# Rusted Moss ending D any% ## Depatch 版本1.42.5 修正大量BUG 包含狙擊步槍穿牆 如果想玩穿牆建議回調到1.41 教學文章 https://pttgamer.com/Steam/1V0mc-gl ### here is down patch info for ver. 1.41: APPID 1772830 Depot ID 1772831 Manifest ID 6042026774222393382 ## Map 地圖 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2964704389 ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy9PAGyrh.png) ## Engind D route English ver 23/05/18 Trinkets- HP overload 1. Bonnie - Tea Party(1) 2. Mossy Hill - Ichor Refinery - Lake - Transfer Station (Factory Shelter) * Mossy Hill Talk to Eli Chest *1, Trinkets Cost+ *1 (Upper left corner of the room to the left of Eli) * Ichor Refinery HP+ *1 (Before the gap jump in the Ichor Refinery) Chest *2 (Forced battle 1 in Ichor Refinery, upper right corner) Shotgun Trinkets Cost+ *1 (from Shotgun Grpple strat room to the upper right room) Activate TP (Ichor Refinery - Generator) * Lake Rocket Launcher Fae Silver *1 (1) (After leaving the Rocket Launcher room, go down and to the right side of 3*grapple eye room) TP to Factory Shelter 3. Ameli - Piece (1) 4. talk to Seer * Factory Roof Trinkets Cost+ *1 (Upstairs at the Factory Shelter) Trinkets Cost+ *1 (Below the first save point on the way to the Seer) Trinket - Erosive Bullets (Continue down the path after the first save point on the way, bottom right corner) Talk to the Seer (Unlock High Jump + TP) 5. Living Quarters - Barrow's TP active - Factory Roof * Living Quarters TP to Factory Shelter Living Quarters Gap jump Chest *1, Accessory - Four-Lucky Clover Pearl (Go left all the way from the first save point in the Residential Area, the accessory is in the room above) Active TP (Forest Café) Bolt Dispenser (Room above on the right of Maya 2) * Barrow's Celling Forced Battle Small Enemy Worm Skip Active TP (Quarry) Fae Silver *1 (2) (Room above on the right in the Quarry) * Factory Roof TP to Factory Shelter HP+ *1 (In Ameli's upper left room, then continue upwards to find Maya) 6. Maya 1 7. Snowy Outpost - Smoked Forest Part 1 * Snowy Outpost Grenade * Smoked Forest Trinket - Titania's Protection Fae Silver *1 (3) (After Titania's Protection, in the first room above) 8. War - Tea Party (3) Sniper Rifle 9. Elecia - Piece (2) Skip 2 doors (sniper rifle skip) 10. Pestilence - Tea Party(2) TP to Seer's home MP+ *1 (On the way to the Seer's Challenge) Seer's Challenge Trinket - Guardian Fae (defeat Pestilence) 11. Famine - Tea Party (4) TP: Quarry Sniper Rifle skip (Directly below from the Living Quarter) Recommended Equipment: Guardian Fae + Lucky Clover Pearl Trinket - Incendiary Essence 12. Void Worm - Piece (3) Go right from the Famine area to reach the Lake Recommended Equipment: all dps trinkets Fae Silver *1 (4) (Room above