# Notes | PDF CEE 2019 Collaborative Notes
- [Home & Welcome](/HuP2rMEgTzirAXGNBxgK9Q)
This is a catalog of collaborative notes for the [PDF CEE 2019](https://pdfcee.pl/) conference. We invite everyone to jump in to help with note-taking during keynotes and workshops.
If you want to support the note-taking:
1. Jump to the notes of the keynotes that interest you
3. Read the [instructions](/RRSZyJTTR8ih3UAqHu5GfA)
2. Put your name as one of the two note-takers
4. Take the notes!
[Session template: PDF CEE](/_8aTnLWwRfKXAlgB0_9rGA)
## Day 1 Keynotes
- [Opening](/WoBRyJpdTMyYgEuQ6Xr2dg)
### Session 1: Broken feedback circle
- [Let’s Not Break Democracy by Mistake](/52xTwksGT4OeRBSID35UxA)
- [Hostile Narratives or How I Learned to Stop Worrying about Disinformation](/V2vPDVfiR4aC250QFjMPbA)
- [Global Trolling in the Times of Digital Propaganda?](/OaBU7_d-RB2c1YDR0843JQ)
- [DIY Toolkit for Accountable Politics](/y0E-AfaCQcWZ_nwfL519hg)
- [Kintsugi to Fix the Broken Circle](/E8xeIkq-SnGNF0W1PMdiFw)
### Session 2: citizen fake-xperience
- [Post-~~Truth~~Trust](/jiO2U_ONRHuFKtzr-0MNqw)
- [Who Targets Me (us) And What Can I (we) Do About It](/_52HJqYbTTqnlTRClbY5tQ)
- [How Not to Suck at Citizen Participation: 3 Step Programme](/EiKGUyhGQCWEZsCmtIEj3Q)
- [Overcoming the Sin of Silence: Let’s Start with Basic Questions](/VVL0HUSHRj-QYs5ZSZlAiA)
- [How to Fix the Future](/pREF5cVgSiaawOt5JQR9xQ)
## Day 1 Workshops
- [Future Citizen](/hodvOxIZRoCdNTJSKjUEaA)
- [Can we, without voting, reach consensus in under 30 minutes? A civic tech facilitated group experiment](/dNbo-xBFRQC472z6lVQzqQ)
- [Online Tools for Fact-Checking and Verifying the Source, Image, Video, Text and Location](/WfV2LVYjRsKo6j2i2B6ByA)
- [What do we trust? Session on Information Integrity in Political Discourse.](/bkfKUfH9RCu5q23alcgnZw)
- [Media Under Attack - panel discussion](/7rB2Zq6vShitkDYIy0TEYw)
- [Searching for Collaborative Solutions to the Problem of Harmful Online Content](/a4T1rCZ2Q_qW_RlaQn8y8w)
- [How to Stop Launching Poor Projects (and Love SCRUM)](/jKvNDug4SNG1VgRfSFrl5A)
- [Strategic Planning for Disadvantaged Communities](/EqIg3YrhRvKOaKKkapGxFg)
- [Drones For Good: Changing Our Perspective From Above](/Foz0gjLoTAawg0i_pNnb3Q)
- [Invisible Cities. Breaking Social Exclusion & Building Trust](/mkkMkMShQm-Te1jokAXDdA)
- [Accessibility of public services for the native Deaf: Is technology bringing effective solutions?](/SUzQUfbUTeCYnxIkyCAeiA)
- [The First 5 Steps for Authoritarian Government to Regulate The Internet](/3oYCKZ4HT8WaYH-BLhiFDA)
## Day 2 Auditorium
- [Opening 2nd day](/y_Fp2ahKQoO6RoXm-Dz-XQ)
- [Panel: How to Defend the Free Media?](/h4ELt6VRTOOuGE_FonhmKg)
Coffee break.
