*zero judge C++* == # a ## a001 ```cpp= //a001 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { string a; cin>>a; cout<<"hello, "; cout<<a; } ``` ## a002 ```cpp= //a002 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; cout<<a+b; } ``` ## a003 ```cpp= //a003 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int m,d,s; cin>>m>>d; s=(m*2+d)%3; if(s==0) { cout<<"普通"; } if(s==1) { cout<<"吉"; } if(s==2) { cout<<"大吉"; } } ``` ## a004 ```cpp= //a004 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b=0; while(cin>>a) { if(a%4==0&&a%100!=0) { cout<<"閏年"<<endl; b=1; } if(a%400==0) { cout<<"閏年"<<endl; b=1; } if(b==0) { cout<<"平年"<<endl; } b=0; } } ``` ## a005 ```cpp= //a005 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; int c[4]; cin>>n; for(int times=0;times<n;times++) { for(int b=0;b<4;b++) { cin>>c[b]; cout<<c[b]<<' '; } if(c[0]+c[2]==2*c[1]) { cout<<c[3]+c[2]-c[1]<<endl; } else { cout<<c[3]*(c[2]/c[1])<<endl; } } } ``` ## a024 ```cpp= //a024 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int store; if(a>b) { store=a; a=b; b=store; } while(a!=0&&b!=0) { if(a!=0) { b=b%a; } if(b!=0) { a=a%b; } } if(a==0) { cout<<b; } if(b==0) { cout<<a; } } ``` ## a038 ```cpp= //a038 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { long long int a; cin>>a; if(a==0) { cout<<0; } while(a>0) { if(a%10!=0) { break; } a/=10; } while(a>0) { cout<<a%10; a/=10; } } ``` ## a040 ```cpp= //a040 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { long long int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int n=0; int store; int total=0; int ifcout=0; for(int num=a;num<b+1;num++) { store=num; while(num>0) { num/=10; n+=1; } num=store; while(num>0) { total+=pow(num%10,n); num/=10; } num=store; if(total==store) { cout<<total<<' '; ifcout=1; } total=0; n=0; } if(ifcout==0) { cout<<"none"; } } ``` ## a042 ```cpp= //a042 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; while(cin>>a) { a=pow(a,2)+2-a; cout<<a<<endl; } } ``` ## a044 ```cpp= //a044 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; while(cin>>a) { a=(pow(a,3)+5*a+6)/6; cout<<a<<endl; } } ``` ## a244 ```cpp= //a244 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; long long int a,b,c; cin>>n; for(int r=0;r<n;r++) { cin>>a>>b>>c; if(a==1) { cout<<b+c<<endl; } if(a==2) { cout<<b-c<<endl; } if(a==3) { cout<<b*c<<endl; } if(a==4) { cout<<b/c<<endl; } } } ``` ## a799 ```cpp= //a799 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; if(a<0) { a=(-1)*a; } cout<<a; } ``` # b ## b294 ```cpp= //b294 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int t=0; int amo; for(int b=1;b<a+1;b++) { cin>>amo; t+=amo*b; } cout<<t; } ``` ## b330 ```cpp= #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; int coun=0; cin>>a>>b; for(int c=1;c<a+1;c++) { int d=c; while(d>0) { if(d%10==b) { coun+=1; } d/=10; } } cout<<coun; } ``` ## b964 ```cpp= //b964 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int a; int n; int li[20]; cin>>a; for (int b=0;b<a;b++){ cin>>li[b]; //讀數值進來 } sort(li,li+a); for (int bt=0;bt<a;bt++){ if (bt==a-1){ cout<<li[bt]<<endl; } else{ cout<<li[bt]; //排列並印出來 cout<<' '; } } if (li[0]>=60){ //如最小值大於六十 cout<<"best case"<<endl; } else{ for (int c=0;c<a;c++){ if (li[c]>=60){ cout<<li[c-1]<<endl;//找最接近六十的不及格 break; } } if (li[a-1]<60){ cout<<li[a-1]<<endl; } } if (li[a-1]<60){ cout<<"worst case"<<endl; //如最大值小於六十 } else{ for(int v=0;v<a;v++){ if (li[v]>=60){ //找最斤六十的及格分 cout<<li[v]; break; } } } } ``` # c ## c290 ```cpp= //c290. APCS 2017-0304-1秘密差 #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main(){ int a,e=0,o=0,t=0; cin>>a; while(a>0){ t++; if (t%2!