## Action editor We would like to thank the action editor for acknowledging our contribution and providing valuable suggestions. We have carefully addressed the concerns in the camera-ready version and we summarize the changes below: - [About f-Gaussian similarity function]: we have added a footnote on Page 6 discussing the limitation of our verification in Figure 1: >The linear relationship in Figure 1 might also depend on the data, i.e., the CIFAR-10 dataset here. In practice, other customized datasets might require additional verification. - [Inherent limitation of variational terms of f-divergence]: thank you for providing this reference, which we have cited and discussed in possible future work in Section 6. - [Copula in joint distribution modeling]: thank you for the great insights! Based on your suggestions, we have rewritten the paragraph below Assumption 3 (on Page 5) a bit and pointed out the connections to copula in footnote 2. ## Reviewer zeWK Thank you for your informative review! We have modified our paper accordingly,where the relevant changes marked in blue. Here we address your concerns in detail: >**(1) Our paper is highly relevant to Deep InfoMax:** Thank you for mentioning this reference. We agree that our paper is relevant to Deep InfoMax, and we have compared with it in Section 5, paragraph "Mutual Information." However, our paper is still different from DIM, and here we emphasize some key points: Let's first write down the objectives of $f$-MICL and DIM using our notations: - $\mathcal{L}_{f-\text{MICL}} = \mathbb{E}_{(x,y)\sim p_+}s_f(x^g,y^g)-\mathbb{E}_{(x,y)\sim p_{\times}}f^*\circ s_f(x^g,y^g)$ - $\mathcal{L}_{\text{DIM}} = \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p}s_f(x,x^g)- \mathbb{E}_{(x,y)\sim p_{\times}}f^*\circ s_f(y,x^g)$ Note that here we write $\mathcal{L}_{\text{DIM}}$ for general $f$-divergences while the paper only considers KL and JS divergences. Now we are ready to note some key differences and our advantages: - **Different tasks**: We consider the *contrastive learning* task, where we aim at maximizing the mutual information between two views of samples $x^g$ and $y^g$ drawn from the joint distribution, while DIM considers *deep representation learning*, where maximizing the mutual information between input data $x$ and the learned representation $x^g$ is desirable. - **Generality:** While DIM only introduces the objective for KL and JS divergence, we provide explicit design recipes for various $f$-divergences. - **Understanding different contrastive learning methods:** As our $f$-MICL objective is designed specifically for contrastive learning, we can use our framework to understand and generalize other contrastive learning methods, detailed in Section 3.4. - **Empirical Superiority:** We believe our study on contrastive learning is valuable as it performs much better than DIM-based objectives in practice. For example, we achieve 90.61% for KL-MICL while DIM only reaches 75.57% in the best scenario. To clearly show the differences between our method and other representation learning methods that apply $f$-divergences, we have added Table 5 in Section 5 for a detailed comparison regarding different aspects of various methods. >**(2) Our $f$-Gaussian similarity is similar to DIM**: We believe there are some misunderstandings with respect to our $f$-Gaussian similarity, which we clarify below: - Using $f$-Gaussain similarity we study the optimal *similarity function $s(\cdot)$*, whereas DIM chooses to parameterize $s(\cdot)$ with a neural network. We indeed implemented the latter practice for the design of $s(\cdot)$, and found such a parameterization did not work in the context of contrastive learning: on CIFAR-10 dataset, we can only achieve around 70\% accuracy in the best scenario. - The reviewer mentioned that "DIM proposed to control the characteristics of the representation by matching the push-forward marginal with a prior distribution." We note that such a matching process is to regularize the **feature representations of all samples,** in contrast to our work (see the next point). - For $f$-MICL, such adversarial regularization is not required: we demonstrate that by minimizing the second term of our objective function (in Equation (8)), our feature representations automatically exhibit the uniformity property, as shown in Theorem 5 and our experiments in Section 4.4, which also matches the discovery of DIM. We note that uniformity is another advantage of $f$-MICL over DIM. - Moreover, the reviewer mentioned that "the author intrinsically assumes that the marginal distribution is a Gaussian." We want to clarify that this is *not true*, as we only assume the **joint feature distribution** is proportional to a Gaussian kernel in Assumption 3, which is empirically verified in Figure 1. >**(3)The idea of extending MI to f-MICL is very incremental since prior work has already tried to extend MI via f-divergence:** - We agree that extending MI to $f$-MI is not a contribution of ours, and we attributed it in Definition 1 (Section 2) to Csiszár (1967). - Although $f$-divergences have been widely used in other applications (which we discussed in Section 5), we believe extending $f$-MI to contrastive learning and constructing $f$-MICL is non-trivial as the general framework (a) provides new insights on understanding existing methods; (b) enables us to design the $f$-Gaussian similatiy function; and \(c\) improves the performance of existing contrastive learning methods by only varying the objective function without any architectural design. > **(4) Adopting RealNVP for verifying the Gaussian assumption in Figure 1 is questionable since RealNVP usually assumes the latent distribution follow a Gaussian.