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# 2018 conferences left of "mildly critical of capitalism"
Facebook friend Graham Jones asked for recommendations for #conferences "anywhere, on any topic #left of mildly critical of #capitalism. Some relevant themes could be #socialmovements, #cooperatives, #accelerationism, #degrowth, #socialecology, #marxism, #anarchism, #luddism, #electoralism, #feminism, #intersectionality, #materialism, #utopia, #political perspectives on the #body and #care".
It's growing into an excellent resource. It's currently [a private FB post](https://www.facebook.com/graham.jones.545/posts/10156897454170828) so I've asked them to open it up for more suggestions. [Here's a pad](https://hackmd.io/CwQwzADAbARgHARgLQIMark4CBMmCcwMqSAZgKb4AmwwYOpUpOQA) anyway so we don't have to wait.
## Upcoming/one-off
* [Ways Forward 6 - Cooperative Solidarity](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ways-forward-6-conference-co-operative-solidarity-tickets-40842446858) 16 Feb 2018 Manchester UK
* [CTRL shift: an emergency summit for change](http://www.ctrlshiftsummit.org.uk/) 27-29 March Wigan UK
* [Actualities: Philosophy and Our Present](https://philevents.org/event/show/37058) March 2018, #Ottawa
* [The Great Transition: Setting the Stage for a Post-Capitalist Society](https://thegreattransition.net) #Montreal on May 17th-20th 2018
* [Abolitionist Futures: Building Social Justice Not Criminal Justice](https://icopa2018.wordpress.com/call-for-contributions/), June 2018, #London
* [Open 2018](https://2018.open.coop/) Platform Co-operatives, Collaborative technology for the cooperative economy, 26 - 27 July, Conway Hall, #London
* [Capacious conference (Journal for Emerging Affective Inquiry)](http://capaciousjournal.com/conference/), August 2018, #Lancaster #Pennsylvania
* [Zapatista Intl Women's Conference](https://chiapas-support.org/2018/01/05/zapatista-women-convoke-international-womens-gathering/) March 7-11, #Chiapas #Mexico
* [The Return of Economic Planning](https://esra.nz/rep-registration), 21-23 February, #Auckland
## Upcoming/regular
* [Alternative Futures and Popular Protest](https://www.facebook.com/AlternativeFuturesAndPopularProtest/) March 2018 #Manchester
* [Labor Notes](http://labornotes.org/2018) - April 6-8 in #Chicago
* [World Social Forum](https://wsf2018.org/en/) - 13-17 March in #Salvador #Brazil #Brasil #Português
* Anarchist Studies Network, 5th International Conference, 12-14 September 2018, #Loughborough University, #Leicestershire #UK asn.conference.5@mail.com ([previous conference details](http://anarchist-studies-network.org.uk/HomePage))
* [North American Anarchist Studies Network conference](http://naasn.org/2018en)
* [Transforming Our Lives. Transforming the World.](https://marxfemconference.net/2017/11/02/3rd-international-marxist-feminist-congress/) – The Third International Marxist-Feminist Conference will take place at #Lund University (#Sweden), from 6 to 7 October 2018
* [3 degrowth conferences](https://degrowth.org/2017/10/12/announcing-three-degrowth-international-conferences-2018-sweden-mexico-european-parliament/) in #Sweden, #Mexico and #European parliament
* [#Deleuze and #Guattari Studies in Asia International Conference](https://philevents.org/event/show/38782) July 2-7 2018, #Naga City, #Philippines
* [Society for European Philosophy conference](https://societyforeuropeanphilosophy.com/2017/10/09/sep-fep-2018-call-for-papers/) University of #Essex, 18-20 June 2018
* [Mondragon Seminar and Tour](http://www.praxispeace.org/mondragon) May 20 - 26, 2018 - "5-day workshop/seminar with the Mondragon Cooperatives in the Basque Country of Spain. The purpose of the seminar is to learn about worker owned businesses from the leading consortium of cooperatives in the world. Today with 103 businesses and nearly 80,000 worker-owners, the Mondragón Cooperatives comprise the largest consortium of worker-owners in the world."
* [Global / European ecovillage conference](http://gen2018.ee/), #Estonia, #Lilleoru, July 7-15, 2018.
* [Left Forum](https://www.leftforum.org/), New York, NY, June 1-3, 2018.
* [Worker Cooperative National Conference](http://conference.coop/), Los Angeles, September 14-16
* [ European assembly of Reclaim the Fields 2018](http://reclaimthefields.noflag.org.uk/?page_id=1956), #Tarn region, #France, 20-25th of February 2018
* [Open Coop](https://2018.open.coop/) July 26-27, London
* [4th International Ecosocialist Encounters](http://alterecosoc.org/?lang=en), Lisbon, Portugal
## Announcement expected
* [Fast Forward (Plan C conference)](https://www.weareplanc.org/festival/)
* [Historical materialism](http://www.historicalmaterialism.org/conferences)
* [The World Transformed](https://theworldtransformed.org) (held parallel to Labour Party conferences)
* [#PlatformCooperativism](https://platform.coop/2017)
* [Democratic Socialists of America convention](https://dsaconvention.org)
* [Socialism 2017](https://socialismconference.org), #Chicago
* [European Sociological Conference](https://www.europeansociology.org/conferences/)
* [Trades Union Congress](https://www.tuc.org.uk/tuc-congress-2017)
* [Transnational Institute of Social Ecology](http://trise.org/conference_2017/)
* [ITUC GLOBAL ORGANISING CONFERENCE](https://www.ituc-csi.org/goa-conference)
* [#FearlessCities](http://fearlesscities.com/) - #municipalism #Barcelona
* [Hackmitin of Rancho Electronico](https://ranchoelectronico.org/tag/hackmitin/) organised by Rancho Electronico and other Mexican Hackerpsaces once a year in #mexicocity. It is self-organized/spontanous and they mostly touch topics regarding #privacy, #solidarityeconomy, #socialsoftware, #anarchism and #decentralization.
* http://riotcon.github.io/
* http://www.sfzinefest.org/
* https://totalism.org/calendar - "Events of interest for tactical hacker, theory, avant-art scenes in space-time"
* [Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair](http://bayareaanarchistbookfair.com/). This 2015 article is [lol](http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Anarchists-gather-at-Oakland-book-fair-6223956.php)
## ^ ^ ^ Please add to this list! ^ ^ ^
### Credits
* Thank you for kicking this off Graham ([@onalifeglug on Twitter](https://twitter.com/onalifeglug))!
* Pad created by Richard D. Bartlett - I'm [@richdecibels on Twitter](https://twitter.com/RichDecibels) but [I do my social networking on Scuttlebutt](https://medium.com/swlh/im-sick-of-facebook-8e7c7fa03b0a)