### Session: Good collaboration hurts
- [Collaboration Kills Competition](/r8S03CAHRbOueHFi6OyCgw)
- [How to Do Good and Not Win a Million Enemies Along the Way](/CTZwFW_SQ3ybDTkNSMJbNQ)
- [Words Can Hurt: How Hate Speech Becomes Hate Crime and How to Prevent it](/96m7SYEXRXuyBZvuFI_dcg)
- [DIY Toolkit for Accountable Politics](/UJzsJ0ufSdOqnGCjgCYvrA)
- [How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Us Overcome Evil with Good?](/k_jOIHCBSyW3f8DSiYJpUw)
### Last panel & closing
- [Panel: In Technology We Trust. Is Gov Tech the Answer?](/2wSsj1p4RwGRlBIEdcKjIQ)
- [Closing](/cV4BLFoCRi2mlMINOIetMQ)
## Day 2 Workshops
- [What works when nothing does? Applying theory of “Bright Spots” to civic engagement](/5IuxTq9TQHaSZGj4kVL_mg)
- [A Technopolitical Approach for the Design of Civic Technologies](/azaBDtVtSWGiRt0OARbD5w)
- [Trust building in the city: perspectives of judge and electoral candidate](/FOxtEcQRSVKeG01MmemfQg)
- [Javna Rasprava - Connecting Citizens & Parliamentarists](/tL6DRhI6Q2atLUmdK1X0WQ)
- [Why Don't We Believe in the Global Warming?](/H7ih25oTS868Ps7PgxnMgw)
- [Do We Trust Democracy? Quo Vadis EU and CEE?](/Zv2AXVobTpOBeDxiULFp2Q)
- [And What Did You Do Today to Break Your Information Bubble?](/1cpz0efGRKy4O-P30RUNfg)
- [How to make easy but qualified fact-check for only 60 seconds?](/SFFt5WxtQBOmrHH7bcSjpQ)
## Day 3, Festival of Civic Tech for Democracy
Venue: Hevelianum, Góra Gradowa 6, 80-802 Gdańsk
- [Platform cooperativism: a democratic response to digital threats](/rs7RLgniQGi8d7KGB7wu_A)
- [Making civic engagement great again: the role of tech in open government](/IyM8VkWERLmwAGDRp2Z9RQ)
- [How can a hackathon be used to support better services for public institutions?](/iGxAZhZjQvG5m1gQntuC1Q)
- [How Civic Tech became Gov Tech. The example of Prozorro.](/VmLp_opoSx213L9q0RFegw)
### Digitally-enabled citizen engagement
- [Digital Platform for Public Participation](/R9xUR8dCRkSLl9pkug36nA)
- [Darkside of e-democracy](/vhkQGW0sREairZQBk7iSIg)
- [Digital tools for civic engagement in Gdańsk. Lessons learnt for the future](/Aw5kgaalRUyjLceL9HF2Mw)
- [Decidim, free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations](/F5kxJS2vTN2B1pqIV7DmZA)
- [Panel moderated by Michał Hetmański, Instrat](/bbm2QQXIQTiBMjTT3cAWfg)
### Lunch
- [Different Perspectives on the Problem of Smog](/Dtyf8GH1RsO_reGGtDRPkg)
- [Air Quality in Bologna Bottom-up initiatives, Citizen engagement](/DynZvGAzRG-n04I8vppmUA)
- [Citizen Engagement and Maximum Impact – Luftdaten in Bulgaria](/3VwgAseGS0-bogAZnuaHyQ)
- [Lufdaten project – benefits for antismog activists](/cIzA_fFOSvOV6rz3WMzx2g)
- [Panel moderated by Poonam Balan, Luftdaten](/PS4sZ1PdQrm3NONRDlbCXg)
### Coffee break
### Workshops
- [Tradeoffs from extracting value from open data on public procurement. Evidence from Ukraine and the case of Poland](/RHnCW9t-ReWiP2qpjvR1sQ)
- [What’s the Level of Smog? Measure It Yourself!](/zjgmMHxWQFCD_HmZK_RNHQ)
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