** We understand the confusion and here we want to provide more details to justify our choice of RealNVP: - To train a RealNVP model for estimating the log density of the joint distribution $\log p_g(x^g,y^g)$, we take: - (a) the training data $x$, $y$, which are different data augmentations on the same image sample; - (b) a pretrained feature extractor $g$ (learned by SimCLR in Figure 1) and acquire the feature representations $x^g$, $y^g$, which serves as **input** to the RealNVP algorithm. - The RealNVP learns a invertible transformation $f$ from the input space ($x^g$, $y^g$) to the latent space $z$, where $z=f(x^g,y^g)$. Note that here **$z$ is a prior distribution, which we choose to be Gaussian, but any continious distribution on $z$ would work, since it only requires changing $f$ accordingly**. - Thus, the assumption of Gaussian distribution only lies on the prior distribution of $z$, and we do not pose any assumption on the input space $(x^g, y^g)$. Therefore, the learned log density of the joint distribution has no assumption on Gaussian as well. To this end, we hope that we have shown that our validation on Assumption 3 and Figure 1 are indeed valid. To further confirm the choice of prior distribution on $z$ does not affect our validation of Assumption 3, we further change the prior distribution to uniform and retrain the RealNVP model. The updated Figure 1 and the new Figure 8 (where we conduct 5 different combinations of random data augmentations ) shows that different prior distribution does not affect the estimation on the joint distribution, and the linear relationship holds approximately for the uniform prior as well. > **(5) The author needs to discuss how to choose the best f empirically.** - As we mentioned in Section 4.2 (third paragraph) and Section 6 (limitations and future work ), it is yet unclear how to choose an optimal f based on a task and a dataset in theory, such that we usually rely on a validation set in practice for selection. - Of course, the ideal way to choose the best $f$ is to learn an optimal $f$-divergence using a parameterized neural network, which we leave as future work. - The reviewer mention that "In real-world applications, trying out all variants can be computationally impractical." However, in practice, we find such searching process for $f$ can be easily executed: - (a) using our theory, we can already rule out several non-satisfying $f$-divergences; - (b) our experiments generally confirms that only a few choices of $f$ yield competitive performance (i,e., KL, JS, Pearson, VLC) for popular vision and language tasks; - \(c\) we find that these $f$-MICL objectives share the same hyperparameters in Table 7 (Appendix D); - (d) as a result, searching optimal $f$ is no harder than performing a hyperparameter search, where the repetition cost is only linear (4 in our case). ## Reviewer NShA Thank you for your review and great questions, we have modified our paper accordingly where the relevant changes are marked in violet. Here we provide clarifications. **(1) Equation (4)**: indeed we aim at maximizing the objective function in Equation(4) and there should be a $\text{sup}_{s \in \mathcal{F}}$, we have rewritten Equation(4) in our revised draft. **(2) Figure 1:** in Appendix E.3 (Figure 7), we provide additional results on KL-MICL, which verifies Assumption 3 as well. Of course, we do not claim that it holds true for an arbitrary encoder $g$, but for the context of $f$-MICL, we verify that the $f$-Gaussian kernel is indeed preferable in Table 4. **(3) Equation (6):** Sorry for the confusion here, in Equation (6), we directly substitute $p_g(x^g,y^g)$ with our $f$-Gaussian kernel. As for the product of the marginals $p_g(x^g)p_g(y^g)$, we choose $x^g$ and $y^g$ to be both normalized such that when we marginalize either of them, the integral would be a constant due to rotational invariance. As a result, the product of marginals $p_g(x^g)p_g(y^g)$ is also a constant and can be thus absorbed into a weighting parameter $\alpha$ that we introduce in Section 3.3. We have added Lemma 4 and its proof in Appendix A.3 in the revision. <!--[YY: is it parameter alpha here?](/9z1UUGr5SGWNi3h8gKyjWQ)--> **(4) Augmentation:** Sorry for the typo here that causes the confusion: indeed it does not have to be the same augmentation, and in our implementation, we draw the augmentations independently for the anchor and the negative samples. **(5) max** denotes maximation, we have made them clear in the updated draft. **(6) guidance for the choice of $\alpha$:** in Appendix E.2, we apply a grid search from $\alpha$ from $1$ to $10^6$, where we examine the loss after training for 1 epoch until we find the best $\alpha$ that induces the most loss drop. In general, $\alpha$ balances between the positive and negative terms. We leave the theoretical study of $\alpha$ to future work. **(7) text in other color:** we apologize that the colored text was to indicate the changes made when addressing Reviewer DHPy's concerns. We have changed them back to black. ## Reviewer DHPy We would first like to thank Reviewer DHPy for the prompt reply. We have modified our paper according to your suggestions (marked in the teal color). Here we address your concerns in detail: ### Major issues **(1) Relationship between $p+$ and $p(x,y)$.