# Swift Concurrency Part 1
# [Swift Concurrency Manifesto](https://gist.github.com/yxztj/7744e97eaf8031d673338027d89eea76)
## Callback hell
> 俗稱 金字塔(`波動拳`)
func processImageData1(completionBlock: (result: Image) -> Void) {
loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt") { dataResource in
loadWebResource("imagedata.dat") { imageResource in
decodeImage(dataResource, imageResource) { imageTmp in
dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp) { imageResult in
# Term
## async/await
## Continuations
## Task
* Unstructured Task
* cancellation
* Atached/Detached Task
* `Task {}`
* `Task.detached {}`
## TaskGroup
* Parent/Child Task
* Structured Task
* async let
* TaskGroup
## `Actor`
* `actor`
* Sendable
* @unchecked
* @Sendable
* isolated/nonisolated
## `GlobalActor`
* `@globalActor`
* `@MainActor`
## TaskLocal
## AsyncSequence
## AsyncStream
## Job 相關
* Excutor
* SerialExecutor
* UnownedSerialExecutor
* UnownedJob
### [Concurrency vs. Parallelism](http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/concurrency-vs-parallelism.html)
{%youtube Y1pgpn2gOSg %}
### Concurrency
Making progress on more than one task seemingly at the same time.
### Concurrency

### Parallel Execution
Making progress on more than one task at the exact same time.
### Parallel Execution

# async/await
## 宣告
func download(_ url: URL) async throws -> Data {}
func decode(_ data: Data) async throws -> UIImage {}
## 一般使用方式
> 在 async func 內使用
func your_function() async throws -> UIImage {
let data = try await download(url)
let image = try await decode(data)
return image
## 在 sync func 內使用
> 透過 `Task`
func your_function_task() -> Task<UIImage, Error> {
let task = Task {
let data = try await download(url)
let image = try await decode(data)
// image ...
return image
return taks
## [get async throws](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0310-effectful-readonly-properties.md)
protocol RemoteData {
var data: Data { get async throws }
struct Resouce: RemoteData {
let url: URL
var data: Data {
get async throws {
try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url).0
## closure
``` swift
() async -> Void
## 隱式 closure
``` swift
// () async -> Int
let closure = { await getInt() } // implicitly async
## 對現有 api 的衝擊
// old api
func doSomething(completionHandler: ((String) -> Void)? = nil) { ... }
// new api
func doSomething() async -> String { ... }
### 對現有 api 的衝擊(rule)
> 如果在 `同步` 預設優先呼叫 `同步`
> 如果在 `非同步` 預設優先呼叫 `非同步`
### 對現有 api 的衝擊(rule)
func xxx() {
// old api
// doSomething(completionHandler: nil)
func xxx() async {
// new api
let str: String = await doSomething()
## 自動隱式轉換
var syncNonThrowing: () -> Void = {}
var asyncNonThrowing: () async -> Void = {}
asyncNonThrowing = syncNonThrowing
### 可以用同步函數替代非同步
protocol Asynchronous {
func f() async
struct S2: Asynchronous {
func f() { } // okay, synchronous function satisfying async requirement
## Test
``` swift
class AsyncTests: XCTestCase {
func testCallback() throws {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation (description: "download completion")
download(url) { result, error in
XCTAssertEqual(result, Data())
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5.0)
func testAsync() async throws {
let result = try await download(url)
XCTAssertEqual(result, Data())
## 限制
> 不能在 defer 內使用 await
defer {
await xxx() // x
## 限制
> @autoclosure sync closure 只能放在 async func
// x
func computeArgumentLater<T>
(_ fn: @escaping @autoclosure () async -> T) { }
// o
func computeArgumentLater<T>
(_ fn: @escaping @autoclosure () async -> T) async { }
## 限制
同步函數 不能呼叫 異步函數
### 同步函數 vs 異步函數
## 同步函數
> sync func
func xxx() {}
## 異步函數
> async func
func xxx() async {}
## 同步函數
* 執行過程中,只能在同一個 thread 執行
* call stack
## 同步函數
func a() {
// in main thread
// in main thread
func b() {
// in main thread
## 異步函數
* 執行過程中,可在任意 thread 切換執行
* 獨立存儲
## 異步函數
func a() async {
// in thread 1
await b()
// in thread 2
await c()
// in thread 3
func b() async {
// in thread 4
func c() async {
// in thread 5
## 暫停點(Suspension point)
* 只會出現在 `顯試操作`
* 潛在暫停點
* `await`
* 暫停會中斷 `原子性`
* 讓異步函數離開其 `thread`
## 暫停點
func a() async {
// in thread 1