=0){ o+=a%10; a/=10;} if (t%2==0){ e+=a%10; a/=10; } } int ans1=e-o; int ans2=o-e; if (e-o>=0){ cout<<ans1; } else{ cout<<ans2; } } ``` ## c291 ```cpp= //c291 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int sta; int a; int pos; int num[50000]; int rec[50002]={0};//初始化設為0 int cou=0; int main(){ cin>>a; for (int b=0;b<a;b++){ cin>>num[b]; } for(int b=0;b<a;b++){ if(rec[b]==0){ sta=b; rec[sta]=1; pos=num[b]; while(sta!=pos){ rec[pos]=1; pos=num[pos]; } cou+=1; } } cout<<cou; } ``` ## c294 ```cpp= //c294 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int tri[3]; for (int a=0;a<3;a++){ cin>>tri[a]; } sort(tri,tri+3); for (int a=0;a<3;a++){ if (a==2){ cout<<tri[2]<<endl; } else{ cout<<tri[a]; cout<<' '; } } if (tri[0]+tri[1]<=tri[2]){ cout<<"No"; } else{ if (tri[0]*tri[0]+tri[1]*tri[1]==tri[2]*tri[2]){ cout<<"Right"; } if (tri[0]*tri[0]+tri[1]*tri[1]>tri[2]*tri[2]){ cout<<"Acute"; } if (tri[0]*tri[0]+tri[1]*tri[1]<tri[2]*tri[2]){ cout<<"Obtuse"; } } } ``` ## c295 ```cpp= //c295 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int line; int man; int rec[20][20];//排樹根人數的列表 int max1[20]={0};//美意行的最大值 int maxn=0;//最大值 int total=0; int rec2[20]={0};//記錄每一航的最大值 int t=0; int cn0=0;//計算不等於零的數量 cin>>line; cin>>man; for (int b=0;b<line;b++){ for (int c=0;c<man;c++){ cin>>rec[b][c]; } } for (int b=0;b<line;b++){ for (int c=0;c<man;c++){ if (rec[b][c]>maxn){ maxn=rec[b][c]; } } max1[b]=maxn; maxn=-1; } for (int r=0;r<20;r++){ total+=max1[r]; } cout<<total<<endl; for (int a=0;a<line;a++){ if (total%max1[a]==0){ rec2[t]=max1[a]; t+=1; } } if (t==0){ cout<<-1; } else{ for (int q=0;q<20;q++){ if (rec2[q]!=0){ cn0+=1; } } for (int m=0;m<cn0;m++){ if (m==cn0-1){ cout<<rec2[cn0-1]; } else{ cout<<rec2[m]<<' '; } } } } ``` ## c636 ```cpp= #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; while(cin>>a) { if(a<0) { a=-1*a; a=a%12; a=13-a; } if(a%12==1) { cout<<"鼠"<<endl; } if(a%12==2) { cout<<"牛"<<endl; } if(a%12==3) { cout<<"虎"<<endl; } if(a%12==4) { cout<<"兔"<<endl; } if(a%12==5) { cout<<"龍"<<endl; } if(a%12==6) { cout<<"蛇"<<endl; } if(a%12==7) { cout<<"馬"<<endl; } if(a%12==8) { cout<<"羊"<<endl; } if(a%12==9) { cout<<"猴"<<endl; } if(a%12==10) { cout<<"雞"<<endl; } if(a%12==11) { cout<<"狗"<<endl; } if(a%12==0) { cout<<"豬"<<endl; } } } ``` ## c382 ```cpp= //c382 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; char c; cin>>a>>c>>b; if(c=='+') { cout<<a+b; } if(c=='-') { cout<<a-b; } if(c=='*') { cout<<a*b; } if(c=='/') { cout<<a/b; } } ``` ## c418 ```cpp= //c418 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; for(int b=1;b<a+1;b++) { cout<<string(b,'*')<<endl; } } ``` ## c419 ```cpp= //c419 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; for(int b=1;b<a+1;b++) { cout<<string(a-b,'_'); cout<<string(b,'*')<<endl; } } ``` ## c420 ```cpp= //c420 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; for(int b=1;b<a+1;b++) { cout<<string(a-b,'_'); cout<<string(2*(b-1)+1,'*'); cout<<string(a-b,'_')<<endl; } } ``` ## c717 ```cpp= #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { string a; getline(cin,a); cout<<a<<' '<<a; } ``` # d ## d064 ```cpp= //d064 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; if(a%2==0) { cout<<"Even"; } else { cout<<"Odd"; } } ``` ## d073 ```cpp= //d073 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; if(a%3==0) { cout<<a/3; } else { cout<<a/3+1; } } ``` ## d074 ```cpp= //d074 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int pe; int ma=0; while(cin>>pe) { if(pe>ma) { ma=pe; } } cout<<ma; } ``` ## d827 ```cpp= //d827 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int con=0; while(a>=12) { a-=12; con+=1; } cout<<con*50+a*5; } ``` # e ## e621 ```cpp= //e621 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b; int c; int d; int lis[500]={0}; int con=0; int lis2[500]={0}; int con2=0; cin>>a; for (int m=0;m<a;m++) { con=0; con2=0; cin>>b; cin>>c; cin>>d; for (int t=b+1;t<c;t++) { lis[con]=t; con++; } for (int y=0;y<con;y++) { if (lis[y]!=0&&lis[y]%d!=0) { lis2[con2]=lis[y]; con2++; } } if (con2==0) { cout<<"No free parking spaces."<<endl; } else { for (int q=0;q<con2-1;q++) { cout<<lis2[q]<<' '; } cout<<lis2[con2-1]<<endl; } } } ``` ## e621 ```cpp= //e621 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int st,ed,no; int tel=0; cin>>a; for(int b=0;b<a;b++) { cin>>st>>ed>>no; for(int q=st+1;q<ed;q++) { if(q%no!=0) { cout<<q<<' '; tel=1; } } if(tel==0) { cout<<"No free parking spaces."; } cout<<endl; tel=0; } } ``` ## e622 ```cpp= //e622 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; int sa; int cp; int iv; int co=0; int poke[50]={0}; int leveltimes; int max1=0; int comax=1; cin>>n; cin>>sa; leveltimes=sa/1000; for (int a=0;a<n;a++) { cin>>cp; cin>>iv; if (iv>=0&&iv<=29) { cp+=leveltimes*10; poke[co]=cp; } if (iv>=30&&iv<=39) { cp+=leveltimes*50; poke[co]=cp; } if (iv>=40&&iv<=45) { cp+=leveltimes*100; poke[co]=cp; } co+=1; } for (int h=0;h<n;h++) { if (poke[h]>max1) { max1=poke[h]; comax=h+1; } } cout<<comax<<' '<<max1; } ``` ## e623 ```cpp= //e623 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int con=0; int tol=0; int mh=0; while(a>tol) { con+=1; tol+=4*con; } tol-=4*con; if(a-tol<=con) { cout<<"Pen"; } if(a-tol>con&&a-tol<=2*con) { cout<<"Pineapple"; } if(a-tol>2*con&&a-tol<=3*con) { cout<<"Apple"; } if(a-tol>3*con&&a-tol<=4*con) { cout<<"Pineapple pen"; } } ``` ## e807 ```cpp= //e807 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { float a[4]; float b[4]; float c[4]; float d[4]; float e[4]; float f[4]; float g[4]; int ma=0; int mb=0; int mc=0; int md=0; int me=0; int mf=0; int mg=0; int week[7]; int mor=0; int aft=0; int nig=0; int ear=0; int duration[4]; for(int na=0;na<4;na++) { cin>>a[na]; ma+=a[na]; } for(int nb=0;nb<4;nb++) { cin>>b[nb]; mb+=b[nb]; } for(int nc=0;nc<4;nc++) { cin>>c[nc]; mc+=c[nc]; } for(int nd=0;nd<4;nd++) { cin>>d[nd]; md+=d[nd]; } for(int ne=0;ne<4;ne++) { cin>>e[ne]; me+=e[ne]; } for(int nf=0;nf<4;nf++) { cin>>f[nf]; mf+=f[nf]; } for(int ng=0;ng<4;ng++) { cin>>g[ng]; mg+=g[ng]; } week[0]=ma; week[1]=mb; week[2]=mc; week[3]=md; week[4]=me; week[5]=mf; week[6]=mg; int wemax=ma; int wenum=0; for(int