# the WHITEPaper # Table of Contents a \ foreword through Technical Elements (TE) b \ foreword through Terms c \ foreword through manifesto of Digital Social Innovation d \ purposes of this Paper e \ about PORTFOLIO f \ essential elements of WhitePaper within the Portfolio g \ essential elements of BluePaper within the Portfolio A \ WhitePaper - 3 main chapters are added B \ Policy (1-7) ! \ Policy of Contribution : guideline ! \ Policy of Contribution : fields of work ! \ Policy of Additional Items : priorities of Portfolio ! \ Policy of Additional Items : additionals about framework C \ Strategy (1-5) D \ MainWork (3: main) (7: sub) E \ foreword of BluePaper :: a real transition:: --- ## Foreword through Technical Elements TE-1 ; TE-7: user generated content... TE-2 ; TE-3 ; TE-4: creation & selection ; production & dissemination ; promotion & purchase: maintain the usage of creative content... TE-5: new businesses and categories at Curation Economy... TE-6: personalised attention services... TE-8 ; TE-9: sections of Peer Production- opportunities ahead... TE-10 ; TE-12 ; TE-13: manage organizational requirements ; quality control over the modules ; integrating the contributions... TE-11 ; TE-14: work releases demonstrate long-term involvement and process ; work releases by open knowledge have a direct link with productive capacity... ## Foreword through terms Global definitions **Environment** is defined as the conditions in which our organization operates. **Purpose** is the reason why we choose to work together indefinitely in response to our Environment. **Strategies** are the bets we are currently making to fulfill our Purpose. **Structures** are the division of work and resources we need to execute our Strategies. **Systems** are the tools we need to align behavior across our Structures. |_| Committed to the Commons **Leverage Transition_1** Pooling is at the heart of commons-based peer production > It has both immaterial and material resources are a same priority, so > * the most important characteristics to obtain both Competitive and Cooperative advantages **Leverage Transition_2** P2P should be at the service of the forces of transition that work for: > the emergence- > the advancement- > the eventual domination of Associationism. |_| Governance & Youth Development **Positive Youth Development** perspectives: 1C--Character 2C--Competence 3C--Confidence 4C--Connection 5C--Caring 6C--Contribution |_| Index **aktivitás modulok:** it means the power of digital self-determination_ kulturális gazdaságfejlesztés fő pilléreit alkotja az akcióképes érdekképviseleten és piacképes gazdasági teljesítményen keresztül **Alignment Board:** support: typify & ranking of each tasks _ a BluePaper által jegyzett infrastruktúrát hasznosítja, de bővíti és fejleszti is azt; dinamikus, mert közösségi rendelkezésben álló modulrészeket, funkcióelemeket tartalmaz; a vállalkozás Portfoliot képviseli a WhitePaper szerint, de a kooperációs reláció nyitott jellege miatt megengedi a folyamatos változtatásokat a [Co-De] által jelölt tételek kivételével _kiemelt funkciója: tipizál & rangsorol **CBPP:** commons based peer production **CE:** circular economy **CEDD:** circular economy driven design **Correlations Board:** support: delegation & discretization of each tasks _ a Co-De, a WhitePaper & BluePaper által képviselt/nyilatkozott értékek mentén: határozott érdekkörben, körülírt tárgykörben közreműködői gyakorlattal és kulturális gazdaságfejlesztés metodikájával stratégiai középpontként biztosítja a gazdasági teljesítmény mellett a célcsoport és célpiac köreiben a kínálat/szolgáltatás integrálását; illetve az integrációs útvonal szervezése és biztosítása által az aktivitás modulok fejlesztését, bevezetését, fenntartását koordinálja _ kiemelt funkciója: delegál & diszkretizál **CSD:** _1: Conscious Successful Development _2: Challenge Statements Definitions **Co-De:** this item refers to Community & Development; this is an essential part of the Policy of Special Parts of Organization_ ez a terminológia átmenet a statikus és a dinamikus funkciótömbök között; azt a határt jelenti/biztosítja, amit nem lehet átlépnie a közösségi rendelkezésben álló hatásköröknek, mert úgy a Division |AM által képviselt értékek sérülnének **DSI:** digital social innovation **forum.SITE:** a vállalkozás oldaláról kínálati minőségben megjelenő piaci érték **forum.COMMON:** a vállalkozás oldaláról kínálati minőségben megjelenő hozzáadott érték **IFKD:** az ifjúsági kezdeményezés rövidítése **KFI:** _1: Kutatás Fejlesztés Innováció _2: Közösség Fakultáció Integráció **K-I-P:** driver of mission through meaningful contribution_ közösségi irányító pult, ami koordinálja és támogatja a közreműködők/szereplők/partnerek munkáját **konverzió:** K.I.B. & K-I-P with P2P dynamics and Commons practices could enable a more egalitarian and environmentally stable society: this is the aim of a Commons transition_ kereskedelmi forgalomba helyezhető másolat vagy módosítás tárgyi kivitele megegyező vagy módosított licencelés formájában **repos:** konverziók stratégiájának és konkrétumainak a vizualizált szerkezete hatáskör, tárgykör, szakterület, és számos más jellemző szerint, amelyek az adott feladatsort közérthető, kezelhető, végrehajtható és kivitelezhető formában jellemzik; ilyen a K.I.B. , G.P.S. , REPOS , LABOR **TE:** -technical elements- melyek a részvételi kultúrát hivatottak gyakorlati eljárásmódok bemutatása által a köztudatba helyezni; az aktivitás modulok elemei az ezen keresztül meghatározott aktivitási/részvételi fokozatok minőségét követik az aktivizáló és a foglalkoztató módszerek során egyaránt **White Board:** _ support: definition & mark out of each tasks _ kizárólag a WhitePaper-re hivatkozik, a munkaállomásokat és kommunikált feladatsorokat tömöríti; kivitelezést biztosító szerkezetének fő elemei: forum+alkalmazások+adattár+platformok; statikus, mert fejlesztése, bővítése zárt rendben, közvetlen közreműködői hatások nélkül történik _ kiemelt funkciója: definiál & kitűz **work releases:** these are equal with the meanings of a classic term of '*project*' |_| Specific definitions about Licensing & Use of Business models **Collection Collective** This business model includes collecting and distributing revenue from works, similar to a collection society; both the • IANG and the • Genero licenses are suitable for this business model! **Integration** 4 combined mechanisms: 1- iterative work by a diverse community providing creativity and redundancy 2- technical solutions (version control systems, mailing lists, wikis) 3- legal licenses 4- norm - based social organisation with a limited re-introduction of hierarchy or market • The community created both the norms required: the technology that was needed and the necessary legal framework to operate legally. |_| Share & use common stock of productive assets **Venture communism** It provides a structure for independent producers to share a common stock of productive assets. > Ownership in a venture commune can only be earned by labour alone, not land nor capital. Legally, a venture commune is a firm as a federation of workers' collectives and individual workers. Shares in the venture commune can only be earned by Labour. Property necessary for the production is funded by bonds that are handled by certain rules that assure collective ownership. |_| Meaningful social impact & horizontal intermediation **Emerging logic of horizontal intermediation** Media users have to cope with: 1- Intention economy: the ability to declare and discuss intentions 2- Pull economy: the ability to have demand instead of supply as main driver of economic development 3- Attention economy: the emergence of an attention logic that co-evolves relatively autonomously from monetary logics **a single user innovator:** ... is a single firm or individual that creates an innovation in order to use it. **a producer innovator:** ... is a single, non-collaborating firm; producers anticipate profiting from their design by selling it to users or others. The defining properties of this model are twofold: > the participants are not rivals with respect to the innovative design (*otherwise they would not collaborate*) > they do not individually or collectively plan to sell products or services incorporating the innovation or intellectual property rights related to it > The logic of INTERACTIVITY, where producers & consumers, media & their audiences, now have a possibility of permanent dialogue with each other. **The consumer becomes active: a prosumer** The intention of consumers are now directly readable and the economic logic starts moving from a push economy to a pull economy: • the logic of P2P CONNECTIVITY, whereby consumers/users/audiences can now directly 'talk to each other'; with or without the intermediation of previous dominant players of the mass media era. **The prosumer has become an active creator of user generated media** Through this the mass media logic transforms into a 'virally-driven attention economy' ; where peer suggestion may become more important than mass marketing: • the logic of COLLABORATION, whereby users can now cooperate and create value, outside of the control of previously dominant players. **The user has become a producer, engaged in the 'peer production' of value** Communities with their own norms and rules become actors; thereby creating a value-driven ethical economy ; in which social impact becomes a more important driver than monetary accumulation. |_| Expanding activities **Cultivates different types of value & drives the process** In most cases open licensing models are used in order to serve the following direct purposes: 1 increase access to a resource 2 facilitate the collaborative production of an information product 3 produce an audience > The more open the production process is, both legally (***through licensing***) and technically (***through the use of open standards and formats***); >> the more the community has the ability to replicate the platform somewhere else increases and hence the platform owner becomes more accountable. ==In order to make room for a conversation about what it really takes to keep a collective project going is essential.== |_| Select & define an entity **Measure common effect** The degree such platform technologies have become commoditised, and hence may be offered by multiple players or even obtain and managed by the community itself, also ***defines the way the power balance*** between platform owner and community is formed. |_| About factors & check points **Factors: success, norms** • sustainable communication infrastructure • source code repository • project wiki • granularity of tasks: limited size and complexity > norms: 1- self-selection 2- attribution and priority 3- incentives 4- peer review and publication ## Foreword through manifesto of Digital Social Innovation > DSI means: attention to initiatives which * ==have a social impact== * adopt new technology trends in a novel way * aim to ==empower citizens== for individual and collective awareness * demonstrate a clear network effect * ==focus on supporting and working with grassroots or 'bottom-up' communities of users== > DSI means: observing 4 overarching technology trends * **openData** capturing, sharing, analysing and using open data to tackle social challenges * **openHardware** making things with open hardware to tackle