await b() // 暫停點
// in thread 2
await c() // 暫停點
// in thread 3
func b() async {
// in thread 4
// return 暫停點
func c() async {
// in thread 5
// return 暫停點
## CheckedContinuation
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
public func withCheckedContinuation<T>(
function: String = #function,
_ body: (CheckedContinuation<T, Never>) -> Void
) async -> T
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
public struct CheckedContinuation<T, E> where E : Error {}
### [Converting closure-based code into async/await in Swift](https://www.andyibanez.com/posts/converting-closure-based-code-into-async-await-in-swift/)
## async code
func downloadMetadata(for id: Int) async throws -> ImageMetadata {
let metadataUrl = URL(string: "https://www.andyibanez.com/fairesepages.github.io/tutorials/async-await/part1/\(id).json")!
let metadataRequest = URLRequest(url: metadataUrl)
let (data, metadataResponse) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: metadataRequest)
guard (metadataResponse as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 200 else {
throw ImageDownloadError.invalidMetadata
return try JSONDecoder().decode(ImageMetadata.self, from: data)
## callback code
let metadataUrl = URL(string: "https://www.andyibanez.com/fairesepages.github.io/tutorials/async-await/part1/\(imageNumber).json")!
let metadataTask = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: metadataUrl) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, let metadata = try? JSONDecoder().decode(ImageMetadata.self, from: data), (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 200 else {
completionHandler(nil, ImageDownloadError.invalidMetadata)
let detailedImage = DetailedImage(image: image, metadata: metadata)
completionHandler(detailedImage, nil)
## Continuations code
guard let data = data, let metadata = try? JSONDecoder().decode(ImageMetadata.self, from: data), (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 200 else {
completionHandler(nil, ImageDownloadError.invalidMetadata)
let detailedImage = DetailedImage(image: image, metadata: metadata)
completionHandler(detailedImage, nil)
## Explicit continuations
* `withCheckedContinuation`
* `CheckedContinuation<T, Never>`
* `withCheckedThrowingContinuation`
* `CheckedContinuation<T, Error>`
## 使用 Continuation 封裝 callback code
func downloadImageAndMetadata(imageNumber: Int) async throws -> DetailedImage {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation({
(continuation: CheckedContinuation<DetailedImage, Error>) in
downloadImageAndMetadata(imageNumber: imageNumber) { image, error in
if let image = image {
continuation.resume(returning: image)
} else {
continuation.resume(throwing: error!)
## 注意事項
* 請確保 value/error 有被呼叫過一次
* `continuation.resume(returning: value)`
* `continuation.resume(throwing: error)`
* 呼叫兩次以上屬於未定義行為
* 未呼叫的話會讓 task 永遠停住
## Rx VS Continuation
## Rx
public var data: Observable<Data> {
return Observable.create { observer -> Disposable in
self.dataRequest.responseData { (res) in
do {
try observer.onNext(res.result.get())
} catch {
return Disposables.create {
data.subscribe(onNext: { data in
// ...
## Continuation
public var data: Data {
get async throws {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
self.dataRequest.responseData { (res) in
do {
let value = try res.result.get()
continuation.resume(returning: value)
} catch {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
let value = try await data
## Demo
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## UnsafeContinuation
@frozen struct UnsafeContinuation<T, E> where E : Error
func withUnsafeContinuation<T>(_ fn: (UnsafeContinuation<T, Never>) -> Void) async -> T
跟 `CheckedContinuation` 擁有一樣的介面
無 run time check
## Task
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
@frozen public struct Task<Success, Failure>
: Sendable where Failure : Error {
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
extension Task where Failure == Never {
public init(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
operation: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Success
A unit of asynchronous work.
