# The Power of Data Validation and Form Handling in Blazor Application ## Introduction Do you know why data validation and form handling are essential? Forms and validation are crucial parts of any application. They allow users to submit input, not just any input, but the correct input. [Blazor](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/?view=aspnetcore-8.0) comes in handy to support all of these. Regarding web applications, ensuring data integrity and providing a seamless user experience are paramount. In Blazor applications, achieving these goals requires mastering the art of data validation and form handling, which will be covered in this article. In this guide, we'll explore Blazor's built-in validation features, explore custom validation techniques, and uncover best practices for effective form handling. By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge to handle data validation seamlessly in your Blazor application. ### Prerequisites Ensure you have the necessary applications installed on your computer before continuing with this guide: * To build and update Blazor projects, you'll need [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/), a feature-rich Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can be [downloaded](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/) from the official [Microsoft](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/) website. * The [.NET SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download) (Software Development Toolkit), which has everything you need to create and execute [.NET](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/dotnet/what-is-dotnet) apps, is required for Blazor projects. Make sure your computer has the `.NET SDK` installed. It is available for download on the official [.NET](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download) website. * Basic knowledge of [C#](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/) and Blazor. You will be ready to follow along once you have installed `Visual Studio` and the `.NET SDK`. ## Understanding Blazor Forms Just like any other form, Blazor simplifies the process of collecting user input through its form components and accurately sends the collected input to the intended destination. Ensuring data integrity is paramount when developing applications, including Blazor. This article will delve into the various validation mechanisms Blazor offers and provide insights on how to implement them within your projects. ### Form Elements in Blazor Blazor, by default, provides a range of form elements to help user input and validate their data. Below are a few available elements; additional ones can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/forms/input-components?view=aspnetcore-8.0). * `InputText`: This creates an [HTML (HyperText Markup Language)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/HTML_basics) input element for text entry. It provides a way to bind the input field's value to a property in a [C#](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/) class, allowing for two-way [data binding](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/data-binding?view=aspnetcore-8.0). This means that changes made in the input field will automatically update the associated property in the code block, and changes to the property in the code block will be reflected in the input field. ```csharp <InputText @bind-Value="model.Firstname" /> ``` The `@bind-Value` [attribute](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/splat-attributes-and-arbitrary-parameters?view=aspnetcore-8.0) allows two-way data binding. It must be added to every other component because data cannot be bound without it. * `InputCheckbox`: This component generates an `HTML` checkbox input element. It allows users to select or deselect a single option. In Blazor, it's typically used in forms to represent `boolean` values or toggle specific settings. ```csharp <InputCheckbox @bind-Value="model.IsChecked" /> ``` * `InputDate`: This creates an `HTML` input element for date selection. It provides a convenient way for users to input dates. It ensures consistency and validation of date entries. ```csharp <InputDate @bind-Value="model.SelectedDate" /> ``` * `InputNumber`: This generates an `HTML` input element designed explicitly for numeric input. It restricts user input to numeric values, providing validation and ensuring that only valid numbers are accepted. This component captures numerical data, such as quantities or prices. ```csharp <InputNumber @bind-Value="model.Quantity" /> ``` * `InputTextarea`: This component allows users to enter text in many lines by creating an `HTML` `textarea` element. While `InputTextarea` is appropriate for capturing larger text entries, like comments or descriptions within forms, `InputText` is utilized for single-line text input. It offers more input space and allows for multiline text editing. ```csharp <InputTextarea @bind-Value="model.Comment" /> ``` ### Form Submission and Event Handling in Blazor Can a form be submitted without anything taking place? No. For a form to be submitted, an [event](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/event-handling?view=aspnetcore-8.0) must take place. `EditForm` in