social challenges * **openNetworks** growing networks and infrastructure through technology from the bottom up to tackle social challenges * **openKnowledge** harnessing the power and assets of the crowd to tackle social challenges > classification and meanings behind DSI digital platforms are enabling open data on the environment to be shared in new ways, ***bringing together different groups of people with an interest in their shared environment*** * emerging technologies can be applied for social impact beyond: * procurement * partnerships * funding * skills development * must ensure that everyone has the access, skills and freedoms to appropriate and control new technologies for their own benefit > *the DSI Scale followed by the* Division | AM through 3 main pillars **as Pillar 1** -to handle challenges of public interests- .1: network visualisation > analysis & mapping .2: social media mapping > circularity .3: project documentation > work releases operate with collaborative product development through legal & institutional framework .4: design into the openness > open hardware & design development **as Pillar 2** -to make helpful definitions, publications and products- .5: project challenge & ecosystem definition > circular economy > design thinking .6: innovation principles > guidelines > problem solving .7: collaborative decision making > Open Source organisational development .8: integration personalization > workshop facilitation .9: maker learning > mentoring hands-on courses .10: project (=*work releases*) documentation > collaborative product development .11: design into the openness > open hardware & design development **as Pillar 3** -to manage successful business relations- .12: business model generation > use of creative commons > use of business model canvas .13: Open Source innovation > community-driven business modeling > design thinking ## Purposes of this Paper ### about Portfolio of m4ideal.com & am4idea.hu The PORTFOLIO contains a 'WhitePaper' and a 'BluePaper'. * The 'WhitePaper' defines the **PORTFOLIO** of ==Division | m4ideal.com & am4idea.hu== (*see later as:* Division |AM) as it is for generate an activity flow of socially and technologically useful production plan. * The 'BluePaper' focuses on the Instruments, Boards and Strategies applied or managed by the Division |AM through its modular activity. #### Essential elements of WhitePaper within the Portfolio: **WA1** base portfolio > Legal & Contact (csatlakozás, mint KIB tárgykör) > Additional items (kontextus jellemzése, innen eredő piaci célok előterjesztése) **WA2** activity portfolio > Contributors (használat és egyértelműsítés irányelvei, mint SPC - PTK tárgykör) > Roles (a speciális és a tipizált feladatkörök során igényelt beavatkozások rendszerezése) **WB1** spectacular portfolio content (SPC) > Verification & Tracking (integrálás irányelvei, mint célcsoport számára egységes érték értelmezés) > Strategic (betekintés és használat, mint az elérési útvonal kiemelt pontjait leíró irányelvek) **:W:B** transition among the White- and the Blue Paper > Special Parts of Organization (specifikus, megoldás vázlatból eredő többlet és hozzáadott érték irányelvei; *ld.: intézményszerkezet és funkciótömbök*) #### Essential elements of BluePaper within the Portfolio: -Performed functions for Division |AM through SITE of m4ideal.com- **BA1** publication * Forum * Provision of contributions in participatory media * Access to panels of 'On going Topics' **BA2** visualisation of tasks and activities * Transition * TE indexed functions * Broadcasting values committed to the commons **BB1** community-driven approaches (to DRIVE the mission) * Pathways to get involved in the co-working schedule --- ### The WhitePaper add some extras to the PORTFOLIO: 1-identify systemic approaches of Division |AM --***azonosít*** 2-clarify elements of concept --***egyértelműsít*** 3-gives insight into the detailed action plan --***akciótervet dokumentál*** 4-visualize task correlations to cooperate & delegate better --***delegálható részfeladatok osztása*** > **A**: organise the main flow of activity scheduled AA: közreműködői hálózat alapításához vezető bázis-tevékenység rendszerezése > **B**: present actual tasks defined by the 'Framework' or/and tagged in the 'Spectacular Portfolio Content' BB: az intézményesített feladatkörökhöz elvezető, tipizálható/tipizált feladatok vizualizációja és közreadása publikus/szakszerű kivitelezésre > **C**: through the task markers the delegated elements could found within institutional legitimacy CC: a diszkretizálható feladattömbök vizualizációja és közreadása publikus/szakszerű kivitelezésre --- ## WhitePaper of Division |AM of m4ideal.com & am4idea.hu ### 3 main chapters are added: * the **Policy** * Charters all about that ==Division== * Social Licenses all about ==Methods== applied or developed * Codes of Conduct definition of a ==Work protocol== definition of a ==Release protocol== * the **Strategy** * Relationship management * Advocacy group * Skill-set management * Integration & Facultation management * Community & Development -a classified relation * the **MainWork** as system of an organized workflow * Division connecting with interests of People & Organizations * as an institute of K.I.B. * Division managing Processes in order to achieve... * as an institute of VPT * Division operate with Products & Technologies * as an institute of TK(y) ## POLICY of Verification & Tracking #### section about Division: m.a.d. > fields of orientation |.maker .advocacy .developer: * publication * topics -*challenges known*- * news -*actualities live*- * statements -*opinions & examples works*- ***refer to K.I.B.