num=0;num<7;num++) { if(week[num]>wemax) { wemax=week[num]; wenum=num; } } wenum+=1; cout<<wenum; cout<<endl; mor=a[0]+b[0]+c[0]+d[0]+e[0]+f[0]+g[0]; aft=a[1]+b[1]+c[1]+d[1]+e[1]+f[1]+g[1]; nig=a[2]+b[2]+c[2]+d[2]+e[2]+f[2]+g[2]; ear=a[3]+b[3]+c[3]+d[3]+e[3]+f[3]+g[3]; if(mor>aft&&mor>nig&&mor>ear) { cout<<"morning"; } if(aft>mor&&aft>nig&&aft>ear) { cout<<"afternoon"; } if(nig>mor&&nig>aft&&nig>ear) { cout<<"night"; } if(ear>mor&&ear>aft&&ear>nig) { cout<<"early morning"; } } ``` ## e948 ```cpp= //e948 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num; int gender; int high; int weight; int age; float bmr; cin>>num; for(int a=0;a<num;a++) { cin>>gender; cin>>age; cin>>high; cin>>weight; if(gender==0) { bmr=9.6*weight+1.8*high-4.7*age+655; printf("%.2f",bmr); cout<<endl; } if(gender==1) { bmr=(13.7*weight)+(5*high)-(6.8*age)+66; printf("%.2f",bmr); cout<<endl; } } } ``` ## e968 ```cpp= //e968 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num; cin>>num; int a[3]; int x=2; int con=0; cin>>a[0]; cin>>a[1]; cin>>a[2]; int sto=num; sort(a,a+3); while(num>0) { if(num!=a[x]) { cout<<"No. "<<num; con+=1; if(con!=sto-3) { cout<<endl; } num-=1; } if(num==a[x]) { num-=1; x-=1; if(x==-1) { x=2; } } } } ``` ## e969 ```cpp= //e969 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int money,minu,k; cin>>money>>minu>>k; int totim=(-1)*minu; int whether=0; while(money>0) { if(k==1) { if(money>55) { money-=55; totim+=minu; whether=1; cout<<totim<<": "<<"Wayne drinks a Corn soup, and now he has "<<money; k=0; if(money==1) { cout<<" dollar."<<endl; } else { cout<<" dollars."<<endl; } continue; } if(money==55) { money-=55; totim+=minu; whether=1; cout<<totim<<": "<<"Wayne drinks a Corn soup, and now he doesn't have money."; } if(money<55) { break; } k=0; } if(k==0) { if(money>32) { money-=32; totim+=minu; whether=1; cout<<totim<<": "<<"Wayne eats an Apple pie, and now he has "<<money; if(money==1) { cout<<" dollar."<<endl; } else { cout<<" dollars."<<endl; } k=1; continue; } if(money==32) { money-=32; totim+=minu; whether=1; cout<<totim<<": "<<"Wayne eats an Apple pie, and now he doesn't have money."; } if(money<32) { break; } } } if(whether==0) { cout<<"Wayne can't eat and drink."; } } ``` # f ## f043 ```cpp= //f043 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b; int ans; int store; cin>>a; cin>>b; if (a==b) { b-=3; } ans=a-b; if (ans<b) { store=ans; ans=b; b=store; } cout<<b<<'+'<<ans<<'='<<a; } ``` ## f044 ```cpp= //f044 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b; cin>>a; cin>>b; int tol=1; int cou=0; if (a!=1) { b/=a; a=1; } while(tol!=(a+b)) { if (tol!=(a+b)) { tol*=2; cou+=1; } } cout<<cou; } ``` ## f044 ```cpp= //f044 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; int k=1; int con=0; cin>>a>>b; if(a!=1) { b/=a; a=1; } while(k!=a+b) { k*=2; con+=1; } cout<<con; } ``` ## f045 ```cpp= //f045 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int sa; int sec=-1; int big=-1; int sto; int tol=0; int sas; sa=a; for (int s=0;s<9;s++) { sto=a%10; a/=10; if (sto>big) { sec=big; big=sto; continue; } if (sto>sec) { sec=sto; } } for (int r=0;r<9;r++) { sas=sa%10; sa/=10; if (r==2) { tol+=sas*100; } if (r==1) { tol+=sas*10; } if (r==0) { tol+=sas*1; } } if (big*big+sec*sec==tol) { cout<<"Good Morning!"; } else{ cout<<"SPY!"; } } ``` ## f071 ```cpp= //f071 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a[3]; int b[5]; int c[5]; int t=0; int ifc3=0; for(int d=0;d<3;d++) { cin>>a[d]; } for(int e=0;e<5;e++) { cin>>b[e]; } for(int f=0;f<5;f++) { cin>>c[f]; } for(int