** Sorry for the confusion. Indeed $p+$ and $p(x,y)$ could be used interchangably for the context of contrastive learning, as the positive samples are drawn from the joint distribition. We have added relevant explanation in Section 3.1, right after the definition of $p+$. **(2) Quality of representation.** Thank you for pointing it out. We followed SimCLR and used a three layer MLP during contrastive learning, but throw it away for linear evaluation. We have added relevant discussion in Section 4.1. Note that for k-NN evaluation in Table 7 we did not use a projection head. **(3) Training epochs.** We apologize for the typo, we confirm that for smaller datasets in vision tasks, we train the model for 800 epochs. We have modified it in the main paper. The only execptions are Table 7 and Figure 6, where we use only 200 epochs to demonstrate the choice of $\alpha$ and training stability. **(4) Mention the $\alpha$ you used.** Thank you for your insightful suggestion. We have added the choice of $\alpha$ in the main paper. Additionally, we want to mention that even when $\alpha=1$, the KL-MICL objective is not identical to InfoNCE (in Section 3.4). Moreover, we are using the $f$-Gaussian similarity function, while InfoNCE applies cosine similarity. Thus, KL-MICL requires special tuning to outperform InfoNCE. **(5) About $\alpha=1$.** Following the above discussion, in Table 7, we would not expect KL-MICL to perform similarly as SimCLR when $\alpha=1$ because of the above-mentioned differences between the two. Nevertheless, we have performed the same experiments for 800 epochs and observed an accuracy of 83.58% (lower than SimCLR). This observation further provides emprical evidence to our claim above: KL-MICL is very different from InfoNCE and needs special tuning on $\alpha$ to perform well. ### Minor Issues **(1) Eq (2).** Thank you. We have rewritten Eq 2. **(2) The very end of section 2:** Indeed we obtain equality if one plugs $s^*(x,y)$ into Eq (2). We have added this explicitly at the end of Section 2. **(3) Figure 1.** Thank you, we have added the definitions in the caption. **(4) Please add some brief description of how RealNVP works and what it does.** We have added the description on RealNVP on Page 5 (footnote). **(5)Table 4.** We have changed "Gaussian" to "$f$-Gaussian" in Table 4. **(6)Section 4.3.** We always use the corresponding loss function. We have added the clarification in Section 4.3. ### Second round of response Thank you for the quick feedback! We understand some of the confusion still remain and we would like to elaborate more to clarify them: > Why does it make sense to think of p+ as the joint distribution p(x,y)? (1) In contrastive learning, to construct positive pairs, we always apply different data augmentations on the same image, thus $x$ and $y$ are positively related (e.g., the upper part of Figure 2); (2) We realize it is not immediately clear at the beginning of Section 3. Thus we change it to "We denote $p_+$ as the distribution of positive pairs, i.e., two samples with similar feature embeddings (joint distribution, e.g., **the same image with different data augmentation**)", as a concrete example in computer vision. > Is it not possible to write InfoNCE as a f-MICL objective? (1) Firstly, we want to emphasize that InfoNCE cannot be seen as estimating the KL-based mutual information *directly*, but **can be interpreted as a lower bound of the mutual information**. We were very careful regarding the precision of this claim in our abstract and introduction. (2) Secondly, in our paper, we formulate the objective as *directly* estimating $f$-mutual information from its definition. Due to this difference, we **cannot** write InfoNCE naively as a $f$-MICL objective. (3) Thirdly, we can indeed describe InfoNCE using our framework: in Section 3.4, we find that KL-MICL is equivalent to a Donsker-Varadha shift transformation of InfoNCE, thus InfoNCE can be understood as a lower bound of KL-MICL. (4) In summary, we characterize our generalization in Figure 3: where we identify some InfoNCE-based objectives: AU objective and Spectral Contrastive loss are special cases of $f$-MICL while InfoNCE itself can be transformed to KL-MICL. > how different is f-Gaussian similarity for KL loss (on the $S^{d-1}$ sphere) from the cosine similarity? Under Eq (14) on page 7, we have shown the equivalence for KL loss: "Note that for KL, the Gaussian similarity is equivalent to the cosine similarity with a scaling factor: $-\|x^g - y^g\|^2=2(x^g)^{\top}y^g-2$." In the implementation, if we apply cosine similarity with the correct scaling factor, it would recover the Gaussian similarity exactly. > Could be helpful to add this result to the supplementary information Thank you, we have added the results to the appendix.