*** **structural significance: self-administration structure** * creation * meaningful changes * useful connections * community-driven services ***refer to VPT*** **structural significance: co-working kit** * research * decisive trends (*relevant elements*) * local needs (*mainly requirements*) * adaptable ideas (*usable supply*) ***refer to TrendKÖZ(y)*** **structural significance: broadcast the items to exert** #### section about Division: G.P.S. > fields of orientation |.government .provisioning .social cooperation: * base of a forum * accumulate values from open source ecology & co-workers network as making solutions for issues by converting resources: 1. build-up the participatory culture online and non-virtually also focus on commons-based peer production as method to follow 1. provision of special economic incentives for commons-oriented projects * new ecosystem of value creation deal with peer review - control, so it must be one of the solutions 1. development of a Legal Framework that provides co-ops and collectivist organisations operating in the secondary sector with the organisational autonomy * use that workbench to discuss methods about community driven technologically useful production, meanwhile this means great effects on social development * a collaboration platform is the core element of an open design project around which a community can emerge 1. building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles: global transformation & liberation without borders * relevant skills for make the change: *we have to be able to reach a higher level of constructing functions that can comply with open ecosystem* as a commune, we must delegate our tasks and trust ourselves: *we would reach our purposes by use the power of self-government* be inclusive: *consistently create opportunities for all kinds of people to engage* be catalysing: *consciously develop leadership capacity in yourself and others* be holistic: *regard the bigger picture, the longer term and the community goals* cooperation, collaboration and sharing help us contribute to a MOVEMENT broader than itself: *-conviction and discipline provide the strength to continue fighting against overwhelming odds -commitment to fighting exploitation* transparency, openness and honesty ensure that it is become a democratic organization: *equality and respect guide it in building with the diversity of people to make innovation solidarity, mutual aid and sustainability ensure it is building NEW WAYS TO WORK TOGETHER...* * a co-working task needs additional development * adapt open standards in order to build equitable maintained and self-organised communities at a functional level * set up the activization modules of functionality (as an element of individuation) and communication (as a developer of participation) * this could be a meaningful result, when the conceptional working topics/themes will take place in practice * civic engagement as a collective action * MISSION: Introduce a new culture in every domain of social life... * VALUES: 6 major types of autonomy based on projects of Individuals 1- professional development 2- communicative autonomy 3- entrepreneurship 4- autonomy of the individual mind 5- sociopolitical participation 6- personal, individual autonomy * civic engagement as political involvement * rediscovering politics, implies work: * work that is done publicly, transparently * benefits the public * done in concert with others #### section about Methods: KFI * conception of self-governed methodology * publication & media activity (*supporting special functions*...) * create engineered solutions in personal production * working with digital solutions and peer to peer inventories (*ideal for market exchange*) * bringing personal point of views to life by organising payable services for a community (*or for creators/co-workers*) * organise a commune by the skilled players of specific professions to solve societal problems also... [economic degree of self-determination] #### section about Methods: CSD * our service is committed to follow the main challenges of a peer production environment: We resolve a formal entity to: > share globally distributed functions of self - employment and > its co-working culture to local participants as a grass roots movement * by connecting to the ecosystem of creators, formal and informal entities of developers and worker-owned associations, ***our main challenges are:*** > developing the usage of media by the way of generative practices; > connecting active participants to meaningful missions by open methods > define the fields of a relevant development strategy in order to support local demands * kulturális orientáció és ismeret: "A felelősségvállalás, a munka, az értékteremtés kultúráját el kell sajátítani; abba is bele kell tanulni!" **Közvetítő funkció** "A változások felelős úttörői a kontrasztközösségek, amelyek nem létezhetnek a periférián" **Reflektálás funkció** "Az értékválasztás nemcsak individuális kérdés; társadalmi összefüggésekben meghatározó orientációs tényező" **Lehetőségek Ígéretét Megélni** "Felelősségünk, hogy a hatókörünkben minőségileg megújult civilizációs közeget teremtsünk, változtassunk a közös céljainkkal ellentétesnek bizonyuló gyakorlatokon" **Közvetítés** "A közjó szolgálatának eszközeit kell kutatni" **Közvetítés** "A fenntartható fejlődés és versenyképesség megvalósításához elengedhetetlen, hogy a fogyasztási szemlélet kizárólagossága helyett az értékorientált, a világ művelésének felelősségteljes feladatát tudatosan felvállaló cselekvés, a testi, lelki és szellemi egészséget egyaránt szolgáló gondolkodásmód váljon általánossá!" #### section about Protocols: Work protocol > conditions about