# 2020q3 Homework3 (dict)
contributed by < ``yceugene`` >
###### tags: `linux2020` `sysprog2020`
## :memo: 目錄
### Outline
1. Trie & Ternary tree
2. ternary search tree + bloom filter 的效能表現並分析
3. CPY & REF 機制差異
4. Bloom filter 空間浪費改善
5. 引入 test-common.c 統合 test_cpy.c 和 test_ref.c
6. 紀錄多餘逗號修正
7. 安裝 perf
8. Perf 分析 CPY & REF 機制效能
9. perf record 找 cache-misses 熱點
10. memory leaks 的偵測及修正
### Environment
$ lscpu
Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 6
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-5
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 6
Socket(s): 1
NUMA node(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 6
Model: 158
Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9500 CPU @ 3.00GHz
Stepping: 10
CPU MHz: 800.036
CPU max MHz: 4400.0000
CPU min MHz: 800.0000
BogoMIPS: 6000.00
Virtualization: VT-x
L1d cache: 32K
L1i cache: 32K
L2 cache: 256K
L3 cache: 9216K
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-5
### Trie
Trie 又叫做 ``digital tree`` 或 ``prefix-tree``(或稱字典樹),是一種 ``search tree``,通常用來存放字串。其特性是適合用來做 prefix search 但礙於各節點存有大量空指標,容易占用記憶體空間。
### Ternary search tree(TST)
TST 是一種 trie 的資料結構,其優點是結合了 trie 的時間效率和 BST 的空間效率。TST 的節點會包含一個 key(用來記錄 Keys 中的其中一個字元),以及至多三個 child ,大於、等於、小於。
在 ``dict`` 中 TST 結構定義如下:
``` c
typedef struct tst_node {
char key; /* char key for node (null for node with string) */
unsigned refcnt; /* refcnt tracks occurrence of word (for delete) */
struct tst_node *lokid; /* ternary low child pointer */
struct tst_node *eqkid; /* ternary equal child pointer */
struct tst_node *hikid; /* ternary high child pointer */
} tst_node;
* 因為各個節點至多只會有 3 個 child,因此使用起來更節省記憶體。
### 初步執行 dict 專案
* 取得 dict 程式碼,編譯並測試
$ make
$ ./test_common CPY
* 執行結果
CPY mechanism
ternary_tree, loaded 206849 words in 0.295581 sec
a add word to the tree
f find word in tree
s search words matching prefix
d delete word from the tree
q quit, freeing all data
choice: f
find word in tree: Taiwan
Bloomfilter found Taiwan in 0.000002 sec.
Probability of false positives:0.006306
Tree found Taiwan in 0.000006 sec.
choice: s
find words matching prefix (at least 1 char): Tain
Tain - searched prefix in 0.000009 sec
suggest[0] : Tain
suggest[1] : Tainan
suggest[2] : Taino
suggest[3] : Tainter Lake
suggest[4] : Taintrux
### copy 機制 (CPY) & reference 機制 (REF)
* 比較 copy 與 reference 機制的效率
* make bench
$ make bench
CC test_common.o
CC tst.o
CC bloom.o
LD test_common
COPY mechanism
test_common => choice: find words matching prefix (at least 1 char): Tai - searched prefix in 0.000305 sec
REFERENCE mechanism
test_common => choice: find words matching prefix (at least 1 char): Tai - searched prefix in 0.000452 sec
* make bench TEST_DATA="s T"
$ make bench TEST_DATA="s T"
COPY mechanism
test_common => choice: find words matching prefix (at least 1 char): T - searched prefix in 0.000330 sec
REFERENCE mechanism
test_common => choice: find words matching prefix (at least 1 char): T - searched prefix in 0.000370 sec
## 程式碼理解
### main()
先針對 CPY 與 REF 兩種機制做不同的記憶體配置,主要差別是 Top 指標指向的空間不同。
``` c
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "CPY") || (argc > 2 && !strcmp(argv[2], "CPY"))) {
CPYmask = 0;
printf("CPY mechanism\n");
} else
printf("REF mechanism\n");
CPY 下的配置: Top 指向一塊 char array
enum{ WRDMAX = 256};
char word[WRDMAX]
char *Top = word;
char *pool = NULL;
REF 下的配置: Top 指向一塊 heap 中的空間(大小為 2000000 * WRDMAX)
pool = malloc(poolsize);
Top = pool;
對 ``cities.txt`` 每個 row 做 parsing,再將字串 assign 給 pool:
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; buf[i + offset]; i++) {
Top[i] =
(buf[i + j] == ',' || buf[i + j] == '\n') ? '\0' : buf[i + j];
j += (buf[i + j] == ',');
對 bloom filter 做新增:
while (*Top) {
if (!tst_ins(&root, Top, REF)) { /* fail to insert */
fprintf(stderr, "error: memory exhausted, tst_insert.\n");
return 1;
bloom_add(bloom, Top);
int len = strlen(Top);
offset += len + 1;
Top += len + 1;
CPY 與 REF 兩種機制,在做 TST Insert 時會有不同,CPY 機制是在插入新字串時,malloc 一塊記憶體存放新字串;REF 機制由於在讀取檔案時,就已將全部字串放進 heap 中了,因次在樹中插入字串時,只需要存放對應的 heap address就可以了。
if (*p++ == 0) {
if (cpy) { /* allocate storage for 's' */
const char *eqdata = strdup(s);
if (!eqdata)
return NULL;
curr->eqkid = (tst_node *) eqdata;
return (void *) eqdata;
} else { /* save pointer to 's' (allocated elsewhere) */
curr->eqkid = (tst_node *) s;
return (void *) s;
在 CPY 機制下,每處理完一列資料時,需要把 Top 還原回 word 的起始位址;REF 下則不用: ``Top -= offset & ~CPYmask``
## bloom filter
Bloom filter 是利用 hash function,在不用走訪全部元素的前提,預測特定字串是否存於資料結構中。但只能做預測,有一定的錯誤率。
建立 bloom filter:
bloom_t bloom = bloom_create(TableSize);
### Bloom filter 主體宣告:
typedef unsigned int (*hash_function)(const void *data);
typedef struct bloom_filter *bloom_t;
用一個 linked list 存放用到的所有 hash function
``` c
struct bloom_hash {
hash_function func;
struct bloom_hash *next;
struct bloom_filter {
struct bloom_hash *func;
void *bits; // 即 table
size_t size; // 為 table 大小
### tst_ins(&root, Top, REF)
## ternary search tree + bloom filter 的效能表現
## 以 perf 分析 TST 程式碼的執行時期行為
## 考慮到 CPY 和 REF 這兩種實作機制