the Void Worm) straight foward to the Lake TP 13. Freia - Piece (4) TP: Pipe Gun power upgrade Go right to the entrance of the Lake, Sniper Rifle skip to Freia 14. Tea Party TP: Chimney root Tea Party (Upstairs in front of Bonnie's Room) 15. Lab TP: Generator Reverse from Ichor Refinery to reach the entrance of the Lab Sniper rifle skip: entrace, 1 purple button, way to Eli Trinket - Fae of Love (talk to Eli) unlock the other 2 button 16. Spirella - Piece (5) 17. Lenore - Piece (6) Return to the TP Point - Generator, use Sniper Rifle skip to enter from above the settlement. :::info Variant Route TP: Pipe Go left all the way, Sniper Rifle skip, climb up in reverse. ::: A single shot from the Sniper Rifle can take off half of the Lenore's HP bar. If the position is unfavorable, use 4 shots from the sniper rifle to defeat her. 18. Maya 2 - Piece (7) TP: Forest Café 19. Queen's Head - Piece (8) 20. Elfame TP: Quarry the password is 31424 use Sniper Rifle skip for all switches along the way. 21. The Seer Full firepower trinket set 22. Robin Full survival trinket set, don't die ## Ending D route ver.Chinese 中文版23/05/18 飾品-生命過載(HP overload) (第一存檔店岔路走上路) 1. Bonnie 邦尼 茶會朋友(1) 2. 青苔山丘-靈液實驗所-湖泊-轉運站(工廠避難所) * 青苔山丘 埃莉對話 寶箱 *1 飾品Cost+ *1 (逃亡者埃莉左邊房間左上角) * 靈液實驗所 HP+ *1 (靈液實驗所Gap jump 前) 寶箱 *2 (靈液實驗所強制戰鬥1 右上角) 散彈槍 飾品Cost+ *1 (甩尾跳右上房間) 傳送點踩點 (靈液實驗所-發電機) * 湖泊 火箭筒 精靈根 *1 (1) (火箭筒出房後往右下走) 回轉運站(工廠避難所) 3. Ameli 大女巫艾蜜莉 碎片(1) 4. 轉運站(工廠避難所)-預見者對話 * 工廠屋頂 飾品Cost+ *1 (轉運站樓上,手槍可拿可不拿) 飾品Cost+ *1 (往預見者路上第一存檔點下面) 飾品-腐蝕性子彈 (過路上第一存檔點後一直走下路,右下角盡頭) 預見者對話 (解鎖高跳+TP) 5. 居住區-墓穴TP踩點-工廠屋頂 * 居住區 TP: 工廠避難所 居住區Gap jump 寶箱 *1, 飾品-四葉草珍珠 (居住區看到第一個存檔點處往左到底,飾品在上面房間) 傳送點踩點(森林咖啡館) 釘槍 (未來的馬雅2右邊上面房間) * 古墓 強制戰鬥 機械蟲skip 傳送點踩點(採石場) 精靈根 *1 (2) (採石場右邊上面房間) * 工廠屋頂 TP: 工廠避難所 HP+ *1 (艾蜜莉左上房間,接著繼續往上找瑪雅) 6. Maya 1 瑪雅1 7. 白雪前哨站-煙囪森林p1 * 白雪前哨站 手榴彈 (道間) 基本一本道區域 * 煙囪森林 飾品-泰坦尼亞祝福 (道間) 精靈根 *1 (3) (過泰坦尼亞祝福後往上的第一房間左上) 8. War 戰爭 茶會(3) 狙擊步槍 9. Elecia 艾莉西亞 碎片(2) 狙擊步槍skip掉兩扇道中的門 10. Seer's Challenge& Pestilence 預見者挑戰-瘟疫 茶會朋友(2) TP:預見者之家 MP+ *1 (往預見者挑戰路上) 預見者挑戰 飾品-守護精靈(打倒瘟疫) 11. Famine 飢荒 茶會(4) TP: 採石場 狙擊步槍skip(從居住區下來的正下方) 裝備建議: 守護精靈+四葉草珍珠 飾品-引火精油 12. Void Worm 虛空蠕蟲 碎片(3) 從飢荒處往右邊接湖泊 裝備建議: 全火力裝備 精靈根*1 (4) (Boss房上方房間) 往湖泊TP點走 13. 弗雷雅 碎片(4) TP: 管道 槍升級 往右走到湖泊入口,狙擊步槍skip逆走 火力基本可以一發一顆心 14. 茶會 TP: 煙囪根部 茶會 (邦妮王房前樓上) 15. 研究所 TP: 發電機 從靈液研究所逆走上去研究所入口 狙擊步槍skip: 一格資料室, 藍開關房, 大廳右下大開關, 左下往二廳的路, 二廳左下綠開關 飾品- 愛之精靈(左下角二廳埃利對話) 剩下兩個開關按完,往boss房走 16. Spirella 研究所蜘蛛 碎片(5) 17. Lenore 開燈王 碎片(6) 回到TP點-發電機,從集落上方狙擊步槍skip進去 :::info 變體走法 TP: 管道 往左走到底, 狙擊步槍skip,逆著爬上去 ::: 狙擊步槍一發可以半條血,位置不好的話直接4發狙爆即可 18. Maya 2 瑪雅2 碎片(7) TP: 森林咖啡館 19. 女王頭 碎片(8) 20. 艾爾芙 TP: 採石場 進入艾爾芙密碼31424,道中開關都用狙擊步槍skip 21. The Seer 預見者 全火力飾品: 引火精油+ 腐蝕性子彈+ HP過載 22. 裏艾爾芙 23. Robin 受寵之子羅賓 全保護飾品: 四葉草珍珠、愛之精靈、守護精靈、泰坦尼亞的祝福