the Performed Legal Framework's dedicated tasks: * §2021-08#3_media activity-organizer * provision of special economic incentives for commons-oriented tasks/contributions * focus on discussions * serve the participatory media through rewarded incentives * establishing trust relations * mapping business-economical-social ecosystems * §MT0#2_media activity-content map visualization * define roles * make priorites of tasks * find the way to collect the skills needed * adapt open standards for contributions * §2021-08#RL1-9_roles needed for action * open a way to enter a continuous improvement process * give a way for developing the Legal Framework which provides operating methods for collectivists with organisational autonomy; and for organisations to contribute also * appropriate control of creation * §2021-88a#VPT_definitions of community-driven workflow * plan the compensation of contributions * making solutions for issues * utilize advanced applications/methods from open source ecology * utilizing inputs from knowledge commons * manage the participatory media * manage individual contributors involved projects * §2021-87a#RD_focus of research and context of development * peer to peer empowered digital solutions * open design communities - find the opportunities * appropriate open design platform - make exchanges * circular economic business models - follow up * develop by advanced researches from open ecosystem * SVSZT1-6_skills and roles connected to Division |AM through individual works * publish the methodology of a community-driven technologically useful production plan * publish community-driven purposes which managed by the Division |AM * providing tutorials * give highlights about current tasks/work releases * FMS_use this index/tag for datas related to FairShares philosophy > folders of work releases: * **full task marker (FTM)** * exchange levels * E1L conceptional, highlighted * E2L conceptional, marketable * E3L commons & community centered (P2P, CBPP) * E4L digitalized cultural content PortfolioTematikaKulcsfeladatai * E5L related to creative industry SpectacularPortfolioContent * E6L asset1 as activity module served * E7L new generation of products * E8L asset2 as new generation of production * tag of integrity * (#) _ for institutional/contributor operation * (>) _ for public operation * (|) _ for closed/private operation * degree of discretization * c-o _ handle with contributors only * p-c _ operate with closed/private manner * oP _ open for discussion & solve * level of delegation * executor végrehajtó only deal with organized tasks csak a szervezett feladatot látja el * constitutor létesítő generate infrastructure for an action funkciót biztosít az adott tervhez/kínálathoz * contributor közreműködő partner with full law while the complete construction a kivitelezés egészében teljeskörű partner #### section about Protocols: Release protocol > understanding the Scale of utilized datas through a 6 - point interval (61-66): * **Options** as collection of relevant opportunities or validated methods ==61== * **Alternatives** as common list of priorities within the Division |AM ==62== * **ReadMe** as guide of strategies applied ==63== * **DocS** as structured records of strategies applied ==64== * **Overview** as summary of succeed flows ==65== * **Actualities** to generate activity flow for contribution ==66== > folders of tagged tasks: * short tags for task management * ==**FF**== _ high priority * ==**F**== _ solve as soon as possible * ==**O**== _ this is a definition, example, only information * ==**|-**== _ recorded task, it must use ONLY for task tagged with full task marker (FTM) * ==**|=**== _ it defines a work release or represent the priority or refer to a table of information; it must use ONLY for task tagged with full task marker (FTM) * ==**S=D**== _ it lists the [supply and demand] as a potential in order to delegate a workflow for it * ==**S<>D**== _ connect a demand to a supply, it is often an example of action/product/service/organization * ==**| ||**== _ this is for discuss the delegation level ## POLICY of Legal & Contact #### the LEGAL: > basis of trust: presenting our values, proposals and social mission in the widest stratum as we can * formal conception: worker-owned Assembly * it is for Individuals interested in wider context of social responsibility * it is useful for content creators, makers who * want to expand their perspectives in mind *and* * improve their ***art - portfolio***, or ***reputation - portfolio*** > circularity *otherwise*: redistribute the power we have * represent our practice protocol at work by enter to the open directories of our co-working kit * it is for Individuals interested in deeper context of socially and technologically useful production under general conditions * managed by our curated Labour > fields of impact: broadcasting our values, principles and management in the widest stratum as we can * represent our social values at practice through the commons oriented production method * it is for committed Individuals interested in full time participation at proactive civic engagement * it is for help the work of platform cooperatives by synchronizing local activities with tremendous amount of global sources > definition of digital governance * digital governance is the use of information and communication technologies to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of public institutions and services * it can also ***foster citizen participation, inclusion and empowerment in the decision-making process that affect their lives,*** * ***digital governance contribute to development outcomes,*** especially in low- and middle income countries * challenges and opportunities that policymakers practitioners researchers face in this field > insights of digital governance * this process is not only a technical fix, but a socio-political one that involves multiple actors, interests and values; * it must be holistic and systemic, accounting for the political, institutional, cultural and ethical dimensions of using ICTs (*information and communication technologies*) for development * digital governance should be ***context-specific and user-centered***, responding to the needs of different stakeholders * it should also be dynamic and iterative, adapting to changing realities and feedback * as such, it requires a flexible and agile management that allows for experimentation, learning and ***improvement of digital solutions*** > opportunities of digital governance * for development, it offers: * leveraging existing assets and networks * building on local contexts and demands, experimenting and learning from failures and * ***engaging in multi-stakeholder partnerships and coalitions*** > potential of digital governance * digital tools can reinforce or create new forms of * domination, manipulation or * conflict among different actors and interests or * generate unintended or negative consequences * digital innovations can challenge existing * norms, values, practices and * require new capacities, cultures and incentives to support them * digital platforms can enable citizens to access information, report problems, provide feedback and demand better services from their governments > a bottom-up perspective, indicators 1-level of openness 2-community engagement 3-background knowledge 4-target & stakeholder mapping 5-quality of communication 6-quality of product > notes about open data policy making * community engagement should be based on the idea that people have the same opportunities, it should be democratic and promote transparent processes and procedures * an important point is to have a balance between online conversation and offline engagement; * participants shared their local experiences and agreed that ***the step-in process is as important as the set-up process*** * understanding how to become part of a community has to be as clear as how to get more involved in its growth and what type of contribution is welcome #### the CONTACT BLOCKS: PUBLIC > **Presenting our values, proposals and social mission in the widest stratum as we can...** It is for Individuals interested in wider context of social responsibility. It is useful for Content creators, & makers who want to expand their perspectives in mind and in their portfolio also. COMMUNITY > **Represents our practice protocol at work by enter to open directories of our co-working kit** It is for Individuals interested in deeper context of socially and technologically useful production in general. Managed by our curated labour. CONTRIBUTORs >**Broadcasting our values, principles and management in the widest stratum as we can...** It is for committed Individuals interested in full time participation at proactive civic engagement. It is for help the work of platform cooperatives by synchronizing local activities with tremendous amount of global sources. ## POLICY of Strategic #### methods for serving digital empowerment to Individuals -**egyrészt**: a digitális átállás terminológiájának több aspektusból értelmezése és megoldás javaslatainak feltárása: helyi/térségi kontextusban a szociális és a gazdasági/technológiai fejlettségi szinthez alkalmazkodva; -**másrészt**: konverziós opciók által szervezett folyamatok közösségi rendelkezésben szolgáltatása, illetve fejlesztése > ***each method connect to the aspects of openness:*** >* aspect of openness in research & development >* enablers of openness >* infrastructures of openness >* practices of openness >* domains of openness * method of PUBLICATION * collect working topics and challenges (actualities need contribution or intervention) * broadcasting news, trends or means of production (these exceeds our mission statements, but represents them in practice) * method of CREATION * meaningful changes in practice and in the culture of work (from a worker collective in order to development of our closest community) * useful connections (make better relations within our physical environment) * community-driven services (create better solutions by global connections) * method of RESEARCH to generate authentic development * relevant working elements per each professions have its origin from decisive trends * find new methods to cooperate better * working topics will foster real processes in economy > a bottom-up perspective, resource & tools 1-actors interacting in the network 2-mapping 3-about circularity 4-wide reaching problems 5-take decisions collaboratively 6-inclusion & integration 7-facilitate collaboration & co-creation 8-business around open resources 9-open up your work 10-document & share your work 11-design for an open ecosystem > ***Creative Solutions - the terms followed:*** * open business * research & development by individuals * open design communities * join the culture of participatory * utilize open datas ## POLICY of Roles > intended to the first phase of construction * ***according to the main commitment: the Plan of Equal Growth-Strategy,*** we are focus on balances the utilization and consumption of sources in general: * through specific actions: * connecting with peer production networks * serving the 'activity modules of self-governing' as a genuine definition of the culture of participatory * managing many aspect of openness as we can to mark alternatives as real solutions * through make: * adapt open standards to build equitable