h=0;h<5;h++) { if(a[0]==b[h]) { t+=c[h]; } if(a[1]==b[h]) { t+=c[h]; } if(a[2]==b[h]) { t-=c[h]; ifc3=1; } } if(ifc3==0) { t*=2; } if (t<=0) { cout<<0; } else { cout<<t; } } ``` ## f373 ```cpp= //f373 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin>>n; int tan,chi,tan1,chi1; tan=n/2000; chi=n/1000; tan1=n-tan*200; chi1=n-chi*100; if (tan1<=chi1) { cout<<tan1<<' '<<0; } else{ cout<<chi1<<' '<<1; } } ``` ## f373 ```cpp= //f373 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int chi=a-(a/1000)*100; int tan=a-(a/2000)*200; if(tan<=chi) { cout<<tan<<' '<<0; } else { cout<<chi<<' '<<1; } ``` ## f374 ```cpp= //f374 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; int p; int matea=0; int manum=0; int tol=0; int cou=0; int team=0; cin>>n; cin>>p; while(p>=1) { if (cou!=n) { tol+=p%10; p/=10; cou+=1; } if (cou==n) { team+=1; cou=0; if (manum<=tol) { manum=tol; matea=team; } tol=0; } } if (manum<=tol) { matea=team+1; manum=tol; } cout<<matea<<' '<<manum; } ``` ## f375 ```cpp= //f375 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int st,pu,pa; cin>>st>>pu>>pa; int day=1; while(true) { if(day%11==0) { pa-=1; if(pa==0) { cout<<"unsalable"; break; } } if(st>=pu) { cout<<day; break; } if(st<pu) { if(day%9==0||day%10==0) { int nothing; } else { if(day%3!=0) { st+=st/10; } if(day%3==0) { st+=st/3; } } } day+=1; } } ``` ## f424 ```cpp= //f424 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int a1=1; int a2=3; int con=2; while(con<a) { a1=a1+a2; a2=a2+a1; con+=2; } if(a==1) { cout<<1; } if (a==2) { cout<<3; } if(a%2==0) { cout<<a2; } if(a%2!=0) { cout<<a1; } } ``` ## f441 ```cpp= //f441 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int ans[20]; for(int qw=0;qw<a;qw++) { cin>>ans[qw]; } int num; cin>>num; int stuans; int al=0; for(int t=0;t<num;t++) { for(int y=0;y<a;y++) { cin>>stuans; if(stuans==ans[y]) { al+=b; } } cout<<al<<endl; al=0; } } ``` ## f442 ```cpp= //f442 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int chickennum; cin>>chickennum; int ans[2000]; for(int b=0;b<chickennum;b++) { cin>>ans[b]; } int eagle,round; cin>>eagle>>round; int listchicken[200]; for(int a=0;a<round;a++) { cin>>listchicken[a]; } int store; for(int c=0;c<round;c++) { for(int d=0;d<chickennum;d++) { if(listchicken[c]==ans[d]) { store=eagle; eagle=ans[d]; ans[d]=store; } } } for(int d=0;d<chickennum;d++) { cout<<ans[d]<<' '; } } ``` ## f579 ```cpp= //f579 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int people; cin>>people; int anum=0,bnum=0; int total=0; int store=1000; for(int c=0;c<people;c++) { while(store!=0) { cin>>store; if(store==a) { anum+=1; } if(store==(-1)*a) { anum-=1; } if(store==b) { bnum+=1; } if(store==(-1)*b) { bnum-=1; } } if(bnum>0 && anum>0) { total+=1; } anum=0; bnum=0; store=1000; } cout<<total; } ``` ## f605 ```cpp= //f605 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; int d; int rec[3]={0}; int tol=0; int cou=0; cin>>n; cin>>d; for (int a=0;a<n;a++){ for (int b=0;b<3;b++){ cin>>rec[b]; } sort(rec,rec+3); if (rec[2]-rec[0]>=d){ cou+=1; tol+=(rec[0]+rec[1]+rec[2])/3; } } cout<<cou<<' '<<tol; } ``` ## f706 ```cpp= //f706 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int ho; int mi; int se; int zo; cin>>ho; cin>>mi; cin>>se; cin>>zo; mi+=zo*30; ho+=zo; while(mi<0||mi>59) { if (mi<0) { ho-=1; mi+=60; } if(mi>60) { ho+=1; mi-=60; } } while(ho<0||ho>35) { if (ho<0) { ho+=36; } if (ho>35) { ho-=36; } } cout<<ho<<':'; if (mi<10) { cout<<0<<mi; } else { cout<<mi; } cout<<':'; if(se<10) { cout<<0<<se; } else { cout<<se; } } ``` ## f707 ```cpp= //f707 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int maxnum; maxnum=a; while(cin>>a&&a!