# Co-De ### pre-face "...a meaningful reaction and construction of Workflow reflected to the well-defined context..." > a holistic approach needs a **framework**; a framework needs **legal conditions**; a constructive community needs more than work tasks: the members of community need for perspective of institutional jurisdiction DSI presents the **SCALE of operationalizing** ***digital self-determination*** - this term ==driven us the future of collaboration== > 'GPS' feladatai 'mad' keretei között és 'KFI' elvi pontjain keresztül 'CSD' szerint nyilvánított formális megközelítéssel! > Az Irányelveket az m4ideal.com által jegyzett funkciókhoz illesztve: a kereslet-kínálat viszonyában mérve a koncepció igazodik a kereslethez. A Koncepcionális Célkitűzések stratégiát és rendszert alkotnak: Co-De által a konkrétumok, monetizálási egységek jelennek meg: **metodikai és szervezeti hátteret alakítva a BluePaper forrásból** Az abszolút érvényű közösségi tervezés és rendelkezés szerint minősített 'KÍNÁLAT TÉTELES DEFINÍCIÓJA' és versenyeztetett kínálata is megjelenik a Purple Paper formátumában! ### .... 1. **Labour market status** means that statuses of a person as either working in the framework of an employment relationship (worker) or working on their own behalf (self-employed). 1. **Social protection scheme** means a distinct framework of rules to provide benefits to entitled beneficiaries. Such rules specify the personal scope of the programme, entitlement conditions, the type of benefits, benefit amounts, benefits duration and other benefit characteristics as well as the financing (contributions, general taxation, other sources), governance and administration of the programme. 1. **Benefit** means a transfer in cash or kind made by a public or private entity to someone entitled to receive it as part of a social protection scheme. ### Common Fare platform * universal basic income * bottom-up management of common goods and of the Commons * development of an alternative ecosystem of production and cooperation * creation of a digital currency for the Commons ### for the purposes of this directive, the following definitions shall apply: 1. **digital labour platform** means any natural or legal person providing a commercial service which meets all of the following requirements: * it is provided, at least in part, at a distance through electronic means, such as a website or a mobile application * it is provided at the request of a recipient of the service * it involves, as a necessary and essential component, the organisation of work performed by individuals, irrespective of whether that work is performed online or in a certain location 1. 1 **platform work** means any work organised through a digital labour platform and performed in the union by an individual on the basis of a contractual relationship between the digital labour platform and the individual, irrespective of whether a contractual relationship exists between the individual and the recipient of the service 2. **person performing platform work** means any individual performing platform work, irrespective of the contractual designation of the relationship between that individual and the digital labour platform by the parties involved 3. **platform worker** means any person performing platform work who has an employment contract or employment relationship as defined by the law 4. **representatives** means that the workers' organisations or representatives provided for by national law or practices, or both ### crowdsourcing and/or work on-demand via platform or app distinction between crowdsourcing and work on-demand can be drawn by taking into account the place of performance of work and considering the mechanisms through which work is requested or obtained: 1-the dimension of the platforms, distinguishing between a global local presence 2-the site of the execution, differentiating between online tasks and real world tasks 3-the content of the "gigs", distinguishing between creative, routine or manual jobs 4-the service offered, ***distinguishing between task specific and generalist platforms*** 5-the nature of the performances, distinguishing between low-skill and high-skill activities 6-the way of adjudication (content vs procurement) 7-the system of payment (free bid vs fixed rate) ### organisational types 1-mutual interest associations -mutual interest & dominant market or hybrid resources - 2-cooperatives -mutual interest & dominant market or hybrid resources - 3-general interest associations -general interest & hybrid resources or dominant public funding- ### followed terms **creates** a platform to share new ideas created by youth for their communities **provides** an opportunity for those most affected by social issues to be a part of the solutions **presents** a competitive model to boost creative thinking and uncover innovative solutions **offers** a fun and exciting way for youth to get involved in their communities **links** governance into workforce development programming **social entrepreneurship** takes business strategies and applies them to ***projects that meet a social need*** **social capital** comprises the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular space to function effectively ==**shared value**== is a management strategy in which ***organizations or people find business opportunities in social problems*** ### accuracy * **incorporation** of existing Web 2.0/3.0 social network platforms and collaborative tools (*authoring tools, tagging, ranking, ontology, wikies, blogs*) * **integration** between synchronous & asynchronous cross domain communication/collaboration * **proactive collaboration** aware artifacts and objects needed to ***transform static data*** so that the ***entire life cycle of shared artifacts is also a property to be supported*** * since context information can be aggregated from many sources, it is a challenge to **build a highly distributed context management environment** in the paradigm of the Future Internet, where ==all relevant sources are taken into account== * **building scalable collaborative working environments** includes a multitude of architectural approaches that should be taken in account (P2P, Cloud computing, etc...) ### user-generated & user-improved content to meet target competencies 1-standards can be an access qualification to ensure interoperability and the smooth operation of collaborative platforms (***adherence to a minimal level of quality assurance*** measures and committment to implementing a quality management system following appropriate international standards can be a requirement to participate in platform activities) ### dimensions of a collaboration platform > convergence space physical and digital sites where disciplines, technologies and actors come together and interact resulting in different kinds of creative output, whether * new data * information * knowledge * discoveries * skills * public communication > governance components mechanisms to order platform operations (funding model, access rules, ownership/IP, engagement, standards). They are levers for shaping the convergence space > cyclical value creation it is a feature of collaborative platforms that they can be designed such that data knowledge, skills (different forms of value) return back to the platform thereby entering a virtuous cycle and ***enhancing the tangible and/or intangible value of the resource or infrastructure*** > drivers ***digitalisation and societal challenges can function as drivers*** for the ==formation and operation of collaborative platforms== The former is rather an enabling factor and the later mobilises actor to address urgent issues a response ## Boards and working-apps_[from note: PhAM ] ### Hatásterületek és munkaalkalmazások ### section 1: define Flow-of-Action through main markers * 1-Identify the workers-owned Assembly [KARAKTER-Tábla] * 2-Order of publication * 3-Task ordering * 4-CMS functions-layers of action/reaction * 5-Items pared with markets * 6-CMS functions-main content * 7-chart of expanding business goals * 11-tools of development and business * 12-development of digital identity and sell * 13-activity criteria system as a division * 14-about legitimation in general * 15-main functions served by SITE * 16-selected stations and tasks of the integration route | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 23-10-9 | 8547 | 173 |