maintained, self-organised community * reveal new opportunities of making digital works as a self-employed * through advocate: * individual contributors involved projects could reach wider acceptance * taking the practice protocol of fair shares and take the logics of circular economy in to the first place * through develop: * improvement of labour productivity * delegation of management * digital self-determination by aspects emerges * risk reduction in inventories and workflows * suitable quality insurance of material & immaterial labour both * advanced quality control of community-driven definitions in practice * ***according to the meanings of 'SCHEDULES'*** **performed by the Division |AM,** we are focus on: * interests of the public while utilize our Base Portfolio * make transition levels from virtual to real tools * manage our Activity Portfolio * validate our Spectacular Portfolio Content * create a real & legal entity * improve the construction SCHEDULE in order to share that digital empowerment ## POLICY of Contribution > ==guideline== * utilize this documentation to make **actionable form of specialization** and action according to *'Portfolio'* > ==fields of work== * service management * broadcasting sectors * secondary activities ## POLICY of Additional Items #### priorities of 'Portfolio' * identification > take a meaningful reaction by constructing a workflow which reflects on a well-defined societal and economical context * disambiguation > a holistic approach needs a framework: in order to make priorities of action and through connect to the real world; > a framework needs legal conditions to generate a constructive community, through utilize the best efforts; > community needs perspective of actions working effectively, through an institutional jurisdiction * a readable plan > digital social innovation presents the scale of priorities for operationalizing digital self-determination, which drives us a better living * need for delegate & share... > a community-driven socially and technologically useful production plan must define *as a start*: >* statements of values, >* segments of power, >* tools of action, >* infrastructure of possibilities, >* strategies of work & general management >* targets of service, >* tasks for contribution, >* examples of worthy #### additionals about framework * Instruments-1 * background of the co-work kit, *software and hardware also* * Instruments-A * the whole infrastructure which used for * Institutions * collect every aspects of Division | AM which means the organized structure of entrepreneurial activity ## POLICY of Special Parts of Organization > through Shared Modules: _a Cselekvőképes Civil Alapok Szervezete keretein belül_ * broadcast items to exert_ kommunikált feladatsorok bevezetése * schedules to select a working method_ ügyviteli spektrum elemei szerint konverziók generálása, források rendezése > through User Interface: _az Önerő Esélyeinek Növeléséért az önfoglalkoztatás eszközeivel_ * challenges within peer production environments * practices used for digital self-determination * give the legal entity for innndividuals to start entrepreneurship, it needs: * Functional entity * Formal entity . . --- ## STRATEGY for Relationship management #### elementary factors of successful engagement * understanding the landscape * market research * user demand * effective demand * recognising the need for engagement efforts * DSI initiatives should see which is fundamental to success (*the market research or user demand or effective demand* ) * creating an outstanding user experience * end-to-end experience: not just the usability of services * understand the roles * involve the peers * understand the impact they are having * define: what to communicate, how to communicate (*and where..*) ## STRATEGY for Advocacy group management #### elementary factors of building a network * desire to build networks * free innovators as a worker collective of DSI and open source * other ***groups working to address personal and very local challenges*** * the potential of network-building is not necessarily clear to these groups and the ambition to grow impact through collaboration is not clear * awareness and visibility * due to the low level at which much DSI is born and the lack of awareness and skills relating to communications: ***most initiatives have relatively low visibility among policy makers and in the media*** * a collective voice * given the diversity of the field, its youth, the lack of financial resources and the low level of much activity; ***there is no body or association representing and connecting DSI practitioners as many other industries and sectors have*** -*like commercial digital innovation and the creative industries have only begun to organise clusters, membership bodies and lobby groups in the past* * political and institutional support *no similar network exists for DSI at national or EU levels* ## STRATEGY for Skill-set management #### importance of network-minded construction * better co-ordination * create shared agendas for change * share measurement systems * collective intelligence * collaborative action & collective impact * more resilience * networks are more resilient than individual innovations * should an individual intervention cease, impact is better maintained in a networked system than if interventions are isolated ## STRATEGY for Integration & Facultation management #### steps of integration and implementation * peer to peer inventories * set the need of a commune * collect contributors * define the skills needed * utilize the work protocol * debut as Division |AM in the fields of DSI * improve and renew the fields of action #### rendelkezés