=0) { if(a%7==0&&maxnum%7==0&&a%70>maxnum%70) { maxnum=a; } if(a%7==0&&maxnum%7!=0) { maxnum=a; } if(a%7!=0&&maxnum%7!=0&&a%77<maxnum%77) { maxnum=a; } } cout<<maxnum; } ``` ## f708 ```cpp= //f708 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int grass; int ant; int grasshi; int anthi; int grasstol=0; int anttol=0; cin>>ant; cin>>grass; for (int a=0;a<ant;a++) { cin>>anthi; anttol+=anthi; } for (int b=0;b<grass;b++) { cin>>grasshi; grasstol+=grasshi; } if (anttol>grasstol&&ant>grass) { cout<<"Yes"; } else { cout<<"No"; } } ``` ## f818 ```cpp= //f818 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; long long int mim=10000000,hi=0,wei=0; int high[2005]; int weight[2005]; for(int b=0;b<a;b++) { cin>>high[b]; } for(int c=0;c<a;c++) { cin>>weight[c]; } for(int d=0;d<a;d++) { if(high[d]*weight[d]<mim) { mim=high[d]*weight[d]; hi=high[d]; wei=weight[d]; } } cout<<hi<<' '<<wei; } ``` # g ## g496 ```cpp= //g496 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b; cin>>a; cin>>b; if(b%a==0) { cout<<b/a; } if(b%a!=0) { cout<<b/a+1; } } ``` ## g497 ```cpp= //g497 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int tol=0; int floor1; int floor2; int time; cin>>time; cin>>floor1; tol+=(floor1-1)*3; floor2=floor1; for (int u=1;u<time;u++) { cin>>floor1; if (floor1-floor2<0) { tol+=(floor2-floor1)*2; } if (floor1-floor2>0) { tol+=(floor1-floor2)*3; } floor2=floor1; } cout<<tol; } ``` ## g498 ```cpp= //g948 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int b=0; int tol=0; cin>>a; cin>>b; cin>>tol; int anum; int bnum; int con=0; int tell=0; if (tol%a==0) { tell=1; } else { anum=tol/a+1; } if (tol%b==0) { tell=1; } else { bnum=tol/b+1; } while(anum>0&&tell==0) { while(con<bnum) { if(a*anum+b*con==tol) { tell=1; break; } else { con+=1; } } con=0; anum-=1; } if(tell==0) { cout<<"NO"; } if(tell==1) { cout<<"YES"; } } ``` ## g595 ```cpp= //g595 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int fenceheight; int fence[106]={101}; int needheight=0; for(int c=0;c<a;c++) { cin>>fenceheight; fence[c]=fenceheight; } for(int d=0;d<a;d++) { if(fence[d]==0&&d!=0&&d!=a) { if(fence[d+1]>=fence[d-1]) { needheight+=fence[d-1]; } else { needheight+=fence[d+1]; } } } if(fence[0]==0) { needheight+=fence[1]; } if(fence[a-1]==0) { needheight+=fence[a-2]; } cout<<needheight; } ``` ## g797 ```cpp= //g797 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n,m; cin>>n>>m; int fir[155]; int las[155]; int fina[310]; int sign=0; int firn=0; int lasn=0; int halfn=n/2; for(int c=0;c<n;c++) { cin>>fina[c]; } for(int y=0;y<m;y++) { for(int a=0;a< halfn;a++) { fir[a]=fina[a]; } for(int b=0;b<halfn;b++) { las[b]=fina[b+halfn]; } for(int y=0;y<m;y++) { for(int t=0;t<n;t++) { if(sign==1) { fina[t]=las[lasn]; lasn+=1; sign=0; } else { fina[t]=fir[firn]; firn+=1; sign=1; } } firn=0; lasn=0; } } for(int num=0;num<n;num++) { cout<<fina[num]<<' '; } } ``` # h ## h026 ```cpp= #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int F,N; cin>>F>>N; int sese[10]={0}; int ifrepeat=0; int store=-1; int ifgame=0; for(int a=0;a<N;a++) { cin>>sese[a]; if(a!