When you create an instance of `Task`,
you provide a closure that contains the work for that task to perform.
當你建立 `Task` 實體時,你需要提供 closure 以供 task 執行
let task = Task {
return 1
Tasks can start running immediately after creation;
you don't explicitly start or schedule them.
After creating a task, you use the instance to interact with it
for example, to wait for it to complete or to cancel it.
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await task.value
// or
try await task.value
await task.result
It's not a programming error to discard a reference to a task
without waiting for that task to finish or canceling it.
A task runs regardless of whether you keep a reference to it.
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However, if you discard the reference to a task,
you give up the ability
to wait for that task's result or cancel the task.
但是,如果您放棄持有 `task`
Only code that's running as part of the task can interact with that task.
To interact with the current task,
you call one of the static methods on `Task`.
只有運行在 `task` 內的 code
可以用 `static method` 跟 `當前 task` 互動
Task {
try Task.checkCancellation()
await Task.yield()
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64)
# Task Cancellation
Tasks include a shared mechanism for indicating cancellation,
but not a shared implementation for how to handle cancellation.
Depending on the work you're doing in the task,
the correct way to stop that work varies.
it's the responsibility of the code running as part of the task
to check for cancellation whenever stopping is appropriate.
In a long-task that includes multiple pieces,
you might need to check for cancellation at several points,
and handle cancellation differently at each point.
Task {
while !Task.isCancelled {
// Long run
If you only need to throw an error to stop the work,
call the `Task.checkCancellation()` function to check for cancellation.
Task {
try Task.checkCancellation()
Other responses to cancellation include
returning the work completed so far, returning an empty result, or returning `nil`.
Task {
if Task.isCancelled {
return nil
// return ...
Cancellation is a purely Boolean state;
there's no way to include additional information
like the reason for cancellation.
取消是一個純粹的 `bool` 狀態; 無法包含其他信息,例如取消原因。
This reflects the fact that a task can be canceled for many reasons,
and additional reasons can accrue during the cancellation process.
## Demo
<iframe width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0"
### Job
A task's execution can be seen as a series of periods where the task ran.
Each such period ends at a suspension point or the
completion of the task.
運行中 task 可以被視為一連串的執行週期(series of periods)
* task 暫停點
* 完成 task
These periods of execution are represented by instances of `PartialAsyncTask`.
Unless you're implementing a custom executor,
you don't directly interact with partial tasks.
這些執行週期可以 ``PartialAsyncTask`` 的實例呈現
除非你要實作 custom executor
## UnownedJob
`PartialAsyncTask` 已改名為 `UnownedJob`
## [Unstructured Concurrency](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Concurrency.html#ID643)
Unlike tasks that are part of a task group, an unstructured task doesn’t have a parent task.
### Attached Task
To create an unstructured task that runs on the current actor, call the Task.init(priority:operation:) initializer.
Task {}
### Detached Task
To create an unstructured task that’s not part of the current actor, known more specifically as a detached task, call the Task.detached(priority:operation:) class method.
Task.detached {}
## Task 小結
Task 建立後會自行執行
cancel 只能停止
* ~~尚未開始的 Task~~
* 有支援取消流程的 Task
Task 的 cancel 流程必須自行掌控
一個 Task 可以拆分成多個 UnownedJob
## Actor Model
{%youtube ELwEdb_pD0k %}
{%youtube 7erJ1DV_Tlo %}
## 信箱
### 擁有復數地址
### 地址 != ID
### 沒有 ID
### 允許操作
* 建立 `子 actor`
* 傳送訊息(message)
* 決定如何處理下一條訊息
* FIFO 處理訊息
* 擁有私有`狀態`
* 不共享記憶體
## 各語言實作方式不同
## Swift Actor
actor MyActor {}
### protocol Actor
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
public protocol Actor : AnyObject, Sendable {
var unownedExecutor: UnownedSerialExecutor { get }
### UnownedSerialExecutor
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
@frozen public struct UnownedSerialExecutor {
public init<E>(ordinary executor: E)
where E : SerialExecutor
### SerialExecutor
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
public protocol SerialExecutor : Executor {
func enqueue(_ job: UnownedJob)
func asUnownedSerialExecutor() -> UnownedSerialExecutor
### UnownedJob
``` swift=
@available(SwiftStdlib 5.1, *)
public struct UnownedJob: Sendable {
private var context: Builtin.Job
public func _runSynchronously(
on executor: UnownedSerialExecutor
) {
_swiftJobRun(self, executor)
### UnownedJob
``` swift=
@available(SwiftStdlib 5.1, *)
internal func _swiftJobRun(
_ job: UnownedJob,
_ executor: UnownedSerialExecutor
) -> ()
## Actor reentrancy
* Actor 的 `isolated functions` 是可重入的(reentrant).
