# Changelog :::warning #### Table of Content - [To Dos](#To-Dos) - [2024](#2024) ::: ## To Dos *To Be Update...* ## 2024 ### Sat, Apr 13 - Redeployed blog to Blot.im, removed Hyvor blogs - Set the color tone to blue, accent color `#0089A7` [新橋 SHINBASHI](https://nipponcolors.com/#shinbashi) - Move newsletter service to Quail, the Acumbamail is now suspended. ### Sat, Apr 6 - Move [Chagelog](https://eyewithouts.com/changelog) to HackMD ### Fri, Apr 5 - Add [Tools](https://eyewithouts.com/eyewithouts-tools) page ### Sun, Mar 31 - Chang font style to [Chiron Sung HK](https://github.com/chiron-fonts/chiron-sung-hk) ### Tue, Mar 19 - Color style changes - Light theme background main color `#FCFAF2` [白練 SHIRONERI](https://nipponcolors.com/#shironeri), secondary color `#F9F5e7` [tint color](https://www.color-hex.com/color/f7f2dd) - Primary color `#CB4042` [赤紅 AKABENI](https://nipponcolors.com/#akabeni) - Secondary color `#F19483` [曙 AKEBONO](https://nipponcolors.com/#akebono) ### Sat, Mar 2 - Update the style of TOC (table of contents) > Hyvor released the TOC in Feb 2024, that is one of my strong requests but lack of design for the templates. - Add `文章目錄` at the top of TOC block, using `::before` in css. - Set the margin, padding and background color. - The scroll bar of a axis is `auto` for a better experience on mobile devices. #### References - [CSS 語法,文字換行,強迫不換行。](https://www.puritys.me/docs-blog/article-31-CSS-%E8%AA%9E%E6%B3%95%EF%BC%8C%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E6%8F%9B%E8%A1%8C%EF%BC%8C%E5%BC%B7%E8%BF%AB%E4%B8%8D%E6%8F%9B%E8%A1%8C%E3%80%82.html) - [div 添加滾動條](https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/div-scroll.html) ### Wed, Feb 28 - Add `Small Number Sign` before post header Update the css [::before](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/::before) for the Header of each post with links. :::info #### :bulb: How? Add Small Number Sign [Unicode Character “﹟” (U+FE5F)](https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+FE5F) and set the indent. ```css h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { a[href^="#"] { text-decoration: none; box-shadow: none; } a[href^="#"]::before { content: "﹟"; margin-left: -1em; color: var(--color-content-secondary); } a[href^="#"]:hover { box-shadow: none; } } ``` ::: - [Install Umami on zeabur](https://zeabur.com/docs/zh-TW/marketplace/umami) for website analytics ### Wed, Feb 21 - Set the accent color to`#2C6293` and text color to `#0A0C1DEE` . ### Thu, Feb 15 - Move [Chagelog page](https://eyewithouts.com/changelog) to Craft from Gridea. - Activate domain `eyewithouts.com` and retired the rest of all. ### Sun, Feb 11 - Update Newsletter Service :::info #### :bulb: Why? I have been using [Quail](https://quail.ink/) for weekly newsletter delivery since the brand reposition to [Warm & Wise](https://warmandwise.com/) . However, the subscriber management is mush simpler on Quail than other service. By studying the email blasting service I had taken, I decided to move the subscription form to Acumbamail, which is one of the best email marketing tool I have used, supporting html code embedding and also the full-functioned subscriber management. Will keep using Quail for weekly newsletter, one annoying steps is have to add the new subscriber to Quail manually. ::: ### Thu, Feb 8 - Update the blockquote style on mobile :::info #### :bulb: Blockquote Style Update > The old blockquote style have an ugly right margin, and now be fixed with newly updated css setting. `font.css` ```css /* 引用區塊字體變換 */ .container > .main > .entry > blockquote > p { /* 引用區塊內段落 */ font-weight: 400; font-size: 0.95em; color: inherit; } ``` `style.css` ```css blockquote { /* 引用區塊 */ border-color: {{accent_color}} !important; border-left: 0.3em solid; color: inherit; margin: 0; padding-left: 1.4em; padding-right: 1.0em; padding-top: 0.2em; padding-bottom: 0.2em; opacity: 1.0; background-color: {{accent_color}}11 !important; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 1px rgba(220, 220, 220, .2); } ``` Not sure what is the below style setting for, hided from now and keep monitoring is any missing in other pages. `style.css` ```css /* 查詢下面好像不具有意義,思考是否要刪除 */ /* .margin blockquote {margin: 1em 0 !important;padding: 3px 6px;line-height:18px;} .margin blockquote p {margin: 0} */ ``` ::: ### Sat, Feb 3 - Redesign the logo / icon :::info #### :bulb: Logo Design (Retired) The 1st logo is from [Bing AI image creator](https://www.bing.com/images/create) which is echo to `warmandwise`, by using the symbol [ampersand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampersand) . However, I was not quite comfortable and would like to have a simpler one. Then I took back the spiritual name `Bamor` with my family name `Liu` as the author, and the idea for carting a new log is coming. With the prompt `a circle icon, mainly design by letter "B" and "L", to demonstrate the simple life of a boy, in light color` in Bing AI images creator, I got below 4 cute results. ![6KMboXVj3.png](https://static.gridea.dev/e5a388dc-767b-4d43-a09a-c76583d8b432/6KMboXVj3.png) Love all, but to choose the right top one, cropping the circle and boy. It's my new icon, simple, dynamic. ::: ### Wed, Jan 31 - Umami changes: removed self-host umami, add cloud based umami service. :::info #### :bulb: Why? Supabase has [retired the PGBouncer](https://github.com/orgs/supabase/discussions/17817) on Jan 26th, that I found cannot login into my self-hosted umami account which database is on Supabase and deployed on Netlify. Start from now, for privacy, I am using Cloudflare web analysis and Umami for website traffic tracking. ::: ### Tue, Jan 23 - Update the blockquote area style :::info #### :bulb: How? By referring the style from [Code and Me](https://blog.kyomind.tw/) , to update the block quote area with shadow for better experience. ```css .container > .main > .entry blockquote { /* 引用區塊背景與背影 */ background-color: {{accent_color}}11 !important; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 1px rgba(220, 220, 220, .2); } ``` :::