 的 attribute
<div style=“border: 1px solid red;”>
CSS Specificity Priorities (from Low to High)
<tag> and ::pseudo-element selectors
.class, :pseudo-class and [attribute] selectors
#id selectors
inline styles
display: allows us to change the block property
block → takes full available width
inline → render in same line
inline-block → u can set the box model properties, yet it works like inline items
none: invisible
Resume presentation
Introduction to HTML and CSS Spring 2019 。 Ric Huang
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