* 當 Actor 的 `isolated functions` 暫停時, 重入性會允許在原 isolated function 恢復之前,並在 actor 先執行其他工作,稱之 `interleaving`.
### Actor reentrancy
預期是 before before after after
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### Actor reentrancy(預期)
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### 結論(坑)
async func 有機會排進 `actor's queue`
## Actor 猜想
### Thread
* 擁有唯一一個 Thread?
* 擁有可隨時切換 Thread?
* async/await
### Thread
func action() async {
actor Tester1 {
func action() {
actor Tester2 {
func action() {
Task.detached {
await action()
await Tester1().action()
await Tester2().action()
### Thread

### Thread

### Thread
`Thread 2 Queue : com.apple.root.default-qos.cooperative (concurrent)`
### Queue
> Message Queue?
### Queue
> Task Queue?
### Queue
> Job(UnownedJob) Queue
### Executor
* `UnownedSerialExecutor`
* 以 FIFO 方式,在 Thread 執行 Job
## 問題 No.1
import Foundation
func process(_ text: String) {
print("\(Date()) \(text) 1")
print("\(Date()) \(text) 2")
print("\(Date()) \(text) 3")
actor Test {
var counter = 0
func ver1_1() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
func ver1_2() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
_ = counter
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
_ = counter
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
func main() async {
let test = Test()
await test.ver1_1();print("")
await test.ver1_2();print("")
Task.detached {
await main()
## 問題 No.2
import Foundation
func process(_ text: String) {
print("\(Date()) \(text) 1")
print("\(Date()) \(text) 2")
print("\(Date()) \(text) 3")
func processAsync() async {
let text = "a"
func processAsync1(_ text: String) async {
func processAsync2(_ text: String) async {
func processMain(_ text: String) async {
func ver2_1() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
func ver2_2() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await processAsync()
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await processAsync()
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
func ver2_3() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await processAsync1("a")
await processAsync1("b")
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await processAsync2("c")
await processAsync2("d")
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
actor T {
func processAsync1(_ text: String) {
let t1 = T()
let t2 = T()
func ver2_4() async {
print("\(Date()) \(#function) start")
let a: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await t1.processAsync1("a")
let b: Task<Void, Never> = Task {
await t2.processAsync1("b")
let (_, _) = await (a.value, b.value)
print("\(Date()) end")
func main() async {
// await ver2_1();print("")
// await ver2_2();print("")
await ver2_3();print("")
// await ver2_4();print("")
Task.detached {
await main()
## 坑 No.1
Task 有/無 mutable var
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## 坑 No.2
async func 有/無 參數
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### Q & A
## ??? No.1
### [0296-async-await.md](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0296-async-await.md)
> However, many asynchronous functions are not just asynchronous: they’re also associated with specific actors

#### `async function` 跟 `特定 actor` 相關
// actor SpecificActor {
func xxx() async {}
// @SpecificActor
func xxx() async {}
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### 結論
一般 async func 有可能會延續上一個 actor嗎?
## ??? NO.2
### [swift.org](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Concurrency.html#ID643)
> To create an unstructured task that runs on the current actor, call the `Task.init(priority:operation:)` initializer

#### 跑在 `目前的 actor`
func xxx() {
// is actor?
Task {
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### Reference
* [SE 296](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0296-async-await.md)
* [SE 306](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0306-actors.md)
* [Task](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/task)
* [Continuation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/checkedcontinuation)
* ...
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