Blazor is not part of the `HTML` form elements; it is a Blazor component specifically designed to facilitate form handling in Blazor applications. While `HTML` elements like `InputText`, `InputCheckbox`, etc., represent individual input fields within a form. `EditForm` provides a wrapper around these elements to manage form submission, validation, and data binding in a Blazor application. It simplifies the process of handling form submissions and managing form state. Handling form submissions and events in Blazor is straightforward. You can leverage [event handlers](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/event-handling?view=aspnetcore-8.0) like `OnSubmit`, `OnValidSubmit`, and `OnInvalidSubmit` to execute logic upon form submission. These events can't stand alone, they have to be an attribute of a Blazor component called [EditForm](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.components.forms.editform?view=aspnetcore-8.0). I will explain these events below; * `OnSubmit`: This event is triggered when the form is submitted, regardless of its validity. You can use this event to handle form submissions, irrespective of whether the form passes validation. * `OnValidSubmit`: This event is triggered only when the form submission is valid. It's typically used when you want to perform specific actions or submit data, but only when the form passes validation. For example, save form data to a database only when all required fields are filled out correctly. * `OnInvalidSubmit`: This event is triggered when the form submission is invalid, meaning it fails validation. It helps handle scenarios where you want to provide feedback to the user about validation errors or take other actions when the form fails validation. ```csharp <EditForm Model="model" OnValidSubmit="HandleSubmit" OnInvalidSubmit="HandleSubmit"> <!-- Other form fields will be here --> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </EditForm> @code { private void HandleSubmit() { // Logic to handle form submission } } ``` This code above sets up a form in a Blazor application using the `EditForm` component. It binds the form to the `Model` object, specifies methods to handle form submission events (both `OnValidSubmit` and `OnInvalidSubmit`), and provides a submit button to trigger the form submission process. The text between `<!-- -->` is called a comment, which will be ignored. ```csharp <EditForm Model="model" OnSubmit="HandleSubmit"> <!-- Form fields here --> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </EditForm> @code { private void HandleSubmit() { // Logic to handle form submission } } ``` The code above uses the `OnSubmit` attribute which triggers the event that submits the form. This doesn't check for the validity of the form before submission. You cannot use the `OnValidSubmit` and `OnInvalidSubmit` in the same form and make use of the `OnSubmit`. This will flag an error which I will provide in the image below; ![2024-04-17_12-47-47](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJNmw4TeR.png) From the image above, you can see that you can only use the `OnSubmit` or `OnValidSubmit` and `OnInvalidSubmit`. NOTE: Validation has to be set on the form before all of these can be enabled. We will discuss validations in the next section. ## Built-in Validation in Blazor Blazor comes with built-in validation attributes that simplify the validation process. Blazor allows you to enforce data validation rules for form inputs without writing custom validation logic. This validation stands as a form of security in our application, to make sure the input from the user matches what is expected. ### Applying Validation Attributes To start with validation, [Data Annotations](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/mvc/overview/older-versions-1/models-data/validation-with-the-data-annotation-validators-cs) from the `System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations` [namespace](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/namespace) has to be used on the properties of the `Model`. A model helps define the structure and types of data the application requires, just like a blueprint defines the layout of an object. The model can be stored in a `.cs` file, I will provide an example below; ```csharp public class Person { public string Firstname { get; set; } public string Lastname { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public string Phone { get; set; } public string PostalCode { get; set; } } ``` The `data annotation` will be added to the properties as an attribute in the model that requires it. Blazor has several attributes that make validation easy. Some of them will be explained below; You can find more of these [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/mvc/overview/older-versions-1/models-data/validation-with-the-data-annotation-validators-cs). * `Required`: This mandates that a property must be included and its value cannot be `null` or an empty `string`. ```csharp [Required(ErrorMessage = "Field is required")] public string Firstname { get; set; } ``` * `StringLength`: This defines the minimum and maximum length limits for a `string` property. ```csharp [StringLength(50, MinimumLength = 2, ErrorMessage = "Firstname must be