# [SYMBOL] ERC20 Token SC Assessment ### General Information - Symbol: - Address - Deployment Date: - Total supply: - Developers allotment: - Project website: - Github repository: - Can use existing MCD collateral type adapter? ### Risk Summary - Does the contract implement the ERC20 token standards? - Risk analysis: LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH ### Technical Information - Compiler version: - Decimals: - Overflow checks: - Mitigation against allowance race-condition: - Upgradeable contract patterns: - Access control or restriction lists: - Non-standard features or behaviors: ### Formal Verification Considerations: - Does transfer have simple semantics? - Does transferFrom have simple semantics? - Can balances be arbitrarily modified by some actor? - Are there any external calls? ### Testnet Information - <Add any relevant testnet information here> ### Contract Logic Summary <Add written summary of smart contract logic here, does the contract use a multi-sig, 1-2 paragraphs> <Suggested information> - How the contract is upgraded - Administrative addresses (EOAs, controller contracts, and similar) ### Contract Risk Summary <Add written summary of smart contract risk here, 1-2 paragraphs> ### Supporting Materials <Add supporting materials, documentation, and graphs here>