# Symbol Community Projects and Products Please list here all the fantastic products and projects the community has built on Symbol so far, be they blogs, games, wallets or dApps. For each, please provide: - Company or product logo - a quick description of the product, company, blog etc. - 1-3 images ## QUEST ![](https://i.imgur.com/AwNMBvA.jpg) OPENSPHERE Inc. is a software developer in Japan (CEO: Shinichi Hanayama) that has been developing a tipping platform called "QUEST". QUEST utilizes the Symbol blockchain to provide incentives for their target audience - streamers. https://quest-bc.com ![](https://i.imgur.com/W4Cq8ML.png) ## Symbol Blog ![](https://i.imgur.com/uSQd6fb.jpg) Symbol Blog was created to bring you the latest news about projects built on the Symbol blockchain from around the world. https://symbolblog.com/ ![](https://i.imgur.com/LY7dAK7.jpg) ## nember.art NFT platform built on the Symbol blockchain. It currently has many bugs and is unmaintained. https://nember.art ## Symbolica (insert logo) (insert description) (insert images) ## nemedia ![](https://i.imgur.com/fukLffT.png) New Economy Movement Media "nemedia" is a Japanese community made blog site which gathers blockchain and crypto currency information about NEM (XEM) and Symbol (XYM).  👉 https://nemedia.jp --- ## NFT-Drive ![](https://i.imgur.com/cB8pNVr.jpg) NFT-Drive is a service that allows digital data to be archived on a blockchain and stored as data that can never be removed. 👉 https://nft-drive.localinfo.jp --- ## XymHarvestMonitorbot (utility tool) ![](https://i.imgur.com/RgzBbg1.png) XymHarvestMonitor is a Telegram bot that notifies you when Symbol harvesting has been collected. This bot currently supports Japanese and English and Russian, Italian. 👉 https://t.me/XymHarvestMonitorbot Project owner 👉 [@Up_Income](https://twitter.com/Up_Income) --- ## Symbol (XYM) Super🚀 Bot - Alerts and balance ![](https://i.imgur.com/vC9r1ds.png) Greetings! In this telegram bot you can: - checking rates (Symbol, NEM, Bitcoin, Ethereum) - check balance your Symbol/NEM wallet in BTC, fiat. - subscribe to notifications of receipt of coins and messages to your Symbol/NEM wallet Link to a video presentation of the bot's functions for personal use - https://twitter.com/symbol_super/status/1447221947008495621 👉 https://t.me/symbol_super_bot Project owner 👉 [@symbol_super](https://twitter.com/symbol_super) --- ## symbol-tools.com - Symbol node list ![](https://i.imgur.com/OEV98tf.png) Link to a video presentation of the bot's functions for personal use - This site provides a simple table of Symbol nodes and their importance. This site can be used as a reference to choose the right node for your harvesting. You can also see the owner of each node on the Twitter social network. 👉 https://symbol-tools.com/symbolTools/view/tool/nodeList.html Project owner 👉 [@ahikicoin](https://twitter.com/ahikicoin) --- ## StackOfStake ![](https://i.imgur.com/GnCESqL.png) ℹ️ StackOfStake is a staking and masternodes investment platform. It is providing a seamless investment experience for digital assets based on Proof-Of-Stake technology. The instant rewards compounding, high servers uptime, and fully-automated management ensure the highest staking profitability rate. 👉 https://stackofstake.com ___ ## StakeHound ![](https://i.imgur.com/oktAYwi.png) A liquid staking enabler – StakeHound brings the benefits of both DeFi and Staking together. With three major protocols already live: stETH, stXEM and stXYM, StakeHound is focused on building bridges between staking protocols and Ethereum’s DeFi. StakeHound is a swiss company that follows strict compliance procedures and has partnered with military-grade security custody solutions such as Fireblocks and Copper to secure the assets. 👉 https://stakehound.com