between 2 and 50 characters")] public string Firstname { get; set; } ``` * `Range`: This sets the minimum and maximum `numeric` value limits for a `numeric` property. ```csharp [Range(18, 50, ErrorMessage = "Age must be between 18 and 50")] public int Age { get; set; } ``` * `RegularExpression`: Specifies that a `string` property must match a specified [regular expression](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/regular-expression-language-quick-reference) pattern. ```csharp [RegularExpression(@"^\d{5}$", ErrorMessage = "Invalid postal code")] public string PostalCode { get; set; } ``` * `EmailAddress`: This indicates that a `string` property must adhere to a valid email address format. ```csharp [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "Invalid email address")] public string Email { get; set; } ``` * `Compare`: Compares the value of one property with the value of another property. ```csharp [Compare(nameof(Password), ErrorMessage = "Passwords do not match")] public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; } ``` * `MaxLength`: This defines the maximum length permitted for a `string` property. ```csharp [MaxLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Lastname cannot exceed 50 characters")] public string Lastname { get; set; } ``` * `MinLength`: Specifies the minimum length required for a `string` property. ```csharp [MinLength(2, ErrorMessage = "Lastname must be at least 2 characters long")] public string Lastname { get; set; } ``` ### Displaying Validation Error Messages Displaying validation errors is an essential part of creating user-friendly forms in your application. When a user inputs incorrect data, it is important to provide clear feedback about what went wrong and how they can fix it. How's the form able to know what field has been set to required? A component called `DataAnnotationsValidator` solves that. The `DataAnnotationsValidator` component is very important for your validation to be activated on the form and to show error messages where required. Without the component, no validation message will appear on the form even while submitting an empty form. The `DataAnnotationsValidator` component is added below the opening `EditForm` tag (`<EditForm>`). Below are some of the ways Blazor offers to display validation error messages; * `ValidationSummary`: This component displays a summary of all validation errors in the form. It's placed near the top of the form below the `DataAnnotationsValidator` component.`ValidationSummary` provides a convenient way for users to see all validation errors at once. Below is what this component looks like; ```csharp <DataAnnotationsValidator /> <ValidationSummary /> ``` Using the component above and trying to submit the form without its required data being filled up, will generate the error in the image below; ![2024-04-16_20-05-25](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rynjnB3e0.png) From the image above, you can see the summary of the error messages is being outputted. * `ValidationMessage`: This displays validation error messages next to individual form fields using the `ValidationMessage` component. This component is bound to a specific form field and will only display the validation error for that field. Below is how it can be implemented; ```csharp <InputText @bind-Value="model.Firstname" /> <ValidationMessage For="@(() => model.Firstname)" /> ``` From the code snippet above, the `ValidationMessage` uses the `For` attribute which takes an expression to validate the current property ( in this case the `Firstname` property). Submitting the form which uses the `ValidationMessage` component without filling in the required field, will generate the error in the image below; ![2024-04-16_19-25-25](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJkpfB2xR.png) As you can see from the image above, each field is outputting a unique error message. ## Custom Validation in Blazor Built-in Blazor validation works fine, but cannot cover every scenario we will want to implement. There should be room for us to customize validation themselves based on what we need, this is where `Custom Validation` will come in handy. Custom validation in Blazor allows you to define your validation logic for form fields beyond the built-in validation attributes. This is useful when you need to enforce validation rules that cannot be expressed using standard `data annotation` attributes. Blazor provides a way to create custom validation rules by implementing the `ValidationAttribute` class or by defining custom validation methods. ### Implementing Custom Form Validation in Blazor There are situations where you may desire to restrict certain text inputs for security purposes. Custom validation serves as an effective solution in such scenarios. Below, I will explain how custom validation can prevent the word `password` from being accepted when a user inputs it. I will create a new file called `ValidateName.cs` which will contain the custom validation logic below; ```csharp public class ValidateName : ValidationAttribute { protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { if (value.ToString().Contains("password")) { return new ValidationResult("Sensitive word such as password is not allowed."); } return