=0) { if(ifrepeat==1) { if(store==0) { F=5; } if(store==2) { F=0; } if(store==5) { F=2; } } } ifrepeat=0; if(sese[a]==store) { ifrepeat=1; } store=sese[a]; cout<<F<<' '; if(sese[a]==0&&F==2) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Lost at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } if(sese[a]==2&&F==0) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Won at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } if(sese[a]==2&&F==5) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Lost at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } if(sese[a]==5&&F==2) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Won at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } if(sese[a]==0&&F==5) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Won at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } if(sese[a]==5&&F==0) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Lost at round "<<a+1; ifgame=1; break; } } if(ifgame==0) { cout<<": "; cout<<"Drew at round "<<N; } } ``` ## h081 ```cpp= //h081 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; int ifsell=0; int profit=0; int price; int ifhas=1; cin>>price; int store; for(int c=1;c<a;c++) { cin>>store; if(store>=price+b&&ifhas==1) { profit+=store-price; price=store; ifhas=0; } if(store<=price-b&&ifhas==0) { price=store; ifhas=1; } } cout<<profit; } ``` ## h658 ```cpp= //h658 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x1; int y1; int n; int x2; int y2; cin>>x1; cin>>y1; cin>>n; int maxn=1234567845; int maxx2; int maxy2; for(int a=0;a<n;a++) { cin>>x2; cin>>y2; if((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)<maxn) { maxn=(x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1); maxx2=x2; maxy2=y2; } } cout<<maxx2<<' '<<maxy2; } ``` ## h659 ```cpp= //h659 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int km,wait,on,down; cin>>km>>wait>>on>>down; int money=0; if(km<=2) { money+=20; } if(km>2) { money+=20; money+=(km-2)*5; } money+=(wait/2)*5; if(on<=18&&down>=19) { money+=185; } if(on<=19&&down>=20) { money+=195; } if(on<=20&&down>=21) { money+=205; } if(on<=21&&down>=22) { money+=215; } if(on<=22&&down>=23) { money+=225; } cout<<money; } ``` ## h660 ```cpp= //h660 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x,r,v; cin>>x>>r>>v; int n; cin>>n; int ball,speed; for(int a=0;a<n;a++) { cin>>ball>>speed; if(ball>=x-r&&x+r>=ball) { if(speed<=v) { x=ball; } else { if(ball-x>=0) { x-=15; } else { x+=15; } } } else { int nomove; } } cout<<x; } ``` # i ## i399 ```cpp= //i399 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int yu[3]; for (int a=0;a<3;a++){ cin>>yu[a]; } sort(yu,yu+3); while (true){ if (yu[0]==yu[1]&&yu[1]==yu[2]){ cout<<3 ; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[0]; break; } if (yu[0]==yu[1]){ cout<<2 ; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[2]; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[0]; break; } if (yu[2]==yu[1]){ cout<<2 ; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[2]; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[0]; break; } if (yu[0]!=yu[1]!