# DLDR2 Digirule 2U Download Utility User Manual
8 January 2021
## Introduction
DLDR2 is a utility designed to make it easier to download programs from a Mac to the Digirule 2U. Specifically, its purpose is to work around a difficulty with configuring the serial port from the Mac command line. This manual should be considered a supplement to the *Digirule 2U User Manual*.
## Getting Started
Before running the utility, you need to know the name of the USB device on your Mac to which the Digirule 2U is connected.
`ls /dev/tty.*`
Example device name: `/dev/tty.usbserial-DM038QQY`
## Running the Utility
The general syntax to invoke the utility is:
`dldr2 <file device`
This example assumes that the utility resides in the current working directory.
User@imac:~ $ ./dldr2 < program.hex /dev/tty.usbserial-DM038QQY
<img "height=50" src="https://i.imgur.com/WSqeSrI.png">