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# 2024-09-09 NumPy Documentation Team meeting
- Time: 7 pm UTC
- Join via Zoom: https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/j/85016474448?pwd=TWEvaWJ1SklyVEpwNXUrcHV1YmFJQT09 (To dial in, find your local number: https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/u/kbRSNdYfoZ)
- [NumPy community events calendar](https://scientific-python.org/calendars/)
- [Documentation issues](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/labels/04%20-%20Documentation)
- [Documentation brainstorming document](https://hackmd.io/RdtnQZpLRZqgNRe4gaJ0SA) - anything that is not yet ready for an issue or PR or needs a discussion
- [Documentation team meetings notes archive](https://github.com/numpy/archive/tree/main/docs_team_meetings)
- [Community meetings notes archive](https://github.com/numpy/archive/tree/main/community_meetings)
- [Triage meetings notes archive](https://github.com/numpy/archive/tree/master/triage_meetings)
- Next meeting: 2024-09-23 @ 7 pm UTC
### Useful links
- Getting started with building documentation: https://numpy.org/devdocs/dev/howto_build_docs.html
- How to contribute to the NumPy documentation: https://numpy.org/devdocs/dev/howto-docs.html
### Code of Conduct
We want to take a moment to remind you that this meeting is meant to be welcoming and inclusive. It's important for us to have a healthy community. Like all NumPy spaces, and everyone participating in them, this meeting will follow our [Code of Conduct](https://numpy.org/code-of-conduct/). If you haven't read it yet, please take some time to do so later on as it already applies to you. For now, in short, please be kind and generous towards one another.
If you see violations, take a screenshot, intervene in a respectful manner, and report it to the CoC Committee via email. For more information, refer to the Reporting Guidelines section on https://numpy.org/code-of-conduct/.
**Present:** Mukulika, Mars, Steven
**Notes taken by:**
## Standing topics
- [name=inessa] Presentation topics for NumPy Newcomers’ Hour
To suggest a topic for future presentations, leave a comment in this tracking issue: https://github.com/numpy/archive/issues/58.
- Short form content?
- [name=Inessa & Melissa] [Documentation user stories](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/22089)
*Feel free to add yours!*
- Inessa: issues related to the NumPy educational content:
If you’d like to work on any of them, leave a comment on GitHub (below the relevant issue).
- Tracking inactive PRs: https://github.com/orgs/numpy/projects/6
(help with triaging is welcome!)
## Follow-up from last meeting / discussions
- GSOD 2024 Updates: Completing the ["How to Contribute to NumPy" comics](https://heyzine.com/flip-book/3e66a13901.html):
- Sept 9: still need to put up review
- Survey QR code on front page, replacing 'PyData NYC 2023 edition'
- August 26: finish up illustration of page [12](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2012_08_26_24.png?raw=true), 13, 14, 15, [16](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2016_08_26_24.png), [17](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2017_08_26_24.png?raw=true), back cover to be ready to Community Review #3
- Case studies on back page, such as [black hole image](https://numpy.org/case-studies/blackhole-image/) was suggested last emeting, but I think there's not enough space- want to priotize Credit and Thanks
- Added QR codes to NumPy Slack
- Next steps
- Goal: by the end of this week, complete final illustrations and outline of Github post
- Post Github post at next NumPu Docs meeting on Sept 9
- Add survey to back page, Google Form or Survey Monkey
- Grading: 1-5 "How much did you enjoy the comic? ", "Did you find the information i nthe comic useful? "1-5, Open Response: eg Do you feel represented story? Do you feel ready to start/continue your own open source journey? Or any suggestions to improve?
- Refer to '[Measuring Your Project's Success](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/wiki/Google-Season-of-Docs-2024:-Project-Proposal)' metrics to form questions
- Reach out to Juanita for input (Mukulika)
- Have you attended a NumPy community meeting before?
- If yes: Are you more interested in attending a NumPy community meetings?
- Have you attended contributed to NumPy before?
- Do you feel more confident to contribute to NumPy, such as through issues or pull requests?
- Replace QR code from NumPy Slack to Github
- Ask people if and how they'd like to be credited (full name? github handle? not at all?)
- Write community review
- Github post itself
- Mailing list annoucement, Slack
- mars personal twitter
- Previous updates
- August 14
- Completed illustrations by adding character designs for page [12](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2012_08_12_24.png?raw=true), [13](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2013_08_12_24.png?raw=true), [14](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2014_08_12_24.png?raw=true), [15](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2015_8_12_24.png), [16](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2016_08_12_24.png), and [17](https://github.com/MarsBarLee/gsod-numpy-2023/blob/main/pg%2017_08_12_24.png)
- Typos on back cover and pg 13 fixed
- Setback: Oops, comic script has been deleted. It was hosted on an old work account
- Backup of older versions found on Github repo
- Workaround: sketches have up-to-date dialogue, just a little hard to read sometimes
- [DOC: add cheat sheet](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/26593)
- Inspirations: [Pandas](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/main/doc/cheatsheet/Pandas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf), [Matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/cheatsheets/), [Xarray](https://docs.xarray.dev/en/stable/howdoi.html)
- Difficult to encompass the entire software
- Subdivide into different modules we want cheat sheets for
- Categories based on concepts or features
- Duplication not a concern as such; different way of representing info
- NumPy cheatsheets will be good for SEOs. Some already available online. See if we can adapt them.
- Link to POSSEE: https://github.com/possee-org/genai-numpy/issues/94
- Is there a review comparing existing cheatsheets? Are others too long, disorganized, etc?
- Are there artifacts or documentation that will be left behind?
## New topics
- Future of the NumPy comics
- Brainstormed next comic at the NumFOCUS Project Summit: https://github.com/numfocus/project-summit-2024-sprints/issues/5
- Community-organized sprints?
- Maybe biweekly
- Perhaps too frequent at first
- Monthly might be more manageable for sprint organizers
- Counter: biweekly has more momentum, could be more exciting for sprint attendees
- Start with montly and then see if enough interest in biweekly
- Each session will be focused on a single task- eg. installing numpy for dev, review a PR, choose an issue to work on etc.
- Possibly will have to have advanced tasks for long time contributors
- meeting members agree, that this would be very useful, certainly a need
- set-up is a common problem at sprints
- opportunity to interact with core maintainers
- motivation for people to attend?
- bring up topic in newcomers hour and community meetings
### Let's connect and keep the conversation going!
Join the NumPy contributor community **Slack workspace**: https://join.slack.com/t/numpy-team/shared_invite/zt-1gokbq56s-bvEpo10Ef7aHbVtVFeZv2w
Sign up to the NumPy **mailing list**: mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion
Subscribe to the NumPy **YouTube** channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NumPy_team
Follow us on **Twitter**: [@numpy_team](https://twitter.com/numpy_team)
Follow us on **LinkedIn**: https://www.linkedin.com/company/numpy/
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