ValidationResult.Success; } } ``` The above is a custom validation attribute named `ValidateName`, which inherits from the `ValidationAttribute` class, which is provided by `.NET` for creating custom validation attributes. The `IsValid` method is overridden to implement custom validation logic. This method is called when validation is triggered for the property associated with this attribute. The `value` represents the value of the property being validated. Inside the `IsValid` method, the `value` of the property is checked if it contains the word `password` and returns a custom validation error message or a success message. The custom validation logic above will be called as an attribute on the property that requires validation in the `Person` model class. This will be explained below; ```csharp public class Person { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Firstname is required")] [ValidateName] public string Firstname { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Lastname is required")] public string Lastname { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Email is required")] public string Email { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Phone Number is required")] public string PhoneNumber { get; set; } } ``` From the above, the `ValidateName` which is the custom validation logic, is being used as an attribute on the `FirstName` property. So when this property contains the word `password`, it will flag an error just like the image below; ![2024-04-18_01-18-11](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r16gv1RxR.png) According to requirements, the user can see different errors depending on how custom validation is applied, as seen in the image above. ## Form Submission and Validation The form submission process in Blazor involves several steps to collect user input, validate it, and handle the submission. Some of these have been discussed above. This section will be an overview of how the form submission and validation process work together in a Blazor application. In this section, we will create a form from scratch, trigger its validation, and handle its form submission gracefully. * STEP 1: Create a New Project Click the marked area in the image below to start creating a new Blazor project. ![2024-04-16_19-49-17](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByGktBng0.png) * STEP 2: Select the Blazor Template After selecting the marked button above, select the `Blazor Web App` and click `Next` as shown below; ![2024-04-16_19-55-03](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1qhFH2xA.png) * STEP 3: Configure Project You can leave this by the default value or change it to whatever suits your project requirement. We will use the default configurations. Once you are done, click `Next`; ![2024-02-23_23-04-18](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1qm_982T.png) * STEP 4: Set Additional Information We will be using the `.NET 8` framework. This guide will work with `.NET 6` and later. You can change the settings below as you see fit, but we will work with the default settings. Click on `Create` to continue; ![2024-02-23_23-13-08](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJz6d9U2p.png) ### How to Trigger Validation and Handle Form Submission In this section, we will create an `Employee` class which will contain the model we will use. Below is what the model will look like; ```csharp using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace BlazorApp9.Components; public class Employee { [Required(ErrorMessage = "First name is required")] [StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "First name must be less than 50 characters")] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Last name is required")] [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Last name must be less than 50 characters")] [ValidateName] public string LastName { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Email is required")] [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "Invalid email address")] public string Email { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Date of Birth is required")] [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } } ``` From the code snippet above, the properties of the `Employee` model class have been set together with their `data-annotations` attributes for error validation. Also on the `LastName` property, we set the custom validation error message `ValidateName` as an attribute. The logic for the `ValidateName` method which has been discussed above, can be found [here](https://hackmd.io/@zfgtm3UdSXSKe-H1o6lPCg/SJn4Ab5jp#Implementing-Custom-Form-Validation-in-Blazor). Next, you will create an `Employee.razor` file which will contain the form and implement the `Employee`, a model class created above. The code for the form is below; ```csharp @page "/employee" @using BlazorApp9.Components @using System.Text.Json @rendermode InteractiveServer <h3>Data Validation and Form Handling</h3> <p>Fill the form below</p> <EditForm Model="employee" OnValidSubmit="HandleValidSubmit" FormName="employeeForm" > <DataAnnotationsValidator /> <div class="form-group"> <label for="firstname">First Name</label> <InputText