=yu[2]){ cout<<1 ; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[2]; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[1]; cout<<' '; cout<<yu[0]; break; } } } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161047](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r10_bXxPa.png) # j ## j708 ```cpp= //j708 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { float a,b,c; cin>>a>>b>>c; float v,to; v=a*b*c; to=2*(a*b+b*c+a*c); printf("%.1f",to); cout<<' '; printf("%.1f",v); } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161236](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJp2b7gP6.png) ## j709 ```cpp= //j709 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { float a,b,c; float area; cin>>a>>b>>c; area=((a+b)*c)*0.5; printf("%.1f",area); } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161353](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkUZGQlD6.png) ## j710 ```cpp= //j710 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; if(a>1) { cout<<70+30*(a-1); } else { cout<<70; } } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161441](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Skm4MQlwp.png) ## j711 ```cpp= //j711 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; int t=0; while(a>0) { t+=a%10; a/=10; } cout<<t; } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161526](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJoIG7lDa.png) ## j712 ```cpp= //j712 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int c50=0; int c10=0; int c5=0; int c1=0; cin>>a; while(a>=50) { c50+=1; a-=50; } while(a>=10) { c10+=1; a-=10; } while(a>=5) { c5+=1; a-=5; } while(a>=1) { c1+=1; a-=1; } cout<<c50<<' '<<c10<<' '<<c5<<' '<<c1; } ``` # k ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161827](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1DfXQeDT.png) ## k030 ```cpp= //k030 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cin>>a; if (a==1||a==2) { if(a==1) { cout<<'*'; } if(a==2) { cout<<' '<<'*'<<endl; cout<<string(2,'*'); } } else { cout<<string(a-1,' ')<<'*'<<endl; cout<<string(a-2,' ')<<string(2,'*')<<endl; for(int c=3;c<=a;c++) { if(c==a) { cout<<string(a,'*'); } else { cout<<string(a-c,' '); cout<<'*'; cout<<string(c-2,' '); cout<<'*'<<endl; } } } } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 161907](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJeSmQlwT.png) ## k031 ```cpp= //k031 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a; int con=0; cin>>a; for(int b=0;b<a;b++) { for (int q=a;q>b;q--) { cout<<' '; } con=0; while(con<(2*b+1)) { cout<<'*'; con+=1; } cout<<endl; } for(int y=0;y<a-1;y++) { for (int j=0;j<y+2;j++) { cout<<' '; } con=0; while(con<(2*a-3-2*y)) { cout<<'*'; con+=1; } cout<<endl; } } ``` ![螢幕擷取畫面 2023-12-20 162011](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJhd7XeDT.png) ## k937 ```cpp= //k937 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int t=0; int a=0; int b,stor; cin>>b; stor=b; while(b>0) { t+=(b%10)*(b%10)*(b%10); b/=10; if(stor==t) { a=1; } } cout<<a; ``` # l ## l960 ```cpp= #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { string a; int tell=0; getline(cin,a); if(a=="Sunday") { cout<<0; tell=1; } if(a=="Monday") { cout<<1; tell=1; } if(a=="Tuesday") { cout<<2; tell=1; } if(a=="Wednesday") { cout<<3; tell=1; } if(a=="Thursday") { cout<<4; tell=1; } if(a=="Friday") { cout<<5; tell=1; } if(a=="Saturday") { cout<<6; tell=1; } if(tell==0){ cout<<"error"; } } ```