központú értelmezés * foglalkozást javító szolgáltatás * érdekérvényesítő kínálat #### target/termék központú értelmezés * konvertálás szerkezete: tárgyai, módja, forrásai * konverzió közvetítésének formája: fejlesztett és testreszabható értékesítési csatornán keresztül ## STRATEGY for Community & Development as a classified relation a vállalkozás által adott/kínált állományt jelenti és a rendelkezési skála végpontjait köti össze a felelősségi- és feladatkörök állítása és kiszolgálása gyakorlatán keresztül: 1-képviselet 2-értékesítés 3-szervezés 4-kapcsolati háló megnyitása 5-hiteles források rendszerezése #### kapcsolati központú értelmezés * közérdekű aspektus * közösségi aspektus * közreműködő aspektus #### egyén és foglalkozás központú értelmezés * témakörök konverziói * feladattömbök konverziói * képviseleti és rendelkezési fejlesztések metódusai --- ## MAINWORK ### sections related: #### provisory of K.I.B. framework is responsible for aspects below: > ***to activate*** attention * scaling * adapted association and marketer formula * to allocate funds * conceptual activities > ***to activate*** functionality * method of value creation * main functions as an intermediary of open terms & aspects > ***to activate*** participation * scaling * exchange levels connected with the supply .1 adapt open standards for building equitable maintained, self-organised community .2 reveal new opportunities of CEBM [Design for Distributed and Circular Production's Framework] #### provisory of VPT framework is responsible for aspects below: > ***to criticize*** by the way: define challenges, paradoxons, issues * method of value creation * NoI: already used net of infrastructure * sustainability and relationships * exchange levels connected with the demands * main functions as an intermediary of open data; open business models... > ***to call contributors*** by the methodology of setting open solutions * about funding from zero * adapted association and marketer formula * roles, peoples, contributors, tasks: what about common .3 connected with peer production networks .4 serves activity modules of self-governing [**new generation of products**] .5 publication about self-governed communities [creators made solutions for innovative communities **on an open standard-level**] #### provisory of TrendKÖZ(y) framework is responsible for aspects below: > ***to organize*** a Schedule * sustainability and relationship management > ***to organize*** the Contributions * conceptual activities .6 individual contributors involved projects  .7 take the practice protocol: improved/developed labour productivity  --- ## foreword of BluePaper :: a real transition:: #### section about leverage transitions and tool transitions > transitions_ rendelkezések *mindennek kontextusát az adja, hogy a közösségi, a nyilvános szolgáltatások/intézmények funkciói többnyire olyan rögzített keretek között szolgálják a kulturális és/vagy a gazdasági nívó érdekeit, amire csak szűk társadalmi/szakmai réteg lehet formáló hatással* - cél a konstruktivitás jogát forum közbeiktatásával bevezetni a tervezési/döntéshozatali gyakorlatba a felelősségi-és feladatkörök megosztásával * virtual > real > physical * as platform cooperatives create a digital support that not only serves as a VIRTUAL MATCHMAKING SPACE that allows network interactions to take place in physical space stricto sensu, but also incorporates mechanisms such as ***reputation systems and third-party identity verification*** that make these interactions viable * ::T1 (leverage transition)_ rendelkezések építése/bővítése * kulturális gazdaságfejlesztési folyamatok.. * az együttműködő közszolgáltatások modelljében * a gazdasági és társadalmi változásokat indukáló kulturális szabályozások rendszerében * a jóléti szolgáltatásokkal a szociális érdekek halmazát képviselő rendszerben * a közösségi rendelkezésbe állított digitális tartalmak hasznosítása által * konstruktív attitűd mellett a szakmai/fenntartói hatáskörben álló nyilvános, közszolgáltatások képviseleti szerkezete a továbbiak szerint bővül: * azok is kapjanak döntéshozatali képviseleti jogot, akik releváns javaslatot tesznek az előzetes meghallgatásokon * kiemelt cél a helyben rendelkezésre álló szellemi kapacitás delegálása * ::T2 (tool transition)_ ráhatás nívójának emelése * az érdekek egységesítését közelítő hétköznapi gyakorlatokon keresztül * az önrendelkezés fokozatainak fejlesztése gazdasági és társadalmi minőségben * a virtuális eszköztárak lehetőségeit meghaladni a valóságos és fizikai rendelkezések/befolyás/hatalom közösségek által delegálhatóvá tételével * szakmai és szakpolitikai direktívák összesítése és publikálása, mint forrás: ***'full featured distribution'*** * commons balance an analythical tool in order to: * help characterize the platforms * differentiate models by visualizing the commons qualities of platform collaborative economy initiatives * provide insights of the sustainability implications of their design and performance from several perspectives * to frame new unconventional forms of production: * concepts such as P2P networks * cloud culture * produsage culture * free culture * open culture * open content communities * wikinomics * online creation communities * open source production > summary of strategies_ stratégia összesítés * the commons balance considers the dimensions of governance, about: * economical strategy * technological base * knowledge policies * social responsibility * **forum related**:: cooperative strategy_ kooperációs stratégia * **co-working kit related**:: digital self-determination strategy_ önrendelkezés stratégiája * **platform related**:: repositories for cooperatives_ konverziós és termék stratégia