HackMD and web3: the perfect match

Sep 5, 2024ByRachel Golden
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It’s no secret that the web3 industry is on the cutting edge of technology, pushing boundaries in decentralized finance, RWAs, digital identity, and so much more. These teams work around the globe to innovate together. But because of the remote first, global nature of these tech teams, sometimes creating efficient internal processes and communicating with their communities can be challenging.

Enter HackMD: a perfect match for their unique needs.

With such a tech-focused mission, it’s no surprise that web3 teams have been using HackMD to build. Let’s dive into some of the ways this is done.

Streamlining workflows for web3 teams

It’s often said that time moves differently for web3 teams. One month feels like three; one year like two. There’s a lot in motion; a lot to get over the finish line.

This means that teams are often moving from project to project at breakneck speeds. It’s a fast-paced environment; an exciting space where things are constantly changing and new advances are on the next horizon.

But that makes it all the more crucial for teams to be supported with the right tools to get the job done.

Web3 teams are inherently tech-savvy – and developer-heavy, as well. HackMD’s Markdown editor is a natural extension of their workflow. Markdown’s simplicity and flexibility allow teams to quickly create and manage documentation without the overhead of complicated formatting tools. Whether they’re drafting a new whitepaper, documenting smart contract functions, or planning a community event, HackMD’s intuitive interface makes the process seamless.

But even beyond the text editor itself, HackMD integrates with tooling that tech teams use daily - specifically GitHub.

Technical teams are constantly building within GitHub. It’s a priority within their tech stack. So we made it a priority integration within the text editor. Teams can sync documentation written on HackMD with the project repository in seconds and pull information from GitHub into HackMD just as easily.

Along with GitHub, we’ve worked to add web3 native functionality to HackMD to support those teams and individuals. Teams can now sign in to HackMD with their Ethereum account and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) profile. A move we made that aligns with the principles of self-sovereignty and privacy that are central to web3 and HackMD’s values – all without sacrificing usability.

And in March 2023, Arweave, a blockchain-based storage platform, was integrated into HackMD. With this new functionality, users could now publish their work to the blockchain, revolutionizing how they manage their public documentation.

It’s the commitment to integrating practical tools, the ease of use, and the speed to action that web3 teams need in their workflows to help them continue to innovate.

Real-time collaboration across time zones

One of the challenges of the web3 space is the decentralized nature of its teams.

Often, members are spread across different continents and time zones, making real-time collaboration difficult. HackMD’s real-time editing capabilities are a game changer in this setting. Team members can simultaneously work on the same document, verify version history, suggest edits, and give feedback, which ensures that everyone is on the same page — literally.

Public-facing documentation made easy

Much like the decentralization of their teams, web3 communities are often spread out across the globe.

Because of the complex nature of the technology, these teams often need to communicate complex ideas to a global audience, whether to educate new users, establish community guidelines, or share technical specifications with those building on top of projects.

With HackMD, they can create public-facing documentation - like whitepapers, community guidelines, project READMEs, and everything in between - and share that information effortlessly. All they need is a link.

In short, HackMD bridges the communication gap between teams and users.

A single platform for all your needs

HackMD is more than just a documentation tool — it’s a hub for all things related to web3 project management. Whether you’re streamlining efforts across remote teams, creating community guidelines and bylaws, or increasing user adoption, HackMD has you covered. The ability to keep everything in one place or connect to your must-have tooling that simplifies processes, improves transparency, and fosters collaboration.

The web3 community has been leveraging HackMD’s features since its inception back in 2017, and it’s easy to see why.

With its intuitive Markdown editor, integrations with key tools, real-time collaboration capabilities, and public-facing documentation options, HackMD is perfectly suited to meet the needs of this tech-forward, globally distributed community.

As Web3 continues to evolve, HackMD will remain an indispensable tool in the toolbox of any forward-thinking team.

So sign up today for a free HackMD account and start exploring how real-time collaboration in Markdown can help your web3 project grow.

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