id="firstname" class="form-control" @bind-Value="employee.FirstName" /> <ValidationMessage For="@(() => employee.FirstName)" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="lastname">Last Name</label> <InputText id="lastname" class="form-control" @bind-Value="employee.LastName" /> <ValidationMessage For="@(() => employee.LastName)" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="email">Email</label> <InputText id="email" class="form-control" @bind-Value="employee.Email" /> <ValidationMessage For="@(() => employee.Email)" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="dateOfBirth">Date Of Birth</label> <InputDate id="dateOfBirth" class="form-control" @bind-Value="employee.DateOfBirth" /> <ValidationMessage For="@(() => employee.DateOfBirth)" /> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button> </EditForm> <div> <span>@outputEmployee</span> </div> @code { private Employee employee = new Employee(); private string outputEmployee; private void HandleValidSubmit() { Console.WriteLine("Submitted Employee Information:"); Console.WriteLine($"First Name: {employee.FirstName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Last Name: {employee.LastName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Email: {employee.Email}"); Console.WriteLine($"Date of Birth: {employee.DateOfBirth}"); outputEmployee = JsonSerializer.Serialize(employee); employee = new(); } } ``` From the code snippet above, the `EditForm` component wraps the form to handle form submission and validation. The `EditForm` uses the `Model` attribute and its value (`employee`) in the [instantiated](https://essentialcsharp.com/declaring-and-instantiating-a-class) `Employee` class. The `employee` contains information about the `Model`, which gives the form the type of data to expect. The `EditForm` uses the `OnValidSubmit` attribute and passes the `HandleValidSubmit` method. The `EditForm` also makes use of the `DataAnnotationsValidator` component, so the form can be aware of its validation and display the individual field error message with the help of the `ValidationMessage` component. In the `@code{ }` block, we instantiate the `Employee` class and create a `string` variable called `outputEmployee` which will display the details of the `employee` in `@outputEmployee` on the webpage. The `HandleValidSubmit` method when triggered, will check if its validation is met, and then it will display the `employee` to the `Console`. This method also [Serializes](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/how-to) the value of the `employee` into a [JSON (Javascript Object Notation)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects/JSON) object and passes the result to`outputEmployee` which displays it on the webpage. The `employee = new()` will clear the inputs entered by the user on the form after submission. Running the code above without inputting any data will produce what you will see in the image below; ![2024-04-17_12-02-39](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1GthXaxC.png) As seen in the above image, the user is presented with the appropriate validation messages. Hence, the user will know how to easily fix it. Again, we will run the code by inputting some incorrect data, to see what error message will be displayed. ![2024-04-17_11-40-52](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1lwPQ6lR.png) From the image above, you can see the validation messages are being displayed based on the pre-defined requirements. Now, the form will be filled with the right data, and the result will be displayed in the `console`. The output for the `console` can be found below; ![2024-04-17_11-32-17](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJnbs3pgC.png) The image above shows the output of the submitted form in the `console`. ## Asynchronous Validation in Blazor Asynchronous validation in Blazor allows you to perform validation tasks that require taking some time before they get executed, such as `database queries` or [API (Application Programming Interface)](https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/api/) calls, before determining the validity of a form field. This is useful when you need to validate user input against external data sources. ### How to Implement and Showcase Asynchronous Validation Logic in Blazor Forms. Firstly, we will create a custom validation attribute by inheriting from `ValidationAttribute` and implementing asynchronous validation logic in the `IsValid` method. ```csharp using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace BlazorApp9.Components; public class UniqueEmail : ValidationAttribute { protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { var task = Task.Run(async () => { await Task.Delay(2000); // Validate the email uniqueness if (value != null && value.ToString() == "existing@example.com") { return new ValidationResult("Email is already in use"); } // Return success if validation passes return ValidationResult.Success; }); return task.Result; // Wait for the asynchronous task to complete and return its result } } ``` In this approach, the `Task.Run` will asynchronously execute the validation logic inside the `IsValid` method. This allows you to perform asynchronous operations. You will add the `UniqueEmail` custom validation above as a `data-annotation` attribute on the `Email` property in the `Employee` model class. Below shows how that can be done; ```csharp [Required(ErrorMessage = "Email is required")] [DataType(DataType.EmailAddress)] [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "Invalid email address")] [UniqueEmail] public string Email { get; set; } ``` From the code snippet above, the `Email` property uses the `UniqueEmail` custom validation to asynchronously validate user input and wait for a few seconds before displaying the validation message. ## Advanced Form Handling Techniques Handling complex forms and validation rules efficiently is necessary for a smooth user experience and data integrity. Here are several strategies to consider: * Divide and Conquer: Break down the form into smaller sections or logical groups of fields. Each section can be managed independently, making the form more manageable and easier to maintain. * Component-Based Architecture: Utilize Blazor components to encapsulate form sections or individual fields. This promotes reusability and helps keep the code organized. * Validation: Leverage Blazor's built-in validation features such as `EditForm`, `ValidationMessage`, and `ValidationSummary` components. You can use `data annotations`, custom validation logic, or a combination of both to validate user input. * Validation Feedback: Provide immediate feedback to users about validation errors. Highlight invalid fields, and display error messages near the corresponding fields. * Conditional Validation: Implement conditional validation rules based on the state of other fields or external factors. You can achieve this by dynamically updating validation rules or by using custom validation logic. * Asynchronous Validation: For complex validation rules that require `server-side` validation or asynchronous operations, handle validation asynchronously using custom validation logic. By employing these strategies, you can effectively handle complex forms with multiple fields and validation rules, resulting in a better user experience and improved data integrity. ### Nested Complex Models and Their Implementation In Blazor The `DataAnnotationsValidator` provided by default enables form input validation using `data annotations`. However, it solely validates top-level properties (properties without nested types) bound to the form, excluding child or complex-type properties. To validate nested complex models, we will substitute the `DataAnnotationsValidator` with the `ObjectGraphDataAnnotationsValidator`. This validator assesses the entire object, encompassing child and complex type properties within the form. The `ObjectGraphDataAnnotationsValidator` does not come by default but can be installed as a [Nuget Package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.DataAnnotations.Validation). Below explains how it can be installed into your project; ![Annotation 2024-02-24 221912](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyXOn1_np.png) The image above shows how `ObjectGraphDataAnnotationsValidator` can be installed into your project. Type `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.DataAnnotations.Validation` in the search box to locate the [Nuget Package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.DataAnnotations.Validation). We will create a class called `Guarantor.cs` which will have the properties below; ```csharp public class Guarantor { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Guarantor's Name is required")] public string Name { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Guarantor's Phone Number is required")] [Phone(ErrorMessage = "Invalid phone number")] public string PhoneNumber { get; set; } } ``` The above shows that the `Guarantor` must have a `Name` and `Phone Number`. The `Guarantor` class will be added as a property and a type in the `Employee`, a class we created earlier in this guide. It can be found [here](https://hackmd.io/@zfgtm3UdSXSKe-H1o6lPCg/SJn4Ab5jp#How-to-Trigger-Validation-and-Handle-Form-Submission). Below shows how the `Guarantor` class will be used as a property in the `Employee` class. ```csharp [Required] [ValidateComplexType] public Guarantor Guarantor { get; set; } = new Guarantor(); ``` The code snippet above shows that the `Guarantor` is required and expects its type. The `ValidateComplexType` attribute tells the `model` that the `Guarantor` is a complex type (it contains nested elements). Also, change the `DataAnnotationsValidator` tag in the `Employee.razor` file to `ObjectGraphDataAnnotationsValidator`. Running the code will produce the result below; ![2024-04-17_12-56-21](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk9MFEalC.png) The `Name` and `Phone Number` of the `Guarantor` display the correct validation error message set on the `model`, as you can see in the image above. ## Conclusion Data validation and form handling in Blazor are crucial for building robust and user-friendly web applications. By leveraging Blazor's built-in validation features, implementing custom validation logic, and adhering to best practices, you can ensure data integrity and provide a seamless user experience. Experiment with everything discussed in